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Context VideoGame / Super3DNoahsArk

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2 [[caption-width-right:320:Don't be fooled by these smiles. These animals want you ''dead''. Or at least covered in spittle.]]
4''Super 3D Noah's Ark'' is a [[FirstPersonShooter first-person shoo...]] er, a [[LighterAndSofter first-person feeder]] released in 1994 for the Platform/SuperNintendoEntertainmentSystem by the Christian video game developer Creator/WisdomTree. It is based on the ''VideoGame/Wolfenstein3D'' engine. The player takes control of Noah, the builder of the Ark from the Biblical Literature/BookOfGenesis, who has managed to populate his Ark with two of each type of animal in time before the flood. However, the animals have gotten hungry and aggressive, and it's up to Noah to journey around the entire Ark, feeding the animals in a rather unusual way -- by shooting food into their mouths with a variety of slingshots.
6Given the game's kid-friendly theme, all the gameplay is non-violent: the guns have been replaced with food-launching slingshots, the animals don't die but merely fall asleep when fed enough, and all animals (save for goats) attack by spitting at Noah from a distance.
8It was the only commercial SNES game in the United States that did not have an official Nintendo license. As a result, it could only be run by stacking an officially licensed game cartridge on top of the ''Noah's Ark'' cartridge.
10A DOS port was released in 1995. The game was re-released for the SNES in 2014. A version for modern systems, based on the [=ECWolf=] engine, was released in 2015 and is now available on Platform/{{Steam}}.
12[[SimilarlyNamedWorks Not to be confused]] with the Creator/{{Konami}} NES game ''VideoGame/NoahsArk''.
14!!This game contains the following tropes:
15* AbnormalAmmo: What else to say about using slings to shoot feed, cantaloupes and melons right into the animals' mouths?
16* AlliterativeName: All the bosses' names are this.
17* AntiFrustrationFeatures: Unlike in ''Wolfenstein 3-D'', you keep all your weapons and ammo between episodes. This makes the later levels a bit more forgiving, as you aren't forced to start every episode with the Small Feed Launcher, and struggle to stay alive while you try to find the better weapons all over again.
18* BearsAreBadNews: The final boss of the game is Burt the Bear.
19* EnemyRollCall: Just like in ''Wolfenstein 3-D'', the SNES version ends on this. It is also modified so the animals run up to Noah in addition to this. The PC remaster retains this.
20* FoodComa: The main goal is to feed the animals with a slingshot until they fall asleep.
21* GuideDangIt: Unless you're ''really'' brushed up on your Bible knowledge, the quizzes are this. SaveScumming won't do much good either, since the game will just randomly pick another question if you attempt to do so.
22* MobileShrubbery: Bert the Bear hides in a bush for the first part of his boss fight. As he's this game's Hitler, this is a stand-in for the mech suit.
23* TheMoralSubstitute: A Christian-themed, Bible-teaching, non-violent version of ''Wolfenstein 3-D'', of all things.
24* OstrichHeadHiding: The ostriches appear to do this when they are put to sleep.
25* SufferTheSlings: Noah's weapon of choice. Even though, unusually, Noah uses slings to launch food instead of attack the animals directly.
26* SuperTitle64Advance: The "Super" part in the title comes from "Super Nintendo".
27* UnnecessarilyLargeVessel: The Ark. Of course, it was pretty big in the Bible story, but it's also [[UnnecessarilyLargeInterior full of giant nearly-empty corridors and rooms]].
28* VegetarianCarnivore: The final boss is a bear who nevertheless has no problem being fed seed and fruit.
