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TheHandle2013-04-01 01:05:34

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Brother on Sister Action

And by that I mean domestic violence. Yes, it is possible to guess that the mark on her wrist is a command spell, but damn, the whole way they're shuffling their feet around this story...

I certainly can't understand how Matou Shinji has a good repute with the girls! The more I find out about the guy, the more I'm starting to think of him as a Hate Sink...

The whole Sempai/Kohai system has reeked of abuse since the start of the story, but quitting the club because of a matter of "indecency"?

Mitsuzuri certainly can make silly uniforms look damn sexy...

"Were you thinking badly of me right now?" "I was thinking objectively about the truth, but it's up to you how to feel about it." That was a beautiful line, Nasu-sensei.

The young priest wants to quit the family business and join the circus. That's memorable.

Mood Whiplash time! Truly, at this point, this game is directly competing with Persona 4 as the cheeriest murder story ever!

Pr. Kuzuki. Every time he enters the screen, I can picture a huge Unsound Effect: *SULK*

I am miffed that "seigi no mikata", "champion of justice" is translated as "superhero". The way it's used in the story, "saviour" might be more appropriate.

"A girl I secretly admire"? Shirou-kun, haven't you heard? Admiration is the feeling that is furthest from understanding.

Shirou. You're really allowing yourself to be abused here. Dude, where's your self-respect? I mean, your first instinct after surviving having become a murder scene, is to mop up the blood? Out, Damned Spot!

Although Lancer has self-respect problems too: It's a thankless job, but somebody's got to do it, huh?.

Hm. That's an interesting deconstruction of Punched Across the Room!

  • It's impossible.
  • It hurts like heck.

I really loved the "weak-kneed dodging". All in all, this was a very well-written fight. I could stand to learn from it.

Ah, yet another instance of Thinking Is A Free Action... and then Saber shows up?! What, no circle, no incantation, nothing?!

As for the "reversal of causality"... you can't do that in Real Life. Writing the conclusion as a premise is only a tool of polemic argumentation, not a superpower! And why does an ignorant knight from the Dung Ages even know the word "causality?" Nasu, that's an interesting technique he came up with, but his characters are way too insightful. there's no way they could have deduced all that from so little evidence!

Shirou... your sexism... is unbelievable... I can't believe Rin owes her life to that. Then again, if she hadn't saved your sorry ass, she wouldn't be in danger in the first place!

Ah, I think Mr. Bean ruined the word magic for me forever...

Anyway, Shirou and Tohsaka manage to convince Saber not to start off the story as a murderess, which is nice. And I think I'll be stopping here for today. Too many thrills, ladies and gentlemen. See you next time!

P.S. Dang it, why aren't Visual Novels more popular? Heck, why don't more books get adapted into VN's? It seems like a much better compromise than film, at least until the visual universe gets properly established.


FurikoMaru Since: Dec, 1969
Apr 14th 2013 at 4:45:43 AM
Ignorant knight? Was it Lancer who said it?

'Cause, uh... the guy he's supposed to be is noted to be fuckin' brilliant in his myth, in that Crazy Awesome kinda way. And his people kinda specialize in conceptual magic. I don't wanna spoil ya, but if it's he who used the word causality, that's nothing out of the ordinary.

worries about spoiling people
has never played/read/watched the Fate series