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Context Tropers / Anarquistador

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1The Suburbs of Hell are a quiet place. Those who live there are not evil enough for Hell Proper, yet not righteous enough for Heaven. We all just sort of mill around, get drunk and argue over trivial things (kinda like [[TakeThat The Internet]]). Anarquistador guards the way in. And the way out, but nobody's ever asked about that.
3Sin comes from ignorance, and ignorance is boring and commonplace. Knowledge is interesting. I go where it leads me. The more we know, the stronger we are.
5!!Some Information About Anarquistador
7* TheAtoner: I've got issues.
8* BewareTheQuietOnes
9* BookWorm
10* DeadpanSnarker
11* EvenNerdsHaveStandards: The Dungeon Master made me leave the group when my character got killed. Who'd expect a Stone Golem to fall out of a clear blue sky and crush you, really?
12* GentlemanAndAScholar or InsufferableGenius, depending on who you ask.
13* GrammarNazi: Somewhat. But you know, it's just as easy to get these things right...
14* GrumpyBear: Do not poke me.
15* HeWhoFightsMonsters
16* HonorBeforeReason: I have this tendency.
17* JerkAss: Again, depending on who you ask.
18* KillEmAll: You'd be surprised how often this comes up.
19* MadeOfExplodium: Well, every so often, if I'm not properly grounded...
20* MagnificentBastard: Not yet, but I'm working on it.
21* NightmareFetishist
22* OnlySaneMan: Yes. Yes I am.
23* PragmaticVillainy: My leadership style, pretty much.
24* SeriousBusiness: I take fine literature, [[SpotOfTea tea]], and alcohol very seriously. Offer me some Salada or some Bud Light, and we will have to step outside.
25* ShroudedInMyth: I am the guy in high school English class who LIKED ''Literature/MobyDick''. You thought I was just a legend, I know.
26* WeaksauceWeakness: Cilantro. Bleargh.
27* WhatDidIDoLastNight: Saint Patrick's Day, 1996. Can't remember a damned thing, but there's a pub in Galway City where I'm banned for life.
29!!Tropes Contributed By Anarquistador
30* ImmortalAssassin
