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Context Trivia / DiscoveryFamily

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1* DenialOfDigitalDistribution: Despite the contiuned increase of cord cutting and even after the death of the Discovery Family GO! app, Discovery Family is still refusing to revoke their broadcasting rights for all My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls media, thus destroying their availability on streaming.
2* NetworkDecay: Absolutely no new programs on Discovery Family premiered in any month of 2021. The last new program on the channel was ''WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyPonyLife'', which premiered in November 2020. Discovery's combination with [=WarnerMedia=] to create Creator/WarnerBrosDiscovery the following year made the channel truly superfluous as Creator/{{Hasbro}} moved their new series to Creator/{{Netflix}}, although it continues operation as a repeat farm which nominally reports to the Creator/CartoonNetwork group.
3* WhatCouldHaveBeen: Haim Saban, upon creating Creator/SabanBrands, bluffed Disney into handing back ''Franchise/PowerRangers'' from Disney by saying they were going to bring to The Hub. In the end, Creator/{{Nickelodeon}} was left in charge of the Rangers. Justified since, Takara Tomy (the owners of the Hasbro's Transformers franchise in Japan) is Bandai's rival in and outside the country. And there's no way Hasbro would allow it in the first place anyway.
4** Ironically, with [[ Saban now partnering with Hasbro to make the toys for Power Rangers]], and [[ Hasbro now owning the brand]], this could happen in the future... but it never came to be, as Hasbro decided to just bring Power Rangers to {{Creator/Netflix}} starting with the second season of ''Series/PowerRangersDinoFury''.
5** ''WesternAnimation/PinkyAndTheBrain'', ''WesternAnimation/{{Freakazoid}}'', and ''WesternAnimation/TheAdventuresOfTeddyRuxpin'' were slated to join the Hub's lineup but were dropped when it became Discovery Family.
