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    "To Make Much of Time" 
  • The Doctor managing to make an extra trip back to the Krop Tor base to rescue the Ood after he gets Ida into the TARDIS.

    "Time is Still A-Flying" 
  • In "The Runaway Bride," Rose frees herself and Donna from the Racnoss's web, in an impressive show of gymnastics.
  • In "The Lazarus Experiment," Rose is able to successfully alleviate Francine's suspicions about the Doctor to the point that the Master's aides' efforts to manipulate Francine are unsuccessful. Namely, it's by convincing Francine that she and the Doctor are investigators with UNIT, a cover story that, thanks to the Doctor actually still being considered a member of UNIT, actually works. So Francine only thinks the Doctor and Rose are just people who do a dangerous job for a living and her concern with regards to Martha is solely about her being distracted from her medical studies.
    • A consequence of this is that Francine is less willing to cooperate with the Master. Even when the Master forces her cooperation by kidnapping Tish, she still manages to show a little defiance here and there, such as voting for the Master's political opposition.
    [Francine pressed the phone to her mouth and stared at the wall. She knew her daughter, and Martha had no intention of coming round for tea the next day. Part of her hoped she wouldn’t, because whatever Harold Saxon wanted the Doctor for, he clearly wasn’t averse to hurting the people close to him to make it happen. On the other hand… She closed her eyes and the image of Tish in a prison cell flashed across her retinas. She hadn’t believed Agent Dexter until the cold woman had shown her the video feed from the cell, and now she would never forget it]
    Miss Dexter: Well, Mrs. Jones?
    Francine Jones: [takes a deep breath] I’m sure you were listening. She’ll be here for tea tomorrow. [Dexter stood up from the dining table and held out a plastic bag, and Francine dropped the phone into it]
    Miss Dexter: It didn’t sound like she wanted to bring the Doctor, though. [she sealed the bag] Do you think that will be a problem?
    Francine Jones: If the Doctor and his wife aren’t with her when she arrives, I’ll find a way to ask about their whereabouts. [She hated the thought of betraying Martha’s friends, but if the choice was between this Doctor and her eldest daughter, what else could she do?] Is that all?
    Miss Dexter: For now. [The knot in Francine’s gut tightened at the implicit threat] Don’t forget to vote tomorrow.
    Francine Jones: [smiling tightly] I won't. Though you might not be happy with who I’m voting for.
    [It was an empty gesture and they both knew it. Harold Saxon had had the election locked up from the beginning. But if giving her vote to the other party was the only way Francine had to voice her anger, she would take it. A smirk crossed Dexter’s face.]
    Miss Dexter: Thanks for all you’re doing, Mrs. Jones. Mr. Saxon will be very grateful. [Somehow, Francine managed to bite back the suggestions of what Harold Saxon could do with his gratitude and force a closed-mouth smile onto her face]
    Francine Jones: “Just make sure my daughter is taken care of.
    Miss Dexter: Of course, Mrs. Jones. As long as you and your family continue to cooperate, no harm will come to Letitia.

    • And despite being a captive, Tish shows some of the same spunk and determination that Martha has when the Master visits her after winning the election, mustering enough nerve to sass the Master.
    Tish Jones: I hope you don’t expect me to call you Prime Minister now.
    The Master: [chuckles] I have no need of that title, though it will serve my plans nicely. Soon, humans will be calling me by my true name.
    Tish Jones: Oh, and what’s that?
    The Master: They call me the Master.
    Tish Jones: [snorts] I don’t know where you come from, Saxon, but you’re pretty full of yourself if you think people are going to call you the Master. [All of the Master’s lighthearted humour evaporated. He grabbed the bars and leaned against her cell]
    The Master: Oh, you will learn—you will all learn exactly why that’s my name. [But Tish didn’t cower away from him like he expected. Instead, she stared up at him, challenge sparking in her dark eyes]
    Tish Jones: They’re going to stop you.
    The Master: Oh? Who exactly would they be? [As quickly as it had disappeared, his amusement returned]
    Tish Jones: Martha, Rose, and the Doctor. They’ll find out what’s going on here, and they’ll come back and take care of you.
    The Master: [chuckling] Oh, Letitia Jones, if only you knew. The Doctor already knows that I’m here. Unless I miss my guess, he and his merry band of followers —including your sister—will be here tomorrow.
    Tish Jones: Good. Then things can go back to normal.

  • At the end of "The Family of Blood," Son of Mine kidnaps Rose and tries to use her to force John to open his fob watch and restore his Time Lord consciousness. Martha and Tim help the Doctor re-open his watch remotely, and then the Doctor uses his Obfuscating Stupidity to get into the Family of Blood's ship, rescue Rose, and rig it to explode. Once they're out of the ship, he lets the family see the full force of his anger as he imposes his judgments on all four of them:
    The Doctor: There’s one other thing you shouldn’t have done: you should not have threatened Rose. Because now, while I’m considering what to do with you, I’m remembering my wife lying unconscious on the floor of your ship. [The Doctor sucked in a breath when the bond flared back to full strength. Rose was fully herself again] Even worse for you, it was Rose who urged me to hide instead of confronting you right away, two months ago. So you abused the generosity of the one person who might have asked me to show you mercy. And I find that doesn’t make me feel very merciful at all.
    [The Family remained on their bellies in the dirt, and the Doctor leaned over them]
    The Doctor: Tell me, Son of Mine, why did you hunt for us in the first place? [Fear finally shone in Baines’ eyes]
    Son of Mine!!Jeremy Baines: To take possession of your Time Lord consciousnesses. To live forever without having to find a new body every three months.
    The Doctor: Yes, to live forever. [The Doctor straightened up. Rose was no longer telling him to show mercy, but perhaps granting their wish would be a worse punishment than death. Poetic justice] Well, as it happens, I am feeling merciful, after all. I think you should get exactly what you wanted: eternal life. Get up. [The Family stumbled to their feet, cowering in fear]
    He drove them towards the TARDIS and shoved them inside. The punishments he devised for them were simple and elegant. Father of Mine was wrapped in unbreakable chains that had been forged in the heart of a dwarf star, and Mother of Mine was ejected from the TARDIS into the event horizon of a collapsing galaxy. Daughter of Mine was trapped in mirrors—in every mirror—always able to see out, but never able to get out.
    And Son of Mine, the one who had taken Rose? The Doctor stared at this last member of the Family, after he had wrought justice on the other three. Jeremy Baines’ face stared back at him, but the eyes no longer held the arrogance of the young man who’d had life handed to him on a silver platter, or the vicious cruelty of Son of Mine. All the Doctor saw was fear.
    The Doctor: Something special for you. You were so eager to destroy, so I think you will spend the rest of time protecting.
    It was simple work, really, to suspend him in time. The Doctor landed the TARDIS in the field he and Rose had walked through just that afternoon and dragged Son of Mine to the scarecrow. With the body unable to move, the Doctor could dress him in the scarecrow’s trappings, then tie him to the bars. He stared at Baines’ face one more time, the anger burning hot. Then he pulled the burlap bag over his head, and walked away.
  • When Martha is told upon her arrival in the United States about the Master having "killed" Rose, she refuses to let the news break her spirits, and her determination hardens to end the Master's reign.
    Martha Jones: [noticing the distressed look on her contact's face] What is it? What’s happened?
    Martha's contact: We didn’t think you’d heard.
    [Martha noticed with a sinking stomach that the woman hadn’t actually answered her question]
    Martha Jones: Not a lot of news reaches you in the hold of a container ship. Now come on, tell me.
    Martha's contact: [swallows hard] Our operatives on the Valiant… they say Rose Tyler is dead.
    Martha Jones: No! [Martha doubled over, her arms wrapped around her stomach. Not Rose, too. She’d already lost so many friends, but Rose was her best friend, the one who had introduced her to travelling through time and space and made it seem normal. And if she was devastated to lose Rose, she couldn’t even imagine how the Doctor felt. Oh God, their bond. The bile rose in her throat when she realised how much losing his wife would affect the Doctor physically, and she pressed her hand to her mouth to keep the contents of her stomach down. A moment later, a hard smile crept across her face]
    Martha's contact: Ma’am?
    Martha Jones: For once, the Master has overplayed his hand. I travelled with the Doctor and Rose for eight months before the Master took over. Lovely couple, the kind of people you just really want to know and be friends with. But if either of them were ever in danger… well, let’s just say they did a good job protecting each other.
    Martha's contact: [rubs at her chin] I see.
    Martha Jones: What I’m saying is, killing Rose Tyler has only guaranteed the Doctor will do everything in his power to end the Master’s reign. The Master might have had a chance before, but not anymore.
  • Rose spends her time in captivity on the Valiant toying with the Master, in an effort to frustrate him and piss him off, such as inviting him to invade her mind knowing that her connection to the Doctor will prevent him from getting too far.
  • Lucy Saxon decides to take a message from Rose to the Doctor to let him know she's still alive. One has to give Lucy a lot of credit for being willing to risk incurring the Master's wrath to slip the truth to the Doctor.
  • As the Master prepares to launch his rockets, he commands for Martha and Rose to kneel before him. Martha does so willingly, while Rose stands her ground and refuses to bow down to the Master.
    The Master: Feisty to the last, Miss Tyler.
    Rose Tyler: Never take your eyes off a snake, Harry.
    • The Doctor forces himself to push through an entire year aboard the Valiant while the Master tries to break him, up to "killing" Rose just to see the Doctor's despair. Once the people of the world begin chanting the Doctor's name, and the Doctor's shackles and the Master's control over Archangel are broken, he takes the opportunity to give the Master the well-deserved "The Reason You Suck" Speech he's waited a full year to give:
    The Master: You can’t do this. You can’t do it. It’s not fair!
    The Doctor: "Fair?!” When have you ever cared about fairness? Specifically, what in the last two and a half years did you do because it was fair? [The energy around him carried him towards the Master, dropping him down gently on the other side of the flight deck, where the Master cowered against the bulkhead] Was it fair to delete the flight plan from the rocket bound to Utopia and then use those poor people’s broken minds for your own twisted purpose? Or to brainwash the people of Great Britain into voting for you for Prime Minister, only to enslave them, along with the rest of humanity? [The Doctor’s voice was getting louder with every word. Rose stepped around Martha to stand beside him and put a hand on his shoulder, hoping to calm him. It was hard, without the bond, but finally, she felt him take a deep breath. His calm was an illusion, though. A moment later, he crouched down and spat the next sentence out in the Master’s face] Was it fair to make me think you’d killed my wife, to make us both suffer the pain of a broken marriage bond?
    • The Master attempts to slip out his Vortex manipulator to teleport to Earth, only for Rose to kick it out of his hands.
    Rose Tyler: Leaving so soon, Harry? But you were the one who invited us here!
    The Doctor: I’m afraid, Master, that you’ve fallen victim to one of the classic blunders. Never underestimate Rose Tyler.
    • In spite of this, the Master tries to make a break for it again after the Paradox Machine is destroyed. This time, Rose catches up to him, punches him out, and gets the satisfaction of cuffing him.
    Rose Tyler: Come on, Harry, how many times are we going to do this bit where you try to run away and I stop you?
    • The Master, realizing he's lost, tries to goad the Doctor into killing him, but once more, the Doctor uses this moment to shut him down:
    The Master: You still haven’t answered the question. What happens to me?
    The Doctor: I’m sure UNIT has a nice cell someplace where they can keep you, until your regenerations run out. Their headquarters are located in the Tower of London, after all.
    The Master: You’re just going to… lock me up?
    The Doctor: What did you expect, Master? An open hand and a welcome onto my ship, when you killed my wife?! [exhales] I won’t let you die when you’re the only other Gallifreyan in existence, but that doesn’t mean I have to let you be part of our life.
    The Master: That’s the only thing keeping you from doing it, isn’t it, Doctor? [He tipped his head back insolently] You would kill me yourself for what I did to your precious Rose, if it wasn’t for the fact of my genetic code.
    Rose Tyler: Oi! All you did was give me a fancy bit of jewellery. Quit trying to rile the Doctor up.
    The Master’s gaze flickered over to Rose, and the Doctor bit back a laugh at the consternation in his eyes. He still didn’t speak, though, and the Master’s taunt lingered in the air between them, despite Rose’s attempt to dispel the tension. Would he kill the Master, if it wouldn’t leave him once again the last of the Time Lords from Gallifrey? All the bitterness he’d kept locked down for the last year swirled through him, and there was a large part of him that wanted to kill the Master anyway. Rose took his hand, and he jumped a little—it had been a long time since she’d been able to sneak up on him like that. But her hand in his gave him strength, just like it always did. He shook his head.
    The Doctor: That’s not the way I do things.

    "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" 
  • Rose standing up for Astrid when Rickston Slade is berating her.

    "Taking Time" 

     "Forever and Never Apart" 
  • In "The Sontaran Stratagem" / "The Poison Sky," Rose is able to quickly mediate and smooth over any potential hostilities between the Doctor and Colonel Mace. Thus, instead of the massacre of defenseless UNIT soldiers (including Ross Jenkins) that we see in the show because of Mace ignoring the Doctor's warnings, the Doctor proves an effective military strategist in and of himself. They withdraw the UNIT forces from the factory, and set landmines around the perimeter. The Sontarans are able to use their teleportation unit to get into the factory from the inside, but they are unable to exit the building without setting off the mines. This stalls the Sontarans long enough for the UNIT forces to get the necessary weapons that bypass the Sontarans' means of cheating without major losses of life. Once that's all handled, and the Doctor and Rose have rescued Martha, the Doctor shows one more trick up his sleeve. Rather than rig the atmospheric converter to work on a trigger, he sets it on a timer, allowing him to set it off to blow up the Sontaran command's ship without Luke Rattigan having to teleport-swap with the Doctor to detonate the converter.
  • In "The Doctor's Daughter," Rose gets to call out General Cobb's blatant sexism when Cobb has her, the Doctor, Donna and Jenny locked up to keep them from interfering:
    General Cobb: [to Cline] Take them. I won’t have them spreading treason. And if you try anything, Doctor, I’ll see that your woman dies first.
    Rose Tyler: Every bloody time. You know, you military lot are all so sexist, I can’t stand it. How do you know I’m not the important one? Maybe you should be threatening to kill him if I don’t cooperate.
  • Rose has been married to the Doctor long enough that she knows how to properly stand up for him when people get on his case with how he's doing things. In "The Unicorn and the Wasp," she first does it when Agatha Christie is having her Heroic BSoD and the suspects begin rallying on the Doctor:
    Rose Tyler: All right, that’s enough! I understand that you all want answers. You’re scared, of course—this whole day has played out like a Three Act Tragedy, and we’ve only seen the first two acts. But standing around demanding answers of the Doctor only keeps him from doing the actual work of solving the case. If you’ll all just please, go back to what you were doing before, I promise you we will give you any information we uncover.
    • She also calls out Lady Eddison's unintentional insensitivity at dinner:
    The Doctor: A terrible day for all of us. The Professor struck down, Miss Chandrakala taken cruelly from us, and yet we still take dinner.
    Lady Eddison: We are British, Doctor. What else must we do?
    Rose Tyler: Easy for you to say, your ladyship. No one tried to poison your husband this afternoon.
  • Bad Wolf!Rose confronting the Vashta Nerada in "Forest of the Dead".
    Rose Tyler: You’ve come far enough.
    [The Doctor turned back around and narrowed his eyes when he realised the swarm had one arm lifted and had slowly been extending itself toward him. Power buzzed as the edge of Rose’s awareness as she stared down the swarm, but it stayed leashed for now. The TARDIS hummed in the back of her mind, and she smiled, knowing the ship was there if she needed any help. Rather than stop, the swarm shifted direction slightly, moving toward her instead. Rose smirked and shook her head as she watched its progress]
    Vashta Nerada: You are mortal, as is he. [The shadows moved another six inches closer to both her and the Doctor] There is nothing you could do to stop us. [The TARDIS sang in the back of Rose’s mind, and she knew exactly what to say to get the Vashta Nerada to leave them alone. A surge of confidence shot through her as she tossed her hair back over her shoulder and stared down the swarm]
    Rose Tyler: I’m the Bad Wolf. Do you really want to test what I can do to protect the Doctor?
    [The song in her mind swelled, and to her surprise, the wind picked up around them. A moment later, the familiar grinding noise of the TARDIS engines echoed in the room. She heard the Doctor’s sharp intake of breath when he realised what was happening, but she didn’t dare look away from the Vashta Nerada. The shadows paused when the TARDIS materialised only a metre to Rose’s right. The air in the room was tense as Rose, the Doctor, and Melody waited for the Vashta Nerada to consider their chances in light of that show of power. Finally, the shadows receded]
    Vasha Nerada: You have one day. [They disappeared and let the suit collapse]
    The Doctor: You… How did… [He ran his hand through his hair and chuckled hoarsely]
    Rose Tyler: I can’t take credit for the TARDIS. She did that all on her own. As for the rest…” [She stepped closer to him and pressed her hand to his jaw] I want you safe, my Doctor.
    The Doctor: "Rose Tyler, Bad Wolf and protector of the Doctor.”
  • Over the course of the story, Donna not only gains her newfound self-confidence, she also manages to keep it instead of having it all erased from her.
  • Mickey takes Rose's place as the one dimension hopping between parallel worlds. After the Earth is stolen, he uses his big gun to confront some thieves looting an electronics store, then as he makes his way through Chiswick, he encounters and kills a Dalek that Wilf and Sylvia are trying to subdue with a paint gun.
  • Jackie and Pete get a moment as they're making their way through Chiswick, when they kill two Daleks who corner and are about to exterminate Sarah Jane.
    Sarah Jane Smith: You’re… I know you.
    [The woman nodded once, and the fire in her eyes was familiar enough for Sarah Jane to make the connection. But before she could say anything, Jackie introduced herself]
    Jackie Tyler: Jackie Tyler, Rose’s mum. This is my husband Pete. [She stepped forward and put her hands on her hips] Now where the hell is my daughter?
  • In "Journey's End," we see how much healthier the Doctor is emotionally when Davros is taunting him. He's not silent and guilty, he's proud that his friends are standing up for their planet and the rest of reality. He likes to say Rose made him better, but now he can see that he also makes others better.
    Davros: The man who abhors violence, never carrying a gun. But this is the truth, Doctor. You take ordinary people and you fashion them into weapons. Behold your Children of Time transformed into murderers. I made the Daleks, Doctor. You made this. [The Doctor watched some of the fire go out of Martha, Jack, and Sarah Jane, and he shook his head quickly]
    The Doctor: Not murderers, Davros. Defenders. Defenders of the Earth. [He nodded at Dalek Caan] Caan was right. This shows you who I am. Not one of my friends was willing to just sit at home when you tried to take over the Earth. They didn’t give up or let things happen. They’re making a stand. [He looked at all of his friends, now standing straight] Would I have done things differently? [shrugs] Possibly. But I’m proud of all of them.
    [Davros paused for a moment, and the Doctor knew his response hadn’t been what was expected. And not too long ago, he would have been lost to guilt]
    Davros: Would you still be proud of them if they gave their lives for you? Your wife is not the only one who has sacrificed herself today, for their beloved Doctor. The Earth woman who fell opening the Subwave Network.
    The Doctor: Who was that?
    Mickey Smith: Harriet Jones. [The Doctor sucked in a breath. He’d barely thought about Harriet Jones of Flydale North since he’d had her removed from office almost four years ago] She gave her life to get you here.
    Davros: How many more? Just think. How many have died in your name?
    [The Doctor looked at his friends, and he could see the truth in their eyes. They loved him, and they were here because of him, but not for him. They were here for the Earth, for their families, for all the people who didn’t have anyone to defend them. And there were so many people who had made the same choice in his travels, the choice to put themselves in the path of danger to save a life or a planet. Their loss hurt, as it always did, but he couldn’t remember them without also remembering the people they’d saved. He wouldn’t cheapen their sacrifices by letting the guilt overwhelm him]
    • Bad Wolf!Rose comes up with the ingenious tactic of defeating the Daleks by trapping them in a black hole, removing them from reality without killing them.

     "Hope is Where Forever Begins" 

     "Forever Timeless" 
