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Context YMMV / LudwigRevolution

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1* CompleteMonster: King Darius was [[FromNobodyToNightmare once a simple soldier]] banished by the king, who would abuse the witch Dorethea until she tricked him into going into the well of Blue Flames. Discovering the power of the Well, he spitefully murders the entire kingdom and revives them as [[UndeadLaborers zombies]] eternally condemned to create and find gold for him. A monster on both a large and small scale, for his personal revenge Darius turns the king into a mindless demon as a [[CruelMercy mocking form of "mercy"]] and forces Dorethea to [[UndeadLaborers die and be reborn over and over again]] to find gold for him. Upon Prince Ludwig and his allies coming to save his friend Dorethea, Darius orders their deaths right in front of Dorethea [[ForTheEvulz out of sheer amusement]].
2* HollywoodHomely: What Katrein actually is. Sure, she's no gorgeous beauty, but she isn't downright ugly. And hasn't hit puberty yet, either.
3* HoYay: Subtext between Ludwig and Wilhelm. This is a Kaori Yuki manga, after all.
4* {{Moe}}: Cinderella!!! Also, according to the Otaku prince, blonde Albertina. [[spoiler: Oh, how wrong he is...]] There's also Katrein, in a young, haughty kind of way.
