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TotemicHero2012-12-28 19:39:10

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HEEEEEEEEYYYY FURRY DEMON! Sli-sli-sli-sli-Slightly Damned style!

...what are you looking at?

Page 76:

Extra long page special!

Sakido finds the blood-stained star amulet among Rhea', remains. Noting Berserkwaro's approach, she readies herself.

Berserkwaro lunges at her, only to be intercepted and grabbed by the wrist. He gets in a single slash to her face before Sakido lets him have it with a full force electrical attack that would put Pikachu to shame.

It fades to black as Sakido puts the amulet back on Berserkwaro (I think, it's hard to tell). We then fade back in to see Sakido looking down on Buwa...

Oh wait, it's Rhea! She's alive?

Apparently so, and apparently very frightened, causing her to fall backwards, only to be caught by Sakido. Sakido tells her she can relax now.

Page 77:

Another extra long page! And tons of Info Dump to boot!

Rhea starts off by asking the question that we all want to know: how is she still alive?

Sakido explains that a damned soul may die, but it will regenerate back to normal condition by the next morning. She notes that this does not apply to demons, and that they have no afterlife.

Rhea then asks where Buwaro is. Sakido informs her that Buwaro is in a deep funk after learning he killed Rhea. She then explains that demons can normally go berserk when under great mental or physical stress.

However, Buwaro is berserk by nature, meaning Berserkwaro is his default state. Only the necklace keeps him from going crazy all the time.

Rhea asks if Sakido's necklace does the same, and she tells Rhea that it's not that way for her.

Rhea then realizes that Sakido must have stopped Berserkwaro, and asks how she did it. Sakido reveals that she was once a soldier of Hell, and only later came to live in the Ring of the Slightly Damned. Buwaro has no such training, so even when Berserkwaro, he was outclassed.

Rhea notes this is a lot to take in, then decides to lighten the mood by asking Sakido the meaning of life. Of course, Sakido has no sense of humor.

"I have lived a horrible life of sorrow and pain. For me, life is full of misery."

Rhea promptly wishes she hadn't asked that.

Page 78:

As Sakido flies Rhea back over to Buwaro, Rhea is surprised to find out that demons don't come back when they die. Sakido says that there would be more veterans of the war if they did, and Rhea lets slip she didn't believe the war actually happened.

Also, Rhea is mildly disappointed that she can't kill Buwaro. She's less than happy about Sakido trying to get them to make up, after Berserkwaro killed her.

Suddenly, Rhea spots something and asks Sakido to land. It turns out to be Buwaro's book and feather, lying there where Rhea dropped them.

Sakido looks at the book and notes that it's written in Angelic. She decides to take it for herself. Huh, that's interesting...

Rhea asks for the feather, deciding to give it back to Buwaro. Sakido, obviously distracted, gives it over and walks off very fast, leaving Rhea to make her way back to Buwaro on her own.

Page 79:

Rhea second guesses herself about returning the feather as she makes her way back to Buwaro. She hesitates a bit on seeing him, then approaches.

"Hey, Buwaro!"

She decides to reprimand Buwaro for killing her. "Don't think I'm going to let you off easy after you killed-"

At this point, Buwaro bursts into tears, wailing apologies and running off. Rhea muses that she was just trying to be light-hearted about it.

SUDDEN DEATH. "Oh no! Buwaro is so upset - what did you DO?!"

Stay classy, Death, stay classy.

Page 80:

Death is mildly surprised to learn of Berserkwaro and the amulet. Rhea is less than happy, thinking Death should know these things. Death starts to admit that it has been years since...something, as it's convenient interruption time!

A well dressed man climbs out of the Styx, looking grumpy. Death reveals this man to be Beauregard Franklin, a moneylender whose greed led him to end up in hell. In short, an Ebenezer Scrooge Expy.

Death explains that he apparently refused to pay his fare to cross, so he's stuck in the Ring. Franklin claims not to have the money...right as two coins fall out of his sleeve.

Rhea, being Rhea, ribs him about this, picking up the coins. Franklin calls her a pack rat and tells her to give it back. Death, apparently not in the mood for other people stealing his troll lines, tells them to stop, and drags Franklin less than a panel.

He then returns, saying he has to take Rhea to a new demon overseer, as Buwaro probably will not want the job. Rhea concedes this is necessary.

Who will Rhea's new overseer be? Will Buwaro ever get over his depression? Will we ever see Beauregard Franklin again? Stay tuned.

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