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Context VideoGame / Birdland

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3->''(You dream you are the sheriff of a wild west town populated entirely by bird people. Your bird deputy scrutinizes you closely as you mosey along beneath the bright pink sky.)''
4->''DEPUTY: (monotonously) State your job title.''
5->''YOU: Sheriff.''
6->''DEPUTY: And what is the function of a sheriff?''
8''Birdland'' is a multiple award-winning work of InteractiveFiction by Brendan Patrick Hennessy about Bridget Leaside, a 14-year-old girl at summer camp whose strange dreams about birds begin to bleed into reality.
10It can be played [[ here]].
13!!The work designated Birdland provides examples of the following tropes:
14* AnimalAthleteLoophole: After all, there's no rule saying grub-hunting isn't an official camp sport.
15* AntiFrustrationFeatures: While not recommended on the first playthrough, you can enable all mood-dependent choices and the undo button at the start of the game so it'll be easier to try different story paths.
16%%* BadLiar: Bridget. Very very much.
17%%* CallBack: Several, to ''Bell Park, Youth Detective''.
18%%* CloudCuckooLander: Mackenzie.
19* DreamSequence: Bridget has many strange dreams during her time at summer camp, and what she does in them affects her mood the following day, limiting your choices.
20%%* {{Gayngst}}: Justified, as Bridget is still in her very early teens and anxious in general.
21* GottaShipEmAll: Invoked. Do you have any idea how many ships Liz has going? 14. (Later edited to be 7, but still.)
22%%* IncompatibleOrientation: Implied to be why Bell and Cassidy drifted apart.
23* InsultBackfire: Bridget, to a bird: "Your mama lays eggs." "That is an anatomically correct statement."
24%%* LoopholeAbuse: The ultimate downfall of [[spoiler:the birds]].
25%%* OpposingSportsTeam: [[spoiler:The birds, eventually]]. Their choice of events doesn't help.
26* PrecisionFStrike: Played for laughs in the musician dream.
27--> "Hate. This is a song about me. ♪ I hate myself / I hate myself / I hate my goddamn self / Hate hate hate hate /Hate hate hate hate hate / Fucking / God damn it / Motherfucker"
28* PunnyName: Most characters are named after some Canadian or Torontonian landmarks.
29* RulesLawyer: An ''entire race of them'': [[spoiler: the birds are forbidden from doing anything illegal, interpreted very, very broadly.]]
30* RunningGag: "What is the function of the __________"?
31* ShoutOut: Liz is a [[VideoGame/LifeIsStrange Pricefield]] shipper. (This was removed later, with "Pricefield trash" changed to "Absolute trash.")
32%%* SpockSpeak: How all the birds talk.
33%%* SummerCampy: The setting.
34* SuspiciouslyAproposMusic: Most of Bridget's songs in the musician dream hint at her crush.
35* TarotTroubles: Hidden away in the pirate dream, with randomized and obfuscated cards all derived for details accurate to the rest of the plot.
36-->''(She flips over the last card. It's numbered VI and shows two naked humans holding hands underneath a giant bird.)''
37-->FORTUNE TELLER: The Romantically Involved Individuals. A companion of yours will prove like-minded in a way that you had intensely hoped but had not allowed yourself to believe.
38-->YOU: Wait, what was that last one again?
39%%* TheButlerDidIt: Parodied [[spoiler: and subverted]] in the detective dream.
