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Live Blogs Makai Kingdom: So it shall be written, so it shall be liveblogged
WillyFourEyes2010-12-10 19:13:24

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5: Don't Let Your Guard D--...Oops.

Author's Note: This is a fully Randomly Generated Level, so it'll be different each time the party comes to this area.

Upon landing, the team notices a group of rogues brandishing weapons and grinning menacingly. They don't seem to be fully organized, so Zetta calls in the whole team to dispatch them.

"All right, minions!" says Zetta. "Time to go to work! And whatever you do, don't let any of them touch me!"

"What happens if they do that?" asks Io.

"Then I'm afraid you'll all just have to walk back to the Overlord's Castle, won't you?"

The party collectively gulps, and then heads off into battle. They emerge on a beachfront, with only two enemies - a female warrior and two carrot men. There appears to be something beyond the ocean, but they can't tell yet. The carrot men retreat while their leader comes forward by herself.

"That was your last mistake," Meredith says to the rogue warrior.

"Not even worth wasting my magic on," says Astral as he shocks her with a bolt of energy from his magic book. Killing her reveals an area with a rogue merchant and another warrior. Oddly, this new tract of land appears right next to the beachfront. Nobody seems to want to question where the water came from, or where it's all going to go.

While the team is focused on getting rid of the two carrot monsters, the second warrior sneaks up behind everyone and attacks the Sacred Tome. Everyone, including the attacker, hears a loud CRACK! and simultaneously feels a sharp pain running through them.

"You fools!" said Zetta. "Look what your carelessness has caused! Next time, protect me, and don't let anyone sneak attack you like that again!"

Astral kills off the warrior before she gets a chance to attack the book again and cause any more damage, but the enemy merchant sucker-punches Io and knocks him out. Astral and Morrigan press onto the second map and destroy a key stone, seeking an opportunity to cause more chaos.

"You know, you've already completed the objective," says Zetta. "You guys can leave whenever you want."

"They don't look so tough," says Steve, pointing his sword in the direction of the new monsters that sprung up. Two of them gang up on Morrigan and take her out with their knives. The others rush forward to assist Astral as he tries to hold them off.

Nabiki takes one of the palm trees and sticks it into her pouch of holding. "Gather everything you can!" she shouts to everyone. "Io would have wanted it that way..."

They defeat the leftover pumpkinhead and collect a bit of experience and money, but because Zetta was attacked, they don't get any material rewards besides the ones they had ganked from the battlefield.

Zetta chides the team for letting their guard down, and orders them to go back to the battlefield and do it all over again. They have a bit more success this time around, as they face off against fewer enemies than last time. They get much more in return this go-round, including a chest protector, a traveler cape, some steel plate armor, and linen armor.

Nabiki announces that she has some new inventory, but Steve realizes that he still can't afford it yet.

The party gains the ability to create carrot monsters, who are good with swords, spears, shovels, and hammers. They also get 10% more experience and mana than everyone else, which would make them good classes to use for transmigration.

Steve takes the plants and rocks they took and places them around the castle to provide more atmosphere for the place, but with complete disregard for feng shui. He orders everyone to get their wounds treated before going on to the next challenge.

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