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Context Series / DarkShadows1991

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3''Dark Shadows'' (later referred to as ''Dark Shadows: The Revival'') is a television series which aired on Creator/{{NBC}} from January to March 1991. A re-imagining of the 1966–71 Creator/{{ABC}} daytime gothic soap opera ''Series/DarkShadows'', the revival was developed by Dan Curtis, creator of the original series.
5This 1991 version of ''Dark Shadows'' tells a streamlined version of the original storyline -- the arrival of governess Victoria Winters at Collinwood, vampire Barnabas Collins being released from his coffin, Dr. Hoffman's attempt to cure Barnabas' vampirism medically, and, finally, Victoria's time travel back to 1790 to witness the events in which the still-human Barnabas is transformed into an undead creature.
7!!This series features examples of:
8* AdaptationalAttractiveness: The much younger-looking and sexier Creator/BenCross in comparison to the untraditionally attractive Jonathan Frid as Barnabas.
9* AlcoholInducedIdiocy: Willie.
10* BloodierAndGorier: Not to the level of the 1970 film ''House of Dark Shadows'', but definitely a bit more graphic than the original Series/DarkShadows series.
11* {{Brainwashed}}: [[spoiler:Both Daphne and Joe, after being bitten by Barnabas and Daphne herself, respectively, awaken determined to return to their attacker so that they can finish the job. In Joe's case it's BrainwashedAndCrazy, as he overpowers a police officer on the way]].
12* CanonForeigner: Daphne Collins, a cousin of David and Carolyn with unseen, presumably deceased parents; technically GodCreatedCanonForeigner as the first five episodes of the show were co-written and directed by original series creator Dan Curtis.[[invoked]]
13* CompositeCharacter:
14** Though a Maggie Evans does exist in this series, this version has Victoria Winters in her place as Josette's doppelgänger and the DoppelgangerReplacementLoveInterest to Barnabas. Maggie is instead a barmaid and Tarot reader, who conducts the séance that sends Victoria back in time.
15** The subplot for Carolyn Stoddard and Todd Blake in the 1971 AlternateContinuity movie ''House of Dark Shadows'' is repeated here with Joe Haskell and Daphne Collins: [[spoiler:Carolyn/Daphne is Barnabas's first major character victim, rises as a vampire and bites her love interest Todd/Joe, who regains consciousness in bed in Collinwood and obsessively seeks her out, rendering his guard unconscious. Todd/Joe makes his way to Carolyn/Daphne's lair and surrenders himself to her for the final bite, but the good guys interrupt them, restrain him and destroy her]].
16* CreepyChild: David.
17* CrustyCaretaker: Willie, even before the series picks up.
18* DeathByAdaptation:
19** [[spoiler:Daphne Collins]]. Her counterpart [[spoiler:Elizabeth's secretary Daphne Budd]] originally survives being attacked by Barnabas in ''House of Dark Shadows'', but the 1991 series [[spoiler:gives her Carolyn's storyline from the film: turned into a vampire, scares David, bites her boyfriend, hunted down by crucifix-wielding police and staked to death]].
20** [[spoiler:Joe Haskell]] is killed by an Angelique-possessed Julia. He survived the original series, albeit [[spoiler:having been PutOnABus to a mental hospital after suffering a nervous breakdown from all the crazy shit he'd witnessed]].
21** Subverted for [[spoiler: Millicent. She dies much earlier in the original]].
22* DiesDifferentlyInAdaptation: [[spoiler: Woodward]]. The fate is similar to the original series- [[spoiler:Woodward learns the truth, forcing Barnabas and Julia to murder him to cover their tracks]]. However, the adaptation has [[spoiler:Barnabas turn Woodward into a vampire and has him attack the sheriff and then get staked by Julia, thus framing Woodward for all of Barnabas' murders]].
23* KissingCousins: Barnabas with both Daphne and Carolyn. Just kissing (and vampire biting), mind you.
24* LargeHam / EvilIsHammy: Ben Cross as Barnabas..."WILLIE!!!!!!"
25* LocalHangout: The Blue Whale.
26* TheLostLenore: Josette.
27* LovecraftCountry: Collinsport.
28* NostalgicMusicBox: Belonged to Josette.
29* OfCorsetsSexy: Angelique.
30* OurVampiresAreDifferent: Much like its predecessor. They're prone to compulsive acts of heinousness and die after sunrise, requiring them to return to their coffins to avoid just being a corpse wherever they happen to be at the time. They can also mostly pass for human at night, until they prepare to feed.
31* PosthumousCharacter: Sarah Collins appears mostly as TheGhost to warn the characters, particularly Barnabas and David, of bad tidings.
32* PromotedToLoveInterest: Victoria Winters takes Maggie Evans's place as Barnabas's DoppelgangerReplacementLoveInterest for Josette.
33* RelatedDifferentlyInTheAdaptation:
34** Jeremiah, originally Joshua's younger brother in the original series, becomes Joshua and Naomi's ''son'' and Barnabas and Sarah's ''brother.''
35** Daniel, formerly a distant cousin and Millicent's brother, becomes Joshua and Naomi's son and Barnabas, Sarah and Jeremiah's brother.
36* RelatedInTheAdaptation: Daphne, originally Elizabeth's secretary in ''House of Dark Shadows'', becomes a Collins family member.
37* TheRenfield: Willie, of course.
38* {{Revival}}: It is one of ''Series/DarkShadows''.
39* SealedEvilInACan: Barnabas.
40* SparedByTheAdaptation: [[spoiler:Naomi]], for a certain definition of "spared". [[spoiler:She doesn't react to Barnabas' vampirism with despair and suicide like in the original series. Instead, she goes insane]].
41* SpookyPainting: Quite a few around Collingwood.
42* SycophanticServant: Willie, especially to Barnabas.
43* WhatYearIsThis: Used when Victoria gets sent back to 1790, with no irony or deconstruction. [[spoiler:It's so she can fail to prevent Barnabas from being converted.]]
