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1Young adult male. Occasional contributor to a number of pages.
3Created the following pages:
4* UsefulNotes/{{Capoeira}}: I'm so-so at actually doing the style, but it's referenced in so many places on the wiki, I figured it good to set up a page. *wry grin* Now to make all of the links...
5* Literature/ChroniclesOfTheKencyrath: ^_^ A stellar example of what fandom can spawn. I started with maybe 4-5 links and then posted the page's presence on the series mailing list. It's grown quite respectably.
6* Literature/MagicalGirlHunters: Love the series, wanted to spread it.
7* Film/TheWizardOfGore: Just recently watched it. Enjoyed it immensely for all its schlocky horror value.
8* Series/FXTheSeries: Fun series. MacGyver with latex instead of duct tape.
9* Literature/KumikoTheDemonGirl: A cute bit of original fiction that was nearly lost due to the Internet moving on.
10* Literature/InHeroYearsImDead: A piece of post-modern superhero fiction. Loved it so much, I had to get a copy and introduce the world to it.
11* Literature/{{Hobgoblin}}: A ProblemNovel that tried to cash in on the D&D moral panic.
12* {{Mercs}}: After getting a bit part in the remake, I had to make sure to spread the love to others.
13* Film/{{Bloodfist}}: I've only seen Bloodfist VI, but after I started inputting tropes, it just made sense to go whole hog.
14* Toys/CabbagePatchKids: Never owned one, but it was a redlink.
15* {{Film/Fireproof}}: Watched it, made the entry. Glad to see others have kept it up a bit.
16* Film/TheForgotten: Watched it years back. Saw someone had posted a ''The Forgotten Movie'' link and moved it over into the proper section. Oddly enough, there was already a WMG entry for the movie. Makes me wonder if fans of the TV series nuked a prior entry to make room for theirs.
17* Film/TheSwitch: Watched it with the girlfriend, really wanted to geek out about the blue eyes/blonde hair thing, wrote the entry.
