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Live Blogs Twin Union: We'll Never Fight Alone! (Sacred Stones Draft)
Barrylocke2012-05-31 17:51:53

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Chapter 1: Brash Princess Charges Forward; Starts developing a minor addiction

  • Eirika charges forward recklessly, in an effort to keep Seth safe while he cleans out his wound with lake water. The axefighter takes the bait and gets a hit in, but Eirika got the last laugh.

  • Eirika does a very daring maneuvar by carefully running out into the open, allowing her to be targeted by another axefighter and a soldier. She drinks a swig of her tonic to keep her body strong, and decides that now is a nice time to try her heavier Steel Sword on for size. Meanwhile, Franz rescues a possibly wounded Gilliam and hides off in a corner, leaving her princess to fend for herself. The axefighter takes the bait and goes for the attack, but the soldier hesitates, possibly because 2 hits from Eirika would end him.

  • Eirika makes her way towards the northern fortress and chats with Franz. Franz hides behind his soverign's body as a shield, but is at least nice enough to give up his iron sword. The soldier continues to wimp out, going around Eirika instead of attacking her. The Axefighters were braver (or stupider) men, going at the fortified princess and getting iron sword in the face.

  • Eirika finishes off the cowardly soldier with her Steel Sword, while Seth gets chased off from his hiding space from sudden reinforcements. Franz/Gillam rescue derp around. The axefighter that managed to survive Eirika's last attack hides in his own fort, while the reinfocements charge forward, stalking Seth. Leave the man alone dudes.

  • Eirika goes after the hiding axefighter, leaving herself out in the open. Seth continues circling around the lake, and Franz/Gilliam move onto the fort, making it easier for them to run if need be. The enemy reinforcements all go after Eirika. She takes an iron lance to the gut, but manages to kill 1 and seriously wound the other 2.

  • Eirika moves up to the forest and chug more of dat special tonic. Franz and Seth chat near the lake. One of the Soldiers that were guarding the checkpoint comes at Eirika and they exchange blows. The reinforcements suddenly decide to stop trying to attack the princess and bunker down near the southern fort instead.

  • Eirika moves towards the checkpoint, popping open bottle #2 of potion. The others hold their northern fort position. The reinforcements move towards the knights, while the guards continue to assault Eirika. The one that was wounded before is killed while another gets some stabs of his own

  • Eirika goes for broke, moving towards Breguet with Rapier in hand while drinking her special potion. The Gilliam hops off of Franz's horse with his iron lance. This apperently scares off the soldier that was considering moving into that location. Meanwhile, Breguet see his chance to get glory and attacks Eirika. Unfortunetly for him, he DIDN'T see the Rapier that she was holding.

  • With the path clear, Eirika seizes the check point.

Audacious Youngster:

  • Eirika: Level 6 Lord; HP: 20; Str: 6; Skill: 10; Spd: 11; Luck: 7; Def: 4; Res: 1; Con: 5; Swords: D

Turns: 9 (12 total)

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