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Live Blogs Alfric's Fire Emblem Liveblog Encyclopedia!
Alfric2011-12-14 19:16:16

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Prologue: Welcomes and information

Hello, all who are currently reading this! This is the opening page of what will be the storage place for all my liveblogs of the Fire Emblem series of games. In here, I will be updating chapter by chapter as I play through the games and hopefully make those updates as fun to read as possible!

The next page will be a Table of Contents, since this will eventually get fairly large, and it will make categorizing which games are being covered in which liveblog installments much easier.

Continue forth onto the next page, and hopefully enjoy your time reading!


Mysterion Since: Dec, 1969
Jun 29th 2012 at 5:09:52 PM
You probably don't need me to tell you the trickiest requirement for the best ending, but I will anyway. Next chapter is the final boss. You want to make sure to land the final blow with the Sealed Sword. The game will all but tell you to do this when the chapter starts, but it's [i]just[/i] possible that a less savvy player won't take the hint.

In other news, Yahn might be the best source of knowledge about the end of the Scouring, but he's a delusional bastard otherwise. I'm fairly sure several elements of Blazing Sword's plot were added in just to contradict his argument.
Alfric Since: Dec, 1969
Jun 29th 2012 at 5:19:16 PM
Yeah, despite his whole "too cool for emotions" spiel, he seemed pretty biased against humans. What plot points would contradict him, if you wouldn't mind sharing?

Also thanks for the warning, though if it's as explicit as you say, I'd likely have noticed it. Better to know then not though.
Otherarrow Since: Dec, 1969
Jun 29th 2012 at 6:25:23 PM
I didn't feel Jahn was biased against humans. Maybe a bit bitter that his kind lost, despite what he says, but he seems fine with the outcome because, as he said, it was a battle to see which species would survive, and his species lost. Now, he is still a dragon, and has pride in his race, so when Zephiel comes along and says that the humans were wrong, the dragons were right and that he was going to more or less reverse the outcome of the war, of course he'd jump on that.

Of course, it is possible that at this point, Jahn is a bit crazy. While the rest of his tribe left through the Dragon's Gate, he was left alone in the temple, which no one to speak to until he sought out Zephiel. It is possible that while he originally didn't hold any grudges against humanity, his time in isolation caused his resentment to grow and grow, and he didn't notice because, well, who was there to tell him? I am just wildly speculating now though.
Alfric Since: Dec, 1969
Jun 29th 2012 at 6:39:06 PM
I get what you're saying, and the grudge you mentioned is what I meant by bias, which was a phrasing error on my part.
Mysterion Since: Dec, 1969
Jun 30th 2012 at 1:01:45 AM
Maybe "Contradictory" was the wrong word, however...

If you went by FE 6 alone, then the implication is that Jahn, the War Dragons, and Arcadia are the last survivors of the Scouring - and Arcadia is almost too mixed to count. But FE 7 reveals that a lot of dragons - representatives of two races are seen - fled the dimension altogether through the Dragon's gate. Once retreat was revealed as an option, the idea of the Scouring being a fight for survival is negated - it's still a fight for a home, but it really came down to whether the dragons kept control of Elibe or not. This change in context makes Jahn into (more of) an extremist willing to commit unforgivable sins, despite the fact that the dragon race in general was perfectly fine with leaving. While he claims to be pretty mellow about the whole thing, if he was really so cool-headed he would have left with the others!

Then there's the option the player has of retconning Roy into a quarter dragon, further disproving Jahn's belief that humans and dragons can't coexist.
Alfric Since: Dec, 1969
Jun 30th 2012 at 5:47:12 AM
Ah yes, the Dragon's gate. I think Yahn (Is that a variable translation, or did my translation patch get this one wrong as well?) may not have known of the dragons gate, since as he fought in the war, he got wounded and rested in the temple.

Eliwood being with Ninian does sort of disprove Yahn's theory as well. Of course, Roy's quarter dragon-ness is never mentioned, so it's sadly stuck with being a retcon.
Mysterion Since: Dec, 1969
Jun 30th 2012 at 6:27:54 AM
It's a variable translation. If I remember correctly, Yahn is the romanization used on his official artwork.

I suppose that with the information scattered, it's possible our so-called last dragon wasn't aware of everything.
Otherarrow Since: Dec, 1969
Jun 30th 2012 at 7:46:39 AM
Other way around. Jahn is the romanization used in the official artwork.

The Dragon's Gate is a retcon, true, but the impression I got was that most of the dragons fled through the Dragon's Gate after they had already lost. Basically, once their leader died and the Demon Dragon was sealed, it was either go through the Dragon's Gate or die. I know there are a few exceptions to this, like Ninian and Nils maybe though.

But yes, it is possible that Jahn doesn't have the complete story (aside from what Zephiel told him about Idenn), as he didn't get the chance to go to the Dread Isle and flee through the gate, being too wounded to leave the temple. When the temple was sealed off, he was sealed with it.

Of course, he technically is the last dragon, in the sense that he is the last dragon in Elibe who isn't either part human, artificially made, or a Divine Dragon. (I am not sure why the game considers him the last dragon when the Divine Dragons exists, but eh.)