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Context VideoGame / BadDayLA

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2[[caption-width-right:255:From left to right: The Sergeant, Beverly, Anthony Williams, The Sick Kid, and Juan.]]
4Bad Day L.A. is a PC game designed by in 2006 by American [=McGee=] and developed by Enlight Software, where the player is Anthony Williams a former Hollywood agent turned vagrant. Taking place in the city of UsefulNotes/LosAngeles, California the city is suddenly hit with a ton of disasters ranging from an earthquake to a terrorist attack all at the same time. With everything going to hell, it's up to Anthony to save the day.
7!!This game contains examples of:
8* AerosolFlamethrower: The flamethrower weapon offered in the game, which as a Zippo style lighter attached to it.
9* ArtisticLicenseMilitary: The Mexican Army inexplicably have tanks, which they don't have in real life.
10* AssholeVictim: There are tons of these in the game, like the the man who honked at Anthony, asked him to put out his car's fire, drove off, got a shotgun, and used it to demonstrate what to not do and what to do in an non-simulated fashion! A guy he shot at then punched him from behind killing him.
11* BigDamnHeroes: The gang that Anthony forms.
12* BlackComedy: There's plenty of jokes about people dying in a humorous fashion.
13* BreakingTheFourthWall: Done by the asshole victim above to explain what not to do and what to do in the game.
14* CelShading: This game has a very cartoony art style.
15* ChangedMyMindKid: Anthony does this when he has the getaway pilot fly without the group but then makes him turn the chopper around to get everyone.
16* CharacterDevelopment: In the first third of the game Anthony is very selfish and sleazy, but as the game goes on, he becomes selfless and more caring.
17* ChaseScene: When Anthony is shooting out of the ambulance, he's being chased by the terrorists.
18* ColonelBadass: The Sergeant, obviously with his role in the military and kicking ass.
19* CrapsackWorld: The entire city of Los Angeles in this case not just with the disaster and all but with its belligerent people.
20* {{Cutscene}}: This game has them to inject some life into this crazy story.
21* DeadpanSnarker: Anthony is this BIG TIME.
22* DiscretionShot: When Anthony takes a crap in front of everyone on the highway the camera points upwards on the relieved expression on his face.
23* DoubleAgent: Juan turns out to be one working for the Mexican Army to take over Los Angeles.
24* DoubleEntendre: A man in a burger costume is being chased by some zombified dogs so he screams, "They want my pickle!" which Anthony responds with "Don't talk about yo pickle to me!"
25* DressedInLayers: The Mexican Army when disguised as normal yard workers.
26* DumbBlonde: Beverly.
27* EarthquakesCauseFissures: Happens dramatically in the game environment forcing Williams to jump over gaps onto platforms that were once level continuous ground.
28* {{Expy}}: Anthony is basically [[Series/ChappellesShow Tyrone Biggums]] if he wasn't a crack addict.
29* EscortMission: Half the missions in the game are defending helpless citizens from being killed.
30* FaceHeelTurn: Juan, your second ally after the Sick Kid and first combat-capable buddy, turns out to be an infiltrator as a general in the Mexican Army when they invade in the last portion of the game. When the gang decide to fight back against him in hopes of escaping ([[ThwartedEscape yet again]]), he decides to try to execute them all - [[LaserGuidedKarma and gets flattened by the Zombie Virus Bomb.]]
31* FireBreathingWeapon: Anthony obtains the Aerosol Flamethrower version of this.
32* FleshEatingZombie: One of the many things to worry about in the apocalypse.
33* FlippingTheBird: Anthony does this to a couple of rude drivers before shit starts hitting the fan.
34* GangBangers: Many Black and Hispanic gangs take over the city.
35* GiantMook: The Wacburger costume guy turns into a giant and can't be killed so he can only be avoided.
36* GiantWallOfWateryDoom: The gang experiences a tsunami as they try to escape Los Angeles by boat.
37* GoofySuit: Guy in the burger costume mentioned above.
38* {{Gorn}}: There's plenty of it with all the people getting smashed, dismembered, eaten, with all the disaster. Thankfully, the simplistic art-style tones down the violence levels though.
39* HeadsUpDisplay: You have one for everything in this game, your health, your weapon, your ammo count, etc.
40* HealThyself: The medical packs in this case are bands of gauze.
41* HellishCopter: Every time Anthony manages to find a chopper to ride in it ends up crashing for whatever reason.
42* HellishLA: It's right there in the title. Los Angeles is portrayed as a place that outright deserved to get destroyed.
43* HeroicFireRescue: In the Fire Chapter of the game Anthony does this for a mom, a sex doll, and Beverly's Chihuahua.
44* HeroicSacrifice: Anthony stays behind to detonate the bomb in the city while everyone else leaves.
45* HomelessHero: The protagonist.
46* IncrediblyDurableEnemies: Even the weakest enemy can take two point-blank shotgun blasts to the face before going down.
47* ItsUpToYou: Anthony has to do pretty much everything!
48* {{Jerkass}}: Anthony is pretty much the kind of guy that nobody likes, and he knows it before returning it in spades. In spite of this, the game's mechanics force you to be heroic to progress ([[DeadpanSnarker with Williams remarking on it and being an ass in the process]]), before he almost spontaneously [[TookALevelInKindness takes a level in kindness]] thanks to the Sick Kid calling him a hero. [[PoliticallyIncorrectHero Doesn't stop him from being racist towards the Mexican Army while saving the city.]] Of course, a fair amount of the people he's a jerk to [[CrapsackWorld kind of deserve it.]]
49** Just to highlight how much of an asshole he starts off as, early game he has to save a baby in danger. When he doesn't feel like trying to carry the baby back to its mother, however, he just opts to ''[[BlackComedy punt it like a football at her]]'' and then cracks a one liner afterwards.
50* KarmaMeter: This game has one that refers to how hostile non-infected people are towards you. Do good things and they leave you alone, do bad things and they attack you.
51* LifeMeter: Represented by numbers under Anthony's HUD face.
52* MaddenIntoMisanthropy: Anthony's job caused him to adopt an extremely cynical view of society, to the point where he deliberately got himself fired by coming into his boss's office naked and throwing poop at him He changes his view over the course of the game.
53* MagicAntidote: The Sick Kid finally gets this at the end to stop vomiting.
54* MolotovCocktail: Anthony can carry plenty of these flaming bottles!
55* NoCelebritiesWereHarmed: Anthony is based on Creator/DaveChappelle and Beverly is clearly based on Paris Hilton.
56* OverreactingAirportSecurity: Anthony and the gang have to deal with this when they try to get on the plane out of L.A.
57* PlayerInventory: Anthony has this in the form of HyperspaceArsenal with all the weapons and items he can carry at once.
58* PoliticallyIncorrectHero: Anthony and the General repeatedly uses racial epithets towards Mexicans near the end of the game.
59* PowerUps: This game is LOADED with them such as ones that increase your health which include fast food, soda, alcohol, and even porn magazines complete with a masturbation sound when picked up.
60* ProneToVomiting: The Sick Kid due to a disease he has. He gets cured at the end of the game.
61* RailShooter: The game has a segment where you shoot a machine gun while in the back of an ambulance.
62* SassyBlackWoman: The main boss at the airport is this.
63* {{Satire}}: This game has plenty to say about modern society and how dysfunctional it is.
64* ShotgunsAreJustBetter: Averted-the shotgun is pretty weak due to every enemy being a bullet sponge. It's not even an example of ShortRangeShotgun; literally poking the enemy with the barrel before firing has the same effect as shooting from six feet away.
65* ShoutOut: Sometimes when fighting, Anthony will say things like "Another one bites the dust!" which is a reference to a Music/{{Queen}} song of the same name and Music/MichaelJackson's "Billie Jean".
66* SirSwearsALot: Anthony is a very foul-mouthed individual.
67* {{Stereotype}}: This game plays around with them such as the blue collar Hispanic worker as well as the white, military, patriotic, American trooper.
68* SniperRifle: A Barrett M95 to be exact.
69* StuffBlowingUp: Happens too many times to count in the game.
70* UnlikelyHero: Once again, the protagonist who originally just wanted to fend for himself.
71* TagalongKid: The Sick Kid is a perfect example of this.
72* ThwartedEscape: EVERY TIME. Something just happens to bring the group back to Los Angeles whether their aircraft gets crashed down or a Tsunami hits, they coming back!
73* VomitIndiscretionShot: The Sick Kid, EVERY TIME.
74* VulgarHumor: There's a TON of it in the game such as Anthony talking about "Mud Butt" "If you don't want to see my mud butt, you best close yo eyes!"
75* XRaySparks: Happens whenever you get shocked in this game for example by a taser.
