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MusikMaestro2013-01-15 13:53:40

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Chapter 2: Of Potions, BATMAN and Battles.

Oak: Oh yes! Now I remember! His name was BATMAN!

There was an awkward silence for a minute, before Oak interrupted it with a small cough.

Oak: Anyway, you've overslept. Get going, or you'll be late!

Scarlet awoke. She looked at the NES game pad in her hands and sighed. Sometimes she played her videotapes just a tad too late. She got up, and, still half asleep, stumbled over to her PC, and turned it on, hoping to get lost in a fantasy world of dragons and elves. However, when she opened the disc drive, she found her mom had shoved a potion in there, with a post it note attached.

Note: Happy birthday Scarlet! I got you a new "computer game"! Enjoy!

Ignoring the fact that her mom had probably broken her PC beyond repair, Scarlet remembered it was her birthday, and she was late for her appointment with Professor Oak. She slung her bag over her shoulder, and ran downstairs, avoiding her moms gaze in case she told her about one of her daily rants.

She walked over to the Oaks lab, saying hi to the few people out on the streets. It was odd. None of these people lived in her or Greens house. She slipped into Oaks lab, but only found Green inside.

Green: You're looking for Gramps? He's off doing field work. Senile old coot probably completely forgot about this little meeting.

Getting no help from Green, she walked to the north of town, looking out into the grass around the town border, looking for Oak, when the Professor snuck up on her, and grabbed her hand, dragging her towards the lab.

Oak: What were you doing up there? There are dangerous monsters! They'll eat your face! Did you forget about our meeting? I went to the can for three seconds, and when I get back, BATMAN tells me you never bothered showing up!

The two arrived at the lab, and walked in. Oak led her up to Green, while she wondered who BATMAN was.

Oak: BATMAN! What are you doing in my lab? Shouldn't you be in school?

Green: Gramps, I told you. My name is Green. Greeeen.

Oak: Don't be silly! No grandson of mine will have such a ridiculous name as "Green". Now then Scarlet, BATMAN, on my desk are three pokeballs. Inside them are pokemon. Scarlet pick one!

Green BATMAN ran on the spot, and protested.

Green BATMAN: Gramps! What about me!

Oak: BATMAN? Why are you in my lab? You little scamp!

He chuckled.

Oak: Ok, I'll give you a pokemon too.

BATMAN face palmed, shaking his head in disbelief.

Scarlet and BATMAN walked towards the table, each reaching out for a pokemon. Scarlet picked Squirtle, and decided to nickname him Blasty. BATMAN, on the other hand, picked Bulbasaur.

Oak seemed to have fallen asleep while they had chooses their pokemon, so Scarlet tried to sneak out. However, she didn't get far before:

BATMAN: Hey! Scarlet! Lets battle right here, right now! I'm gonna win though, so be warned!

Rival Battle! Scarlet V.S BATMAN!

Blasty used tackle. Bulbasaur used tackle. Rince and repeat.

5 minutes later

Scarlet won the battle!

BATMAN: Whaaaaaaaaat? This is unfeasable!!!!!!!!!!

Leaving BATMAN to get over his Heroic BSoD, Scarlet left the lab, once again heading north, ready to leave this crappy little "town".


MusikMaestro Since: Dec, 1969
Jan 15th 2013 at 1:54:43 PM
Edited, for the purpose of it making sense with the next chapter.