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Context VideoGame / RockmanNoConstancy

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3''Rockman No Constancy'' is a [[GameMod ROM hack]] of ''[[VideoGame/MegaMan2 Rockman 2]]'' by Japanese ROM hacker IKA. Its features are [[SceneryPorn awesome graphics]], [[SugarWiki/AwesomeMusic great music]], and [[NintendoHard insane difficulty]], making it one of the most well-known ROM hacks out there.
5Comes in Normal ([[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin normal difficulty for Mega Man]]) and Hard (no MercyInvincibility; [[PlatformHell have fun]]) versions.
8!!Tropes present in this game:
10* AdvancingBossOfDoom: The Mecha Dragon chase becomes an [[NintendoHard insanely fast]] version of this.
11* AnIcePerson: Wood Man. Yes, seriously.
12* BlackoutBasement: One section of Flash Man's stage. [[NintendoHard Particularly infuriating]] in that it ends up hiding several blocks.
13* BlowYouAway: Air Man.
14* BossRush: As per series tradition, though with slippery floor.
15* BullfightBoss: Heat Man.
16* ChekhovsGun: Early on in Flash Man's stage, you come across a boss gate that's blocked off. [[FridgeBrilliance That same gate leads to the final boss much later on]].
17* ColorCodedForYourConvenience: Mega Man's default color in the Hard version is green, which removes the MercyInvincibility you normally would get when hit.
18* EternalEngine: Metal Man's stage and most Wily stages.
19* FloatingContinent: Air Man's stage seems to be this.
20* GustyGlade: Air Man's stage.
21* [[HarpoonGun Harpoon]] ArmCannon: Bubble Man.
22* HitboxDissonance: In later versions, Mega Man's sprite was made thinner to replicate the poses and posture of Videogame/MegaManX. His hotbox was not shrunken down to accommodate the sprite change.
23* KillItWithFire: Delay Flame (Quick Man's weapon) and Proto Charge (Heat Man's).
24* KillItWithIce: Ice Circle (Wood Man's weapon).
25* LethalLavaLand: Downplayed with Metal Man's stage, which has molten metal that [[OneHItKill one-hit kills]] you.
26* MercyInvincibility: ''Averted'' in the Hard version. This tends to turn NintendoHard sections into pure PlatformHell.
27* MirrorWorld: Wily 6 is this to Flash Man's stage.
28* NintendoHard: '''Oh yes'''.
29* OneHitKill: Za Warudo towards Clash Man.
30* PlayingWithFire: Heat Man and Quick Man.
31* PowerFist: Instead of enveloping himself in flames and leaping at you in retaliation to getting hit, Heat Man ignites his hand and lunges forwards for a MegatonPunch.
32* RemixedLevel: Again, Wily 6 is this to Flash Man's stage.
33* SceneryPorn: Among others, Air Man's level, with its sunset views and cool-looking palace.
34* ShiftingSandLand: Heat Man's stage.
35* SlippySlideyIceWorld: Wood Man's stage is a forest in the middle of winter, with snow and ice platforms everywhere.
36* ShoutOut:
37** Flash Man's weapon is named [[Manga/JoJosBizarreAdventure Za]] [[MemeticMutation Warudo]].
38** Air Man's portrait on the stage select screen is taken from ''I Can't Defeat Air Man''.
39** Several stage graphics are ripped, either partially or fully, from other games:
40*** Bubble Man's is from ''[[VideoGame/DonkeyKongCountry Donkey Kong Land]]''.
41*** Flash Man's is from ''VideoGame/YoshisIsland''.
42*** Air Man's is from ''VideoGame/KirbysAdventure''.
43*** Quick Man's is from ''VideoGame/MegaManX2''.
44** Not to mention about the BGM playing throughout the stages. Just like the DummiedOut example above, all musics are remastered in 8-bit:
45*** Metal Man, Heat Man, and Flash Man get the series's home feeling, by taking their stage themes from, respectively, ''X2'', ''VideoGame/MegaManZero 2'', and ''Zero 4'''s intro stages.
46*** Air Man's is from the Famicom RPG ''[[VideoGame/TheLegendOfValkyrie Valkyrie no Bouken]]''.
47*** Bubble Man's theme is ''VideoGame/{{The King of Fighters}}'' '96's. [[SNKBoss Goenitz's, of all people...!]]
48*** And speaking of King of Fighters, Crash Man's theme is taken from the series's Japanese spinoff, ''[[VideoGame/SNKGalsFighters Gals Fighters]]'''s Arch of Triumph.
49*** Quick Man takes his stage theme from ''VideoGame/NamcoXCapcom'''s opening theme, ''[[ Brave New World / Subarashiki Shin Sekai]]''.
50*** Wood Man manages to get his theme from even more obscure sources: the ''Little Chaser'' game from the Japanese ShootEmUp series, ''Dezaemon''.
51*** The first and second Wily stages, however, used ''VideoGame/SuperRobotWarsAdvance'''s theme from Vindel / Zweizergain, the game's final boss. That's right, [[ThatOneLevel That One]] [[TheVeryDefinitelyFinalDungeon Final Stage]] takes inspiration in [[ThatOneBoss That One]] [[FinalBoss Final Boss]]! Goes unsaid that SRW fans playing Rockman no Constancy [[OhCrap get an ominous feeling once that tune started playing right at the final set of stages]]...
52** The Mecha Dragon has [[Anime/TengenToppaGurrenLagann Kamina shades]] now.
53* SuperMode: [[spoiler:''Wily'', of all people, has one in the final boss battle. Or at least his hologram does.]]
54* TankGoodness: The Wily Tank, [[OverlyLongGag as in the original.]]
55* TheLostWoods: Flash Man's stage, as well as Wily 6 (a PaletteSwap of the former).
56* TimeStandsStill: Flash Man, like the original.
57** And of course Za Warudo/The World, his weapon.
58* TitleThemeDrop: Done in Wily Stage 6. [[SugarWiki/AwesomeMusic And it is awesome.]]
59* UnderTheSea: Wily stages 1 (at least the first part) and 4.
60* UnderwaterRuins: Bubble Man's stage.
61* WeaksauceWeakness: [[DubNameChange Crash/Clash]] Man is [[OneHitKill killed in one hit]] by Za Warudo (a weapon that isn't even offensive). However, Za Warudo now damages ''all'' bosses in this game (albeit to varying degrees).
62* WordSaladTitle
