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Context YMMV / WeddingCrashers

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1* HarsherInHindsight:
2** It's a bit hard to watch John's HeroicBSOD when Owen Wilson was struggling with depression and contemplating suicide back in 2008.
3** John is seen reading a self-help book written for the suicidal (called "Don't Jump! Life is Worth Living!") Where exactly was this book when Creator/OwenWilson really did attempt suicide in 2008?
4** Also the scene with Jeremy getting shot by Sack while quail hunting became a bit darker after Dick Cheney's "hunting accident" (he accidentally shot Harry Whittington in the head while quail hunting) in 2006.
5* HilariousInHindsight:
6** [[Series/JerseyShore The butler calls the family dog a word that sounds like (or is) "snooki."]]
7** Compare Creator/WillFerrell's entrance here to ''WesternAnimation/TheLEGOMovie''.
8* MemeticMutation:
9** "Motorboating".
10** "Hey, Mom, can we get some meatloaf?!"
11* MoralEventHorizon: If Sack's [[JerkJock mere personality]] didn't make it clear enough how despicable he is, the fact that he's willing to "accidentally" ''shoot someone'' (it's unlikely he'd care if he killed Jeremy or John instead of simply wounding them), definitely crosses the line.
12* {{Narm}}: Sack is such an over the top {{Jerkass}} every single second he's on screen that it's impossible to believe he's considered such a catch.
13* NightmareFuel: Though it's PlayedForLaughs, the BlackComedyRape / DoubleStandardRapeFemaleOnMale of Jeremy, being unvoluntarily tied up and gagged while sleeping. And Gloria acting very {{Yandere}}. And it doesn't end there. [[DepravedHomosexual Gloria's closeted brother]] comes in and pretends to do the same thing.
14* RetroactiveRecognition:
15** Creator/BradleyCooper as Sack. He had a number of fans from ''Series/{{Alias}}'' but it would be a long time before his big breakout role in ''Film/TheHangover''.
16** [[Wrestling/BellaTwins Brie Bella]] worked as an extra on the film and can be spotted behind Chaz [[ towards the end]].
17* UnintentionalPeriodPiece: UsefulNotes/JohnMcCain's cameo AsHimself at Christina Cleary's wedding became this after his passing in August 2018.
18* UnintentionallyUnsympathetic:
19** Much of Gloria's behavior towards Jeremy can come off as extremely manipulative, if not outright ''[[DoubleStandardAbuseFemaleOnMale abusive]]''; for some viewers, this can make it difficult to view it as a HappyEnding when [[spoiler:they get married at the end]]. Among other things: she angrily pours rubbing alcohol on a bleeding wound when Jeremy [[AManIsAlwaysEager tries to turn her down for sex]], she ties him to a bed and ''[[DoubleStandardRapeFemaleOnMale forcibly has sex with him]]'' against his will, and she falsely claims to be a virgin after they sleep together for the first time (possibly to guilt-trip Jeremy into staying with her longer).
20** After John seemingly loses his chance with Claire, he goes into a spiral. He crashes many weddings and is shown to be cynical and depressed. We're meant to sympathise with him, but during these scenes he ruins several weddings, including one where he kisses the bride on the lips and refuses to stop.
