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Context YMMV / CousinBette

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1* AlternativeCharacterInterpretation: Is Adeline the image of wifely virtue, or is she is [[ExtremeDoormat just being weak]] by allowing Hector to get away with so much?
2%%* LesYay: Bette and Valerie's friendship is often interpreted this way.
3* MoralEventHorizon: While he was a somewhat sympathetic (and even pleasant) character most of the time, [[spoiler:Montes]] [[HeWhoFightsMonsters committed the single most heinous act in the book]] when he [[spoiler:deliberately infected Valerie with a tropical virus that would kill her slowly and gruesomely]] ({{Revenge}} and AssholeVictim notwithstanding).
4* RetroactiveRecognition: Who knew Series/{{House}} was [[Series/BoardwalkEmpire Margaret Schroeder's]] dad?
5* NauseaFuel: The amount of detail given about [[spoiler:the dying Valerie's symptoms]] is gratuitous and might leave the reader [[UnintentionallySympathetic more kindly disposed to her.]]
