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Context VideoGame / Persist

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1-> Can you reach the Goddess and redeem your soul?
4[[ Persist]] is a platform game where you play as a lone spirit on a quest to reach mysterious Goddess and ask for forgiveness for his past sins. Unfortunately the Goddess hates him, and is trying her hardest to keep him from reaching her by stealing his various body parts, along with various skills with them, making the game more difficult.
7!!This game contains examples of
8* TheAtoner: The Spirit is implied to be this.
9* AnArmAndALeg: The Goddess attempts to stop the Spirit by taking away his body parts.
10* AbilityRequiredToProceed: Inverted! You start with all your abilities, but the further you get in the game, the more of various skills you lose.
11* AlmostDeadGuy: [[spoiler: BOTH the Spirit and the Goddess are revealed to be this.]]
12* BleakLevel: [[spoiler: The final level is completely gray and soundless.]]
13* [[spoiler: BackFromTheDead: The Spirit in the final level.]]
14* BottomlessPits
15* BloodlessCarnage: Getting hit by anything deadly will just make the Spirit disappear in a poof of smoke.
16* BittersweetEnding
17* CatchPhrase: The Goddess is fond of saying "Into the Abyss with you!" when she is done talking to the Spirit.
18* {{Determinator}}: The Spirit is slowly losing his whole existence, but keeps struggling on.
19* DownTheDrain: The second area.
20* DeathCourse: Almost all of the game.
21* DeathIsASlapOnTheWrist: You have unlimited lives and dying just sends you to the beginning of current room.
22* [[spoiler: DyingDream]]: See {{The Reveal}}
23* EarnYourHappyEnding
24* EverythingTryingToKillYou
25* EnergyBeing: [[spoiler: The Spirit becomes this when his head is taken away.]]
26* [[spoiler: {{Death Trap}}: After the final fire level, the Goddess puts the spirit into {{Descending Ceiling}} variation.]]
27* GreenHillZone: The first area has greenery and is much easier than the later levels.
28* HandicappedBadass: The Spirit is not going to give up disregard the loss of his limbs.
29* HeroicMime: The Spirit
30* HeroicResolve: [[spoiler: How the Spirit survives the Goddess' death trap.]]
31* [[spoiler: HeroicSacrifice: In the end, after having lost his physical being, the Spirit sacrifices his soul to save the Goddess.]]
32* [[spoiler: RedemptionEqualsDeath: The victim was in critical condition and barely survives, but the assailant succumbs to his wounds.]]
33* RedemptionQuest: The main point.
34* JerkassGods: The Goddess steals the Spirit's body parts and throws him into more and more dangerous situations while taunting him with increasingly aggressive tone. [[spoiler: After {{The Reveal}}, her previous attitude might have been justified.]]
35* LethalLavaLand: The third area.
36* OurSoulsAreDifferent / OurGhostsAreDifferent
37* OneHitPointWonder: The Spirit.
38* [[spoiler: {{Plotline Death}}: The Goddess' death trap cannot be escaped and it kills the Spirit. Or so it seems at first.]]
39* {{Retraux}}
40* TheReveal: [[spoiler: Both the Spirit and the Goddess are two mortally wounded people, assailant and his victim, and the whole game takes place in the dying, regretful assailant's mind.]]
41* TitleDrop: During the final confrontation.
42* SuperDrowningSkills: Averted in the beginning when the Spirit is able to swim. Played straight when the Goddess steals his arms.
43* SpikesOfDoom: Show up in the first levels of the game in the form of huge thorny ivys and later in the game in [[spoiler:the Goddess' death trap.]]
44* NoNameGiven: The Spirit and the Goddess.
