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Context WMG / TheITCrowd

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1[[WMG: The US IT Crowd is a sequel to the UK series.]]
2After the series finale, Moss was transferred over the company's American branch. He initially liked it, what with its familiar-named persons right down to have their very own Roy, whom he hit it off with. However, even though this branch still had its Denholm, after it acquired their own Jen Barber, he realized that it was no replacement for his home branch so he requested an immediate transfer back to the company's UK branch.
4[[WMG: Jen is an OccidentalOtaku.]]
5She has a few anime prints around her office, and a depiction of a geisha. [[SubbingVersusDubbing She also seems offended when the Johns don't want to watch anything subtitled]].
7[[WMG: Moss is [[ObfuscatingStupidity doing it on purpose.]] ]]
