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Context Webcomic / MonsterLands

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3''[[ Monster Lands]]'' is a fantasy webcomic created by James Nelson following the adventures of an axe-wielding lady named Othera. It updates on Mondays.
6!!''Monster Lands'' contains examples of:
8* ActionGirl: Othera knows how to use her axe.
9* AerithAndBob: You have names like Othera and Exris and then you have names like Marcus.
10* BadBoss: Eren Lorry's minions are scared out of their minds of her, as she is infamous for incinerating people by the boatload just because.
11* BigBad: Eren Lorry is in charge of most of the suffering that occurs for the townspeople.
12* CastOfSnowflakes: Monster Lands' cast is quite diverse in race, body type, and gender, as seen [[ here]]
13* EvilTowerOfOminousness: Castle Lorry is raised up in the middle of a huge pit and does not look welcoming.
14* FakeUltimateHero: Marcus Rila has been taking credit for Othera's actions in order to swindle townspeople out of their money.
15* GreaterScopeVillain: Emperor Offed was the previous ruler of the Monster Lands. He made Exris into a violent monster who in turn raised Eren Lorry, the current dictator. Guess how good of a leader she is.
16* HeelRealization: The Destructor realizes that attacking random people is actually bad [[ on this page.]]
17* ImpaledWithExtremePrejudice: This happens to Nixtos' partner early in the story.
18* MsFanservice: Crimson Sally qualifies. She doesn't wear much clothing and is very flirtatious.
19* NoNameGiven: The Necromancer is just referred to as the Necromancer.
