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Analysis / Ancient Astronauts

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Needless to say, the reason this proposal isn't taken seriously by a majority of scientists, even the many quite open to the idea of alien life existing; is the lack of any evidence. (For additional analysis of this and other reasons why this is implausible, see our page on Occam's Razor.) Because of this it is very firmly in the realm of psuedoscience with people pushing it either ignorant of reality or seeking monetary or fame through it. All of the commonly cited claims are contradicted by multiple findings in multiple fields of study.

  • Claim: "Ancient people didn't have the knowledge or technology to create works such as the Egyptian Pyramids." Explanation why this isn't true 
  • Claim: "Ancient technologies too advanced for their time have been found." Explanation why this isn't true 
  • Claim: "Writings talk about 'gods' coming down from the sky that could be ancient explorers or engineers." Explanation why this isn't true 
  • Claim: "This ancient drawing shows something that can only be astronauts, a spaceship or both."Explanation why this isn't true 
