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Live Blogs Let's Attempt to Watch: Yummy Gummy: Search for Santa
SnickerdoodleHamster2012-12-07 16:59:24

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Part Two: I Like My Gummy Bears Frozen

Several things happened when we last left off Gummy and his friends. First, we got to see Gummy's nightmares involving Santa Claus being killed. After waking up, we then saw how bad this film could possibly get once we started to hear him start talking. I still can't get over how bad the voice acting in this is. Now back to the film!

After Gummy gushes over the thought of Christmas presents, Kala the blue cat tells Gummy to do something about the issue, which Harry easily agrees to. Vam Piro then points out the alternate option to just do nothing while waiting for somebody else to do something and offers juice. After trying to get back to the issue, Gummy and his friends plan out their entire plan which is about, you guessed it, Saving Christmas. The cliche plot involving this trope is also described in disturbing accuracy of how said trope is typically done. Therefore, we the audience already know exactly what's going to because we've Seen It A Million Times. After a Team Hand-Stack, Kala decides to take the plane and they head off to the North Pole. Vam Piro suggests to there on his own with his wings, but Harry soon convinces him that the North pole is exactly 2,248 miles (or, as Gummy points out, around four thousand kilometers) away from this place, and therefore, it would be impossible.

One more thing I would like to point out now that they are on a plane: they did not just get on any old public airliner, as they appear to have a private jet shaped like Gummy's face which has enough room for around ten people. Cue the Travel Montage, which shows that they appear to live in Antarctica, thus justifying the fact that their house appears to be in a snow-covered area in the middle of nowhere. After jokingly warning the flyers on his team that they are about to "bring this baby down". Harry insists that it his is turn, only to set off the windshield wipers instead. After flailing with more of the controls, he manages to lead the plane into a Crash Course Landing.

Gummy: Kids, don't try to single-handedly land a jet plane in the North Pole! Not without your parents' permission. Now, where were we?

After terrorizing Santa's elves, the elves start a Snowball Fight, only for Kala to claw the elves back for revenge. After Kala convinces the elves to apologize, the characters FINALLY introduce themselves. Keep in mind, we have not been introduced to our heroes, even though we are more than a quarter of the way through the film. To sum the cast up:

Vam Piro is a vampire bat who faints at the sight of blood.

• Gummy is the Kid-Appeal Character and The Leader of the crew. After introducing himself, he sings this song as his personal Leitmotif.

The elves interrupt the musical number after this to ask them about what they came here for. Without introducing the rest of his friends, Gummy then introduces them to their plan for Saving Christmas. However, the main flaw in the plan is that the elves can't make the toys without Santa's help. Therefore, Christmas can not be saved without the help of Santa. Nothing Rule of Fun can stop, which is pretty much what this film revolves around, being a Christmas Special based on a novelty song about gummy bears. However, the elves have never had fun because of their work. So, because Gummy is Fun Personified, he brings out from the plane... the Cool Car from the original internet video? But what the heck does that have to do with having fun?

I guess the rest of you will just have to wait until the next part of this Liveblog!

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