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Analysis / Xenoblade Chronicles 3

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    Ouroboros and Moebius 


  • Often depicted as a serpent consuming its own tail, Ouroboros (the Greek word for "tail-devourer") is an ancient symbol that represents the eternal cycle of life, death and rebirth. Ouroboros can be seen as a reflection of the lives of soldiers in Aionios.
    • It is only when the party "becomes" Ouroboros that they eventually get to learn that this cycle even exists.
  • Ouroboros is seen as a symbol of fertility is some cultures. Due to becoming Ouroboros, the party eventually gets to learn about the true nature of human life and reproduction.
  • The architecture of Origin is analogous of an Ouroboros symbol (sans the head), being made up of several giant revolving loop constructs with ribbed metallic bodies like a reptile.
  • Gnosticism's adoption of the symbol brings links to Judeo-Christian doctrines, typical of a game in the Xeno series.
  • The entire world as the characters experience it is a gigantic ouroboros. They start in Aeita, then head counter-clockwise around the world, until reaching Aeita again - the head and tail of their travels both being in the same place. It isn't until they can break out and go into the center that they are finally free of the cycle.


  • A Möbius strip, Möbius band or Möbius loop is an abstract mathematical object which is defined as a Euclidean object with one continuous uninterrupted side that loops around on itself (this is a grossly abridged definition due to the vast technical complexity it takes to understand the properties of the shape). The strip can be twisted an infinite number of times while still maintaining its form. In iconography, they are sometimes depicted as an infinity symbol, similar to the symbol of Moebius and the Consuls. Within the context of the game, the simplified definition of "infinity" makes more sense as the definition of what Moebius is - a force within all beings that yearns for an infinitely repeating, uninterrupted "endless now". It makes perfect sense that the world they control is called "Aionios" - "eternal".
  • The localised game's unique spelling of the word with an "e" after the "o" is probably just a unique alternate spelling of the word since "oe" and "ö" have the same pronunciation.

    Tattoo Location 

The tattoos that indicate how close someone is to their homecoming are found on a myriad of body parts. While they appear random, there might be some symbolism going on.


  • The most visible location is on the chin, as seen on Lanz. It invokes the appearance of a beard, which fits Lanz's Big Brother Mentor personality.
  • Segiri has one on her forehead, but it is hidden by her hair.


  • Mio, Miyabi and Cammuravi have their mark on the side of their neck. Since vital arteries are located in a similar area, it could symbolise their apparent vulnerability.
  • Fiona has hers on the back of her neck, which would be difficult to see on her own. She would have to be dependent on a friend or ally to tell her what term she's on.


  • Isurd has his mark at the centre of his chest, just blow his collarbones. Since this is where a Blade's core crystal is, and he has distinctive Blade features, this could show similar symbolism to the heart. Isurd is a compassionate commander and mentor, which is reflected by the placement of his Mark.
  • Eunie and Ethel have theirs at the top of the bust. While the mark would draw attention to that area for Fanservice, they are also straightforward characters. Notably, Ethel has hers on the same side as her heart.


  • Sena's mark is on her upper arm, which she shows off when she flexes her bicep. This is in line with her desire to get physically stronger.
  • Joran's mark is where his upper arm meets his shoulder. While this would be the part of the body exerted when he uses his staff, it could also symbolise his desire to be strong enough to defend himself.
  • Nimue's mark is on her inner forearm, close to the crook of her left elbow. It's only visible on her reborn self.
  • Glimmer's mark is just below her right shoulder.


  • Noah's mark is on the back of his right hand. This mark would be the most visible when he plays the flute or is about to draw his sword.
  • Crys's mark is on the back of his left hand, which is shown most prominently when he plays the flute. Mwamba has his mark on the same place.
  • Taion's mark is on the palm of his left hand, which is easily accessible to himself and easy to hide from others. His official art is the only one from Ouroboros that doesn't show his mark. His mark is most visible when he uses his Iris.


  • Juniper's mark is on their inner thigh, which they have to go out of their way to show off. It also shows their skill with using grind rails, as they would have to use their thigh muscles to ride it.
