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Context YMMV / Blackbird

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1!!The series:
3* FoeYayShipping: Although [=McCauley=] obviously dislikes Jimmy and just wants to do her job, chewing him out when he flirts with her, some viewers can't help enjoying how it comes across as BelligerentSexualTension. Not helped by scenes like her telling him to pretend she's his girlfriend whenever she visits him at the Springfield prison, and to do "whatever it takes" to sell the act, including making out with her and grabbing her ass.
4* HarsherInHindsight: Big Jim's failing health and fragility following Creator/RayLiotta's death in May 2022, just before the series aired, and Creator/TaronEgerton's discussion of his illness during filming.
5* OneSceneWonder: Creator/LeeTergesen as a crazed drug dealer in the first episode.
6* TheWoobie: Big Jim. He's a loving father and former lawman who finds out that his son is a drug dealer and watches him be sentenced to ten years in prison for it. [[ItsAllMyFault He blames himself for it and continuously beats himself up over it]], and the stress causes him to have a stroke that leaves him partially paralyzed.
