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Context YMMV / ClubPenguinShutdown

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1* AlasPoorVillain: Many were shocked when it was implied that the Cannibal murdered the Tuba Gang leader in the second episode of Season 2.
2* HilariousInHindsight: The April Fools episode "The Reason", which is about ''Club Penguin Island'' shutting down in favor of ''Club Penguin'', became [[ real]] as of September 2018, albeit without the revival of the old ''Club Penguin''.
3* NightmareFuel: [[spoiler:The [[BodyOfBodies Corpse Squid.]] [[BodyHorror Hybrid.]] ''[[AnimalisticAbomination Thing.]]'' '''''[[EldritchAbomination Whatever the fuck it is.]]''''']]
4* SugarWiki/VisualEffectsOfAwesome: As said in SceneryGorn, there's a staggering amount of detail put into the environments, and this also includes its animation. Three notable examples would be [[spoiler: the formation of the Hybrid Sea Monster]] in "Halloween", [[spoiler:the Puffle Hotel collapsing]] in "The Fall", and [[spoiler:the overloading generator]] in "The Leaders", including [[spoiler:the LED lights on the targets game breaking due to how much power they're getting and the toxic fumes being created by it]]. The art style is a very, very good replication of ''Club Penguin''[='=]s own, too - and so, it takes what should be nostalgic, and [[NightmareFuel twists it into an aberration.]]
