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Live Blogs Let's Attempt to Watch: Gyro: Dark Chronicles
SnickerdoodleHamster2014-05-12 19:38:45

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Episode 5: The Dragon Mechs Genesis

Several things happened when we last left off Gyro and his friends. The crew of recolors went to a "city" which only had one building, and we learned the backstory of Shadvic, all while continuing to prove the fact that Zero is the worst secret keeper ever! Oh yeah, and then there's the description, which claimed that "it took ages and has 110 frames exactly!" He also claims that his computer almost dyed publishing it. Three things:

  • 1. The person who made this must have a really bad computer.

  • 2. God, this guy thinks his show is like Super Mario Bros. Z or something!

  • 3. 110 frames will only make about 5 seconds of animation if the animation is good.

Episode Five out of Five!

Note: I will yet again be skipping the video to 0:49 because I already reviewed the intro in the first part of this liveblog.

Word Salad Title aside, Gyro and Venomous go to the past, which has a fairly Egyptian setting. Venomous decides to find Shadvic's friend, only for the sun to grow really huge and possibly killing everyone and destroying the world! This could be the end of this madness! HOORAY!!!

Of course, this is just to summon... oh God. They meet the Draco the Dragon Master. But here's the awful twist: he's just Sonic the Hedgehog. Without any recoloring. Say it with me: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? They Just Didn't Care at this point! Couldn't you at least try to be original?

Apparently, NOT!Sonic has not only met Gyro before, he is his freaking brother. Even Venomous agrees that this is getting ridiculous. And here's the worst part: Draco not just a Dragon Master, he is a Dragon Master GOD. Dear God, this is getting out of control. In case that was not ridiculously stupid enough, they absorb goodness and light to go to a higher existence, but too much darkness causes them to be destroyed!

Meanwhile, Shadvic successfully rebuilds his Robot Buddy, who causes fire by saying "ayayayayayayayayayayayaya". That angel dude from the last episode shows up, and he causes the screen to glitch up or something. Or maybe that's just the animator's weak attempt to draw water. It turns out that Draco came back to defeat Zero, who has now turned into an angel while leaving another Plot Hole behind. Draco then uses Chaos Starshoot. A Big-Lipped Alligator Moment occurs via bad animation and abuse of Windows Movie Maker's default effects. Shadvic then uses Chaos Lightning Cannon to show another city, this time with seven whole copypasted buildings! And, of course, all of them are destroyed as soon as they possibly can! But hey, at least Zero is destroyed!

Or is he?

Zero keeps Staying Alive and swears revenge, ending the series by saying "heyaheyaheya".


Man, my mind is screwed by this video. In conclusion, it's just so awful, it will make you lose your mind. No wonder these videos have gotten unlisted since. They are really awful! Please, make sure everyone on Earth stays away from this.

In the meantime, tune in to when I review *cringes* Hamtaro 2!


Ramone490 Since: Dec, 1969
Nov 18th 2012 at 5:01:53 AM
That was a fun little liveblog read. That web series looks godawful, I'll definitely say away from that. It was definitely a good little liveblog, nice work.