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Live Blogs The Conquest liveblog with an incredibly bland and unoriginal name
Eskay642012-10-07 17:37:47

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Part 1: It All Changed When The Fire Nation Attacked


Kaius wakes up after introductory shenanigans

Kaius: ~Urk... What just... Aurora? How did I end up... Wait... My swords! My hair! My beard...~

??? Ohai~ You're awake~

Kaius: Wait, who are you? You're definitely not Lina...

??? Huh? Who's Lina?

Kaius: She's-

??? Nevermind~

Kaius: ...

??? :3

A loud Slam is heard

??? Eep~

???: So, this is Aurora's poor excuse for a warlord.

???: Look at that wimpy little Eevee he has.

Kaius: ~...Eevee? ...Wimpy!?~

???: They had to import a Pokemon just so he could become a Warrior! What a loser!

Two more Slams are heard

Koroku: Gimme your nation, punk!

Kaius opens his mouth to speak

Nagayasu: Quit stalling! You take too long! ATTAAAAAAAAAACK!

Kaius: ...

Battle! Vs. Hideyoshi's Army!

If you even think about questioning how two people can be an army, you'll get a Hyper Beam to the face.

Eep! Okay!

Koroku: You've got a pretty big ego picking a fight with us!

Kaius: ~You were the one who attacked first...~

Nagayasu: It's two to one! This'll be easy!


??? I'll help you~

Kaius: ~This'll be a while...~

Koroku:'s Tepig and Nagayasu's Bidoof each take exactly one step forward.

??? Let's go, Jigglypuff~


???'s Jigglypuff actually takes advantage of its vast movement range.


Eevee: Eep! Y-yes, sir!

Out of fear, Kaius's Eevee runs up and bows down before the Jigglypuff.

Jigglypuff: EXCELLENT...

Tepig: ...That Jigglypuff disturbs me...

Bidoof: Indubitably...

The enemy mons approach cautiously.

Bad move.

Jigglypuff: FEEDING TIME.

Jigglypuff used Doubleslap!

With each slap, the horrified expression on Bidoof's face gets even greater, and its entire body becomes more and more pale until the final slap. It collapses to the ground, eyes glazed over, but still barely alive. Jigglypuff belches.

Jigglypuff: DELICIOUS...

Kaius: ._.

Jigglypuff: NOW... WEAKEN MY PREY...

Terrified, Eevee approaches Tepig.

Eevee used Quick Attack!

It instantly KOs Tepig, leaving it as easy prey for Jigglypuff. No need to repeat what happened.

Koroku: AARGH! I will get my revenge!

??? Yay, we did it! :D

She pulls out a party hat. Kaius sighs.

The battle has been won! Save?


Hobgoblin Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 7th 2012 at 11:52:30 AM
That's a pretty accurate portrayal of her Jigglypuff. ._.
Sixthhokage1 Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 7th 2012 at 8:45:22 PM
Poor Kaius…don't worry, you'll (probably/maybe/hopefully) see Lina again, you'll just have to get transported across spacetime :P
Umbramatic Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 8th 2012 at 8:36:58 AM
Jigglypuff is hilariously creepy. :P