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Live Blogs One Kadaver's Quest for Glory
KarlKadaver2011-11-30 10:52:58

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Prologue: The Requisite "Origin Story" or "Why Am I Doing This?"

I like Let’s Plays. I count myself as a fan of Retsupurae, Chocolate Hammer, and Spoiler Warning. Recently, I started reading “Josh Plays Shogun 2”, hosted by (Good gravy, I’m only two sentences into this, and look at all that advertising. Gimme some money!) After reading up to the most recent post of this Let’s Play, I did three things:

1) I sat there, completely stunned that these games had gone completely under my radar (granted, I don’t get out much)

2) Put Shogun 2 on my Christmas List and

3) Decided I would check out the other games in the Total War series.

As luck would have it, on a recent trip to Wal-Mart (more advertising!) I found a copy of Shogun 2, as well as a Rome/Medieval 2 combo pack. As Shogun 2 takes a whopping 20GB of hard drive space and I barely have 20 gigs between my partitions as it is, I opted for the less heavy Rome/Medieval 2 package (Don’t worry, I plan on getting a larger hard drive for Christmas as well).

For a while, I was on the fence about which game I wanted to install. TV Tropes (money now, please) sealed the deal for me. On a recent Wiki Walk, I found that there was a mod for Medieval 2 called “Hyrule: Total War.” Between reading the entry and multiple nerdgasms, I said to myself, “Very well. Medieval 2 it is.” Besides, playing as Italy is kinda like playing as Rome, right?

You might be asking me, “Karl, why aren’t you doing a Let’s Play of Hyrule: Total War, then?” Or you may be asking yourself why you’re still reading this. Well, to answer your questions:

1) I’m completely new to the whole Total War experience, and I want to start with the Vanilla version before I start modding the hell out of it (as I did with Fallout 3 and Elder Scrolls: Oblivion).

2) It gets better. I hope.

I suppose that I should also mention that I haven’t loaded the Kingdoms Expansion that came with the game. When I say I’m playing Vanilla, I mean it!

So, without further ado, Heaven or Hell! Let’s Rock!


Ghilz Since: Dec, 1969
Dec 1st 2011 at 4:24:01 PM
I was thinking this was a Lets Play of Quest For Glory, my favorite series of Adventure Games. I am disappointed.
KarlKadaver Since: Dec, 1969
Dec 1st 2011 at 8:50:07 PM
[up] I sincerely apologize.