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Live Blogs Let's Attempt to Watch: Pooh's Adventures of Pajama Sam
SnickerdoodleHamster2012-10-12 16:52:43

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Part Three: It Still Begins

Several things happened when we last left off Pooh and his friends. The Crossover finally started, and Pooh and his buddies arrived at Pajama Sam's house. Trust me people, the adventure hasn't even started yet and this is already terrible as heck.

Part Three out of Fourteen.

Now that nothing but his nightlight is on, Sam keeps repeating "There's no need to hide when it's dark outside" to try and calm himself down. Sam still is scared, but here, he has a valid reason to be scared because all of these cartoon characters keep interrupting him every ten seconds. Inspired by his Pajama Man comic, he goes out and decides to "capture" the darkness in his closet for himself... and apparently all of these other guest stars as well.

We are finally introduced to the first screen of the game itself, which you can only access at the beginning of the game. About the game itself, there are three objects you must find at the very start of the game: Sam's mask, flashlight, and lunchbox. The mask is always the item that you get first, followed by the lunchbox and the flashlight. You will need these items (excluding the mask) later in the game. There is also a Collection Sidequest involving collecting socks, with twenty socks to be found in all. The first sock is located in said screen, making it Lost Forever if you don't get it right away. Besides that and a Freddi Fish cameo, this screen is not much (being the first screen of the game). Sam gets his mask not long after the start of the game. Robbie from Dinosaurs says that he just needs his lunchbox and his flashlight, only for Sam to say the exact same thing. Sam goes back to find all of his things (with a random cartoon character interrupting him every so often), and they all go into his closet to capture Darkness. Cue a quick Lock-and-Load Montage.

Pajama Sam: Alright, Darkness! Here comes Pajama Sam...

A random cartoon character who I can't name: (subtitles) and Pajama Sam's Friends

Cue a montage of everyone falling, making this the second pointless montage in the Crossover. Can you please take it easy on the montages, Reese? Anyways, Arthur, Tennessee Tuxedo, and their friends are introduced, officially placing this as a Mega Crossover. This concludes this part as a whole.

Will the adventure actually start? Find out next time!


BlueGuy Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 15th 2012 at 5:03:51 PM
For some reason, I got really giddy when you potholed a trope that I made.

It's stupid, I know, but I figured it was worth mentioning.
BlueGuy Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 15th 2012 at 5:09:36 PM
And I think that "random cartoon character" was from the same cartoon as the Mc Donalds mascots.

Long story short, the guys who animated Rugrats made like six tapes for the company, and they were pretty popular.
Morgikit Since: Dec, 1969
Jan 5th 2013 at 1:23:59 PM
Wouldn't it be less trouble, and more legal to turn this into a text fanfiction? It would still be terrible, but easier. And since this person can't be bothered to make their own characters and plot, I would think they'd go for easy.