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Context Tropers / Milarqui

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136-year-old Spanish Troper. Likes Harry Potter, Castle, Bones, CSI, videogames...
3!!Current works:
4* [[ Eagle's Wings]]: ''Literature/{{Worm}}''[=/=]''TabletopGame/{{Pathfinder}}'' crossover where Taylor's Trigger Event is prevented by her ascension as a Cleric Hierophant.
5* Webcomic/ScarletLady: The novelization, of course, not the actual comic.
6!!Old works:
7* Literature/AmericasStepbrotherAmericasEnemyTwoPointZero
8* Literature/TheLegacyOfTheGlorious
9* Fanfic/PatroniInWinterfell: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Ron Weasley appear in the Neck after they die, at the behest of Death, to help the Stark family face the dangers that will happen to them if the normal course of events takes place.
10* [[ ¡Santiago y wank, España!]]: another FollowTheLeader of Literature/UnitedStatesOfAmeriwank, where the Stranger appears in Castile after the Treaty of Alcáçovas is signed, and gives Isabel of Castile and Fernando of Aragon the task of starting the chain of events that will unite the world in order to save it from the terrible war of 2258.
11* [[ The Magic Behind Dandelions And Bows]]: a ''Literature/TheHungerGames'' fanfiction where Katniss and Peeta have two secrets: they have a strange bond that tells them where they are... and they can do mágica.
12* [[ Ucronía Lallena]], a blog (in Spanish) about AlternateHistory, referencing many tropes and works with pages here.
13* [[ Two For The Price Of One]], a SelfInsert fanfic where the author merges with Eddard Stark the night before his wedding with Catelyn Tully, and, with the aid of an ASB called Central, transform Westeros so it can not only fight off the White Walkers, but put it in the path of modernization.
15!!The following can be applied to this troper:
17* GrammarNazi: A self-confessed one.
18* IncrediblyLamePun: If someone sets it up, he cannot avoid making them.
20!!Pages made:
22* FanFic/ASparkOfIceAndFire
23* Literature/AmericasStepbrotherAmericasEnemy
24** Literature/AmericasStepbrotherAmericasEnemyTwoPointZero
25* TabletopGame/BrokenGears
26* FanFic/{{Emperor}}
27* Fanfic/HeroAcademiaDXD
28* FanFic/HeroesByChoice
29* Series/{{Hispania}}
30* Series/ElInternado
31* Fanfic/TheMoonsFlashPrincess
32* FanFic/MutantStorm
33* FanFic/SoSoarsTheYoungFalcon
34* FanFic/SonOfTheSevenKingdoms
35* Literature/TheLegacyOfTheGlorious
36* FanFic/TheLionOfTheNorth
37* FanFic/PatroniInWinterfell
38* FanFic/TheThornyRose
39* FanFic/WorldwarDiscoveringTheBalance
41!!Other matters in which he is (or was) involved:
43* Roleplay/CaptoIugulum: he was Spain for most of the game, leaving some time before it imploded.
