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Context Tropers / MarkVonLewis

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1Mark Von Lewis.
3[--Are you sure?--]
7 In case anyone doesn't yet know, I had 25 teeth pulled Jan of '10. I was initially trying to enlist in the Navy, and the dentist they sent me to for cost estimates to get a waiver suggested getting the 25 teeth that would need extensive work done pulled and replace with partial plate dentures. I went that route, as it was only like ten grand, as opposed to $42,000 for option A. So 3/4 of my teeth now are faker than a playboy playmate's tits. But it has it's perks - they don't get stained from liquids like kool-aid.
9[[folder: Tropes That Apply to Me]]
10* {{I Need A Freaking Drink}}: usual mantra from when when things get tough.
11* {{The Alcoholic}}: I prefer drunkard, or hard-drinking bastard.
