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  • In the Pennhurst Asylum episode, Ryan actually manages to have a conversation through the spirit box. Regardless of whether or not you believe in it, him possibly making contact after three seasons of desperately trying is a major step up for him.
  • The fact that Ryan finally slept in a demonic location during the Bellaire house episode.
  • In the Ohio State Penitentiary episode, Ryan manages to goad Shane, who had spent the season so far attempting to respect the ghosts, into reverting to his old mannerisms, and the results are glorious.
    Ryan: He’s back!
  • Love or hate the Hot Daga, the post mortem finales have fully fledged songs that Shane clearly works hard on, and he can actually sing.
  • Maizie's Establishing Character Moment. At her (casually lesbian) wedding, she's a silently grinning corn with green hair who gets revealed to be a hologram trap for Gene and company. And then she speaks, telling Pam the Hot Dog Witch to save it for one minute so she can get married to her love Gebra.
  • Shane always goes for Let's Mock the Monsters as he doesn't believe, but he's dripping with scorn in "The Demon Priest Of Mission Solano", as the priest was a terrible person who enslaved indigenous people and forcibly converted them.
  • Shane absolutely ripping the titular demon in "The Demonic Goatman's Bridge" and actively challenging the Goatman to kill him, to no result.
    Shane: Goatman! I'm dancing on your bridge! It's my bridge now! You hear that? You want me off this bridge you're gonna have to kill me. You're going to have to throw me off this bridge yourself! Look at the way I dance on it. I disrespect your bridge, Goatman. [...] They're gonna put my name in graffiti. Children will come here and tell tales of me!
    • He even convinces Ryan to go along with it, despite Ryan being completely terrified of demons.
  • In general, Shane's total lack of respect for all the ghosts and demons the duo face up against. It works twofold: If you don't believe in the supernatural, then Shane is a badass for not buying into the ghost stories and showing the appropriate amount of respect. If you believe in the supernatural, then he's a badass for not flinching in the face of the literal legions of Hell and the undead.
  • In the True Crime episode on Marilyn and Sam Sheppard, they both get sick pretty fast of F Lee Bailey, who decided on not much evidence that Marilyn's murder could only be committed by another woman.
  • During "The Gettysburg Ghosts of Farnsworth House Inn", Ryan is so spiteful of the confederates who died there that he decides to dress as a Union soldier during the investigation on the chance that it would piss off their ghosts. He's come a long way since season one.
  • In the first season, the Sallie House scared Ryan so much he refused to sleep there overnight and swore he'd never return. In the last episode, he not only goes back, but has one thing to say to the demon he's convinced resides in that house: "Buckle the fuck up." He then spends the whole episode teasing and mocking the demon almost to Shane's levels. Shane himself is duly impressed.
