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Live Blogs Let's read The Song of Roland!
SantosLHalper2011-06-15 03:43:51

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Part 1 (Verses 1-10)

We begin with the author thankfully noting that Burger King Charlemagne "recently" managed to conquer the western part of Spain, with the exception of Zaragoza, who is held by King(?) Marseile(?), who apparently worships "Mahumet"(!) and Apollin(!)

King Marsilies[sic] calls up a council (which consists of over 20 000 people!) of his nobles in his personal orchard. Obviously, he's rather concerned about the giant invading army coming to attack his country, and doesn't even have a good general or large army to defend it. Only the owner of Val Funde, Blancandrin, has any idea of what to do: surreder to the Carolignians/French and (supposedly) convert to Christianity. Even though their dignity would be lost, they would still be around. This is pretty much the only reasonable thing to do, and the Saracens send some envoys to make peace.

MEANWHILE, IN (the newly conquered territories of) FRANCE...

Charlemagne has recently conquered Cordova, and every Muslim/Pagan was either killed or converted. Charlie is in yet another orchard hanging around with Oliver, Roland, and other assorted paladins and knights, when Blancandrin and his envoys arrive at the court. They offer in exchange for the surrender of Saragossa:

  • Lions
  • Bears (but no Tigers)
  • Greyhounds
  • Hawks
  • Camels
  • 50 Wagons
  • A large sum of money
  • Capitulation
  • Hostages (even the King's own son!)
  • The conversion of Marseiles to Christianity

Will Charlemagne agree to his terms? Will Spain become a vassal of France? Will everybody live happily ever after? No.


The Saracens in this part actually seem to be rather sympathetic. They're going to Kick the Dog for sure later on.

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