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Context Recap / The100S06E03

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1->'''Clarke:''' We can change.\
2'''Russell:''' I believe you want to, Clarke. I just don't believe you can.
4Clarke tries to win over the leaders of Sanctum in order to let her people stay. Meanwhile, Bellamy, Echo and Octavia discover a new threat while on a mission to retrieve the transport ship.
8* AGodAmI: The cure that saves Murphy was discovered by Gabriel, which apparently led him to believing he was immortal.
9* AllDogsArePurebred: Russell's dog is a purebred Golden Retriever. She also appears to be the only dog in Sanctum. No explanation is given for this.
10* CanOnlyMoveTheEyes: Once paralyzed, Madi and Gaia can only move their eyes. This is still enough for them to communicate with Diyoza, though.
11* CoitusInterruptus: The paralytic darts used by the Children of Gabriel take out Delilah just as she’s about to have sex with Jordan
12* HeroicBSOD: Murphy is profoundly shaken by whatever he saw when he died.
13* {{Hypocrite}}: Madi calls Diyoza’s baby “the child of two mass murderers," either forgetting or not knowing just how many people Clarke has killed. Either that, or given that Clarke's view own on her own body count is IDidWhatIHadToDo, Madi considers Clarke's situation justified and Diyoza's to be gratuitous or evil. However, this SnarkToSnarkCombat also conveniently forgets how quick ''Madi herself'' was to kill Diyoza's men until being convinced to not to by Bellamy.
14* IDidWhatIHadToDo: Clarke’s attempted defense when Simone and Russell confront her about the number of people she’s killed.
15* ImGoingToHellForThis: When Murphy is revived, he solemnly tells Emori, "I think I'm going to hell," likely for all of his past deeds.
16* JerkassHasAPoint: While Simone is incredibly harsh about how she says it, she has a good point about how often Clarke is willing to kill others to save her people, and the people of Sanctum are definitely not hers.
17* MeaningfulEcho: When Octavia tries to appeal with Bellamy to let her stay by reminding him that she's his sister, he quotes her from both seasons 4 and 5 by saying, "My sister died a long time ago."
18* NiceJobBreakingItHero: Jordan, smitten with Delilah, shares some of the stories with her about Clarke and her friends, specifically about her title of Wanheda and her genocide of the Mountain Men...which pretty much kills any chance Clarke initially has of an alliance with Sanctum.
19* OffWithHisHead: The Children of Gabriel behead the three dead Primes - Kaylee's family - on the ship.
20* OnlyMostlyDead: Russell declares Murphy dead, but also says that death is not the end, and is able to save him.
21* SayingTooMuch:
22** Jordan, who has never interacted with a pretty girl (who wasn’t his mother) before and is quite taken by Delilah, reveals way too much information about the others, giving Russell ample reasons to refuse to allow them to stay in Sanctum.
23** Madi has a smaller version at the end, when she uses Diyoza’s name, causing Russell to recognize her and banish her from Sanctum.
24* SheCleansUpNicely: Clarke looks stunning in her evening wear. It helps that it’s one of relatively few times we see her without some dirt or blood on her face.
25* SurprisinglyRealisticOutcome:
26** Clarke is shocked and a little scared when Russell’s dog runs up to her. Considering there were no dogs on the Ark and maybe were wolves on the ground, it’s a very appropriate reaction.
27** Clarke tries to defend the number of people she’s killed by claiming that [[IDidWhatIHadToDo she did what she had to do]] to save her people. It’s not reassuring, since as the leaders of Sanctum, they’d be the first people Clarke would kill if she had to.
28** Dioyza, despite helping Madi and Gaia, ''is'' a terrorist comparable (apparently) to Hitler and Bin Laden, and when Russell recognizes her, he banishes her from Sanctum.
29* TranquilizerDart: The Children of Gabriel's weapon of choice, though the darts don't knock their victims out, just paralyze them.
