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Live Blogs Let's Play Fate Of The World (Blind)
TibetanFox2011-06-18 17:49:29

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Courtesy Link to Trope Page for the game and stuff

This game interested me since I first saw it on Steam. The premise is fairly simple - you're the head of some sort of environmental NGO that actually has power to do stuff. So, given the unprecedented situation of being the first non-useless NGO in the history of ever, you use your incredible lobbying powers to try to alter the future of mankind in such a way as to avoid our species collectively committing suicide by shitting in our own nest too much.

I kinda figured the full price was a bit too much to pay for a game that would most likely annoy me due to being a vehicle for Anvilicious Clueless Green Aesop propaganda. I grew up as a kid watching stuff like Captain Planet and Fern Gully and thinking it was awesome so I learnt science in the hopes being able to use science to save the world and stuff. That's when I learnt that the science behind environmental issues is HARD. And I don't mean HARD in the "Oh noes, math" sense, because that I can handle. I mean hard in the sense that there's no easy options or easy decisions in terms of the question of "How do we lift the entire human race out of poverty, maintain technological development and avoid needless wars, death and suffering".

So, with a background like that, I was quite cynical. Then it went on sale for 50% off and I was like "Buying the shit out of that".

Soon after doing so, it occurred to me that I'm going to regard this game as Snark Bait at the best of times and the last time I LPed a game with that sort of attitude, it turned out hilarious. So here I am again, about to go forth and see just how deep the vein of snark I have discovered goes. I've heard this game is Nintendo Hard so expect several playthroughs where I screw up horribly.


Kizor Since: Dec, 1969
Jul 19th 2011 at 3:25:08 PM
Thank you for keeping this liveblog! It's a well-made account about a game that is - at the very least - fresh and very peculiar.

I'm eager to see more of your opinions. I went nuts over the prospect of an Earth simulator and pushed my way past the game's flaws with a grin. Your skeptical, snarky, yet honest view is proving to be a much-needed shot of perspective.

I was worrying that you'd get stuck on Oil Fix It, failing to raise India's GDP over and over again. This is a stock topic on the game's Steam forum, and though I've aced most missions, I'm completely unable to complete this mission. Getting it right on your second try is marvellous, verging on ridiculous. If you can describe your card choices for India in detail, it might help a lot of people.
TibetanFox Since: Dec, 1969
Jul 29th 2011 at 5:23:52 AM
Just quickly before I go to bed, the killer card combination for India (once you get it stable) is One Child Policy, Disinformation, Medical Aid, Education and the Wildfire/Storm defense cards that provide cheap and easy P.R boosts. Education is a big economic force multiplier, and one child policy combined with that reduces competition for scarce resources. Medical aid reduces the stress that sick (and thus non-working) people play on the economy. Failure to provide medical aid when doing a one child policy leads to horrible poverty (as I'm finding on Scenario 3 - Fuel Crisis). Just about everything else is about offsetting the MASSIVE approval hit you'll get from implementing a one child policy. Indians love the hell out of big families in this game. Since: Dec, 1969
Sep 2nd 2011 at 7:26:19 PM
If you think the consumerist regions are bad, just wait till the dark green regions start a nuclear war because they don't think you're cutting emissions enough.