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Context Recap / BlakesSevenS4E13Blake

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2 [[caption-width-right:350:AndTheAdventureContinues!\
3[[BolivianArmyEnding Or not.]]]]
4[[AC:Written by Creator/ChrisBoucher.\
5Directed by Mary Ridge.\
6Airdate: 21 December 1981.]]
8Our GrandFinale gets under way with the ''Scorpio'' departing its home base, which is quickly demolished by explosive charges, since in addition to being severely damaged in the previous episode, the Federation are now likely aware of its location. However, Avon has a new plan; set up a new base on the planet of Gauda Prime, where Blake is supposedly hiding out these days. Soolin isn't overly keen on this idea, as Gauda Prime was her homeworld, and her parents were murdered there when the Federation decided to make it a more efficient mining colony by turning it into an anarchic society. Well, whatever works for them, huh?
10In the meantime, Blake is shown to be alive and (mostly) well on Gauda Prime. He takes out a bunch of men chasing a young woman by the name of Arlen, gives her a meal and something to drink, and then tells her that the least she can to do repay him is let him hand her in for the huge, fat bounty on her head. Evidently, Blake TookALevelInJerkass between the end of Season 2 and now.
12Back on the ''Scorpio'', Orac is filling in the crew on the details of Gauda Prime, when Slave tries to give them some important information. Orac isn't willing to be interrupted, however, and shuts down Slave's voice circuits; something which turns out to be an absolutely disastrous move when it turns out that Slave was trying to warn them of the slight fact that Gauda Prime is surrounded by a few dozen heavily armed fighter craft. ''[[FragileSpeedster Scorpio]]'' is no match, and rapidly crippled and sent into a death spiral down to the planet's surface. Vila, Dayna and Soolin are first to beam out, followed by Avon and Orac, though Tarrant is unable to leave the controls since the ship would break up before he could reach the teleporter. The ship crash-lands on the planet's surface, in a sequence oddly reminiscent of the destruction of the ''Liberator'' the previous season (which probably has nothing at all to do with the fact that this story and "Terminal" were directed by the same woman).
14The crash-landing of the ''Scorpio'' obvious attracted some attention, and so after dropping Arlen off at the nearest thing the planet has to a capital, Blake flies out to take a look, and finds an injured but very much alive Tarrant. Meanwhile, Avon meets up with the other three, and they fend off an assault from some more mercenaries, before taking their flyer. As he flies Tarrant back, Blake casually mentions that he once had a friend named Jenna, who was forced to blow herself up to avoid capture by the Federation, though at least managed to turn it into a HeroicSacrifice by taking out a half a squadron of gunships.
16Upon arrival, Blake seemingly takes Tarrant into custody and lets Arlen join the new rebellion he's setting up; to further his plans, he's also luring a Federation envoy to the planet. Unfortunately Tarrant doesn't quite grasp what's going on, and flees to the base's communication room, where he meets Avon, Vila, Dayna and Soolin. Orac has apparently been left in the flyer.
18Blake follows Tarrant, and after two whole seasons, the big reunion finally takes place. It's not a happy one however, as Tarrant accuses Blake of betraying the crew to the Federation, leaving Avon horrified and paranoid. Blake tries to tell Avon that the whole thing has actually just been a SecretTestOfCharacter, but Avon is having none of it and kills Blake by shooting him in the gut, with messy results. Quite the FamilyUnfriendlyDeath, apparently because Creator/GarethThomas only agreed to return if Blake was KilledOffForReal. Though it ''could'' have been [[Recap/BlakesSevenS2E3Weapon the Clone Blake]]...
20Anyways, things go FromBadToWorse as Arlen shows up, holds the former ''Scorpio'' crew at gunpoint and announces that she's a Federation DoubleAgent. Of course, our heroes have gotten out of worse situations before, and Vila tries to distract Arlen by claiming that he has nothing against the Federation. Dayna tries to retrieve the fallen Blake's gun... and then Arlen casually shoots her dead. ''Damn''. Creator/JosetteSimon must have wanted out of the show, and with an actual on-screen death unlike Jenna or Cally, huh?
22Vila manages to punch out Arlen, and take her gun -- right in front of the newly-arrived Federation troops, who quickly gun him down. And it's at this point where it becomes obvious that things are not going to end at all well, which becomes even more obvious when Soolin and then Tarrant are also killed in the ensuing firefight.
24This leaves just Avon, who is left surrounded by the corpses of his current and former crew (and the unconscious Arlen, and the bodies of a few people not worth mentioning), and cornered by over a dozen Federation troopers. He stands over Blake's body, raises his gun, smiles grimly...
26Cut to credits. Will this be resolved next season?
28A high-pitched shot rings out.
30And then a hail of lower-pitched shots.
32[[DownerEnding No, it won't be.]]
34!"Blake" contains examples of:
36* AbandonShip: Scorpio is attacked and crashlands on Gauda Prime. Tarrant pilots the ship down to give the others time to teleport off.
37-->'''Dayna:''' At this speed?
38-->'''Avon:''' [[ItsTheOnlyWay Do you want to wait around until we hit something soft?]]
39* AcceptableBreaksFromReality: Fans find it unbelievable that Servalan would not be a part of this, given her investment in Blake, Avon and the rest of the seven. However, if she was to show up and gloat or reveal that it was part of her plan, she would be revealing herself as the one and only Servalan and not some nobody named Commissioner Sleer who had no documented history with Blake or Avon.[[note]]During the third season and into the fourth, the Federation was critically weakened due to the Andromedan invasion and Avon was non-proactive in terms of anti Federation action. Servalan was deposed by a junta who probably regarded the Seven as low priority "has beens".[[/note]] At this point, Servalan was as much a fugitive as Avon and Blake. So it would have been suicide to show up in the interest of closure over an old vendetta.
40* AmbiguousEnding: Fans have debated whether the rest of the Seven died along with Blake ever since.
41* AppealToForce: Gauda Prime was designated an agricultural world, but when it was discovered to have mineral wealth on the land that the Federation settlers legally owned, the High Council declared it an Open Planet where all law & order was suspended. Anyone who refused to leave could then be legally murdered.
42* AssholeVictim: The man paying the bounty is bothered to hear that Blake killed one of his fellow bounty hunters, until told his name.
43-->'''Deva:''' Ohhh. Oh, it was ''Tando'' you killed.
44-->'''Blake:''' Does it make a difference?
45-->'''Deva:''' He's worse than the people he hunted.
46* [[SeanConneryIsAboutToShootYou Avon Kerr Is About To Shoot You]]: The final shot is Avon raising his gun to the camera.
47* BBCQuarry: Averted as Gauda Prime has forests instead of sandpits. It was originally designated an agricultural planet after all, so there would have to be conditions for lush growth.
48* {{BFG}}: Creator/PaulDarrow requested a particularly large gun for killing Blake, justifying his BloodierAndGorier death. They gave him the carbine part of the ComboRifle used in "[[Recap/BlakesSevenS4E12Warlord Warlord]]".
49* BackForTheFinale: Blake came back for the final episode, and was bloodily shot dead. This was because Creator/GarethThomas was fed up with the part and wanted it to be unambiguously the last time he would have to play the role in case the show got UnCancelled.
50* BigDamnHeroes: Avon saving Dayna/Soolin/Vila from bounty hunters. Subverted with Blake, who keeps rescuing people only to apparently betray them.
51* BloodierAndGorier: Blake's death is much more graphic than expected for this series, as Creator/GarethThomas wanted to avert any possibility of his character being brought BackFromTheDead.
52* BloodlessCarnage: This trope was used so the producers could bring the characters back to life if the series was renewed for another season (which had already happened once), by saying that stun guns had been used. Except for one actor who insisted he be KilledOffForReal, and so suffered an appropriately bloody death-by-exploding-squibs+bloodbag.
53* BolivianArmyCliffhanger: The series ends with all the heroes (and we mean ALL the heroes, even ones that had been PutOnABus in previous seasons) in assorted, apparently inescapable imminent death situations. The intention was that anyone who wanted in on the next season would be revealed to have survived, but at that point the show got cancelled, turning the cliffhanger into a BolivianArmyEnding.
54* BolivianArmyEnding: The episode ends with Avon surrounded by Federation soldiers and everyone else on his side apparently dead (with Blake, at Creator/GarethThomas' specific request, '''definitely''' killed off). The sound of a firefight is played over the closing credits.
55* BountyHunter: Gauda Prime is a CrapsackWorld where all laws have been suspended by the Federation High Council, in order to kill or drive off the colonists who legally owned the land. This naturally attracted a large number of criminals and psychopaths [[YouHaveOutlivedYourUsefulness who now have to be disposed of]] before law and order can be reintroduced, so they're being used as bounty hunters to catch or kill their fellow lawbreakers. Our rebel anti-heroes are not pleased to hear that Blake, ostensibly their leader but who's been [[PutOnABus missing for the past couple of seasons]], is now [[TookALevelInJerkass working as one of these bounty hunters]]. It turns out he's secretly recruiting another rebel force from among the criminals he's capturing.
56* BusCrash: Just to really KickTheDog, it's revealed that Jenna died at some point between the start of Season 3 and this episode. The episode leaves it ambiguous if Blake is telling the truth, or if he's just throwing out the name to see how Tarrant reacts. The Big Finish audios later established that yes, Blake was indeed telling the truth.
57* CallBack:
58** Zukan's betrayal in the previous episode is given as the reason why the Seven are abandoning their base for good, for fear that he's passed on its location to Servalan.
59** To "[[Recap/BlakesSevenS3E13Terminal Terminal]]" when the crew point out that last time Avon went after Blake they were lucky to get out alive (except for Cally) and Blake wasn't even there.
60* CaptainObvious
61-->'''Slave:''' The ground is [[ComingInHot very close]], sir...
62-->'''Tarrant:''' I KNOW THAT!
63* CrapsackWorld: Gauda Prime may well be the biggest example of this in the show's entire run, which is ''really'' saying something.
64* CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass: Villa does his usual groveling I'm-not-really-with-these-rebel-scum act, then karate-chops Arlen after she shoots Dayna. Unfortunately he's shot right after he picks up her gun.
65* DeaderThanDead: Creator/GarethThomas returned on the condition that his death was sufficiently graphic to rule out a return. Ironically, this proved unnecessary as there was no Season Five.
66** To make sure, Gareth kept asking the pyrotechnic crew to add more bullet squibs to his chest plate, leading to a quite painful result when they went off.
67* DescriptionCut:
68** Vila says, "You think you've found Blake." An AnswerCut shows he's right.
69** Then after a scene showing Blake has become a back-stabbing BountyHunter, we cut to Vila saying, "I can't see Blake doing something like that!"
70* DoomedHometown: Soolin grew up on an agricultural planet that turned out to have extensive mineral wealth. In order to remove the settlers who still had legal rights to the land, the Federation High Council declared Gauda Prime an Open Planet with all law suspended. In the subsequent state of legal anarchy, her parents were murdered by the HiredGuns of a mining company.
71* DownerEnding: Blake is definitely dead. Vila, Dayna, Tarrant and Soolin are almost certainly dead. Avon isn't ''seen'' to be killed, but from the different-sounding gunshots the implication seems to be that he got off one shot and was promptly turned into Swiss cheese by the Federation troopers. Orac will either be appropriated by the Federation and finally put to Servalan's nefarious uses, or rendered inert by some overzealous soldier accidentally destroying the Orac Key in the firefight with Avon. Slave, even if his personality wasn't lost when he shut down, will likely be stripped down for spare parts, or just left to rot on Gauda Prime.
72* DueToTheDead: Avon steps protectively over Blake's body before raising his weapon at the Federation troops.
73* EconomyCast: The scene where an army of Federation troops pour into the room to confront Avon was filmed with only seven extras, who had to change their position once the camera had panned over them.
74* EverythingTryingToKillYou: When a flyer turns up looking for survivors from the crash, Vila wants to rush to this sign of modern civilisation, only to be forcibly restrained by the others.
75-->'''Soolin:''' But one thing I do know; if you want to survive on this planet you have to assume that everyone is out to get you.
76-->'''[[ButtMonkey Vila]]:''' I always assume that wherever I go.
77-->'''Soolin:''' The difference is, on Gauda Prime you'll be right!
78* ExplosiveInstrumentation: The console not only blows up, it then breaks loose and starts sliding around the deck with Tarrant still strapped in the pilot's seat! Then ''Scorpio'' crashes causing the flight deck to [[TrashTheSet break up completely]], sending Tarrant sliding down a buckled deckplate while screaming in terror.
79* EyeScream: Not that it's a major plot point, but Blake has a massive scar across his left eye, and apparently reduced vision on that side.
80* FaceRevealingTurn: We first see Blake crouched over a fire, looking a bit scruffier than usual but quite OK. Then he turns his face to reveal his scar.
81* {{Foreshadowing}}:
82** "These stupid games you insist on playing, Blake, will get someone killed eventually."
83** "Sooner or later we're going to drop into one of these holes in the ground and never come out."
84** One of the first things Arlen says to Blake is: "This is a trap, you won't live to see it sprung." She's right, he's dead before she reveals she's TheMole.
85* FutureBadass: Albeit not one involving time travel, but Blake now has the obligatory cynical demeanor, facial scar and eye damage (though without the [[EyepatchAfterTimeSkip usual eyepatch]]).
86* GoingDownWithTheShip: Tarrant stays on the controls because if he leaves them, Scorpio will flip over and break up before they can reach the teleport pad. When Avon hesitates to leave, Tarrant points out that he's the only one with the [[AcePilot skill to pilot the crashing spaceship]], as it's already passed beyond Slave's ability to do so.
87* GoodIsNotNice: Blake is engaging in gun-running and bounty hunting in order to assemble a secret army to take on the Federation. It's clear that he's killing off or turning in those who don't meet his standards, effectively doing the Federation's dirty work for them.
88* HeroicBSOD: After killing Blake, Avon just stands there staring down at his body as his comrades are gunned down around him.
89* HistoryRepeats:
90** Several to "[[Recap/BlakesSevenS3E13Terminal Terminal]]", originally to be the final episode before the series was unexpectedly renewed. This includes a search for Blake that leads to disaster largely thanks to Avon, the ship's computer reaching out to the crew in its final moments, and a shot of the ship breaking up that includes someone sliding down a tilted floor-panel.
91** As in "[[Recap/BlakesSevenS1E1TheWayBack The Way Back]]", a nest of rebels are betrayed by a DoubleAgent and then massacred by Federation troops, except for their leader.
92* HopeSpot:
93** TheAlliance against the Federation failed... but now Blake has been found! Only he's turned evil... but fortunately he's still one of the good guys! Only Avon finds that out too late.
94** Each time a Federation soldier is taken out by one of our heroes, another appears to shoot him or her InTheBack.
95* IResembleThatRemark
96-->'''Avon:''' It is the day of the bounty hunter. ''[cut to close-up of Vila]'' Thieves, ''[cut to close-up of Dayna, pan to Soolin]'' killers, ''[cut to close-up of Tarrant]'' mercenaries, ''[cut to close-up of Avon, who gives a PsychoticSmirk]'' ...psychopaths, are as unwelcome now as the farmers once were.
97* InsistentTerminology: When Arlen is identified as a Federation agent, she snaps back that she's a Federation ''officer''. Actually it is a bit of TruthInTelevision as in real life, most Western government intelligence organizations do not refer to their employees/officers as agents or spies. Those terms are actually reserved for the locals recruited by said government officers, often without the person in question being aware. Thus, Arlen was Blake's handler (a real life term to describe the relationship between government officers and their recruited agents, spies, ect). In real-life terms, Blake was the Federation agent, albeit unwittingly.
98* InTheBack: Half the cast get shot InTheBack as they [[RuleOfSymbolism reap the consequences of mistrust and betrayal]]. Mind you the rest get shot in the front, and don't fare any better.
99* IronicEcho:
100-->'''Arlen:''' Your friend Blake said he couldn't tell anymore who was Federation and who wasn't. He was right. He couldn't.
101* ItsAllAboutMe: Avon considers Blake's apparent personal betrayal of him to be far worse than anything else the latter has supposedly done, even though Vila is technically the main character whom Blake has known the longest.
102* ItsProbablyNothing: Blake brushes off Klyn's report of unauthorised transports, [[ChekhovsGun which we later realise]] were bringing in the Federation assault force.
103* KarmaHoudini: Of all the named characters in the episode (besides Orac), the only one who survives is Arlen.
104* KilledMidSentence: As well as Blake, Klyn is also gunned down by Avon as she's alerting Security.
105* KilledOffForReal: EVERYONE!
106* TheMadHatter: Avon describes himself as a psychopath, while Blake admits he has severe trust issues that compel him to risk his life testing every new recruit personally.
107* ManipulativeBastard: Avon already knew that Blake was alive, and wouldn't have bothered telling the others or going to find Blake if his alliance with Zukan had worked. Or so he claims.
108* MurderIsTheBestSolution: Gauda Prime was originally an agricultural planet, but mineral wealth was discovered under land the Federation settlers legally owned. So the Federation declared Gauda Prime an Open Planet, suspending all law and order so any settler who refused to leave could be legally murdered. Those who came out on top of ThePurge now want the law restored so they can stay that way. However a precondition is that Gauda Prime must restore order first, so bounty hunters are tracking down and killing the criminal element. It's implied these [[EvilVersusEvil bounty hunters are criminals themselves]], so they're basically [[DivideAndConquer helping to eliminate each other]].
109* NiceJobBreakingItHero: ''Orac'' of all people (all machines?) could be seen as ultimately responsible for the crew's demise, as it's likely they wouldn't have tried approaching Gauda Prime if he'd just shut up and let Slave warn the crew of imminent danger. Aside from that, Blake's little SecretTestOfCharacter and Tarrant's screwing it up also contributed to how royally pear-shaped things went.
110* NoEnding: Having already confirmed with Creator/TheBBC management that the series was to end, Vere Lorrimer and Creator/ChrisBoucher decided to conclude with a BolivianArmyCliffhanger so they'd either have an ending no-one would forget, or create the demand for a fifth season with all the characters except Blake being stunned if the actors stayed on, or KilledOffForReal if they decided not to.
111* NotQuiteDead: Blake, [[BackForTheDead not that it does him any good in the long run]].
112* NotNowKiddo: Slave would have warned the crew about the impending attack if Orac had let him speak.
113* NotSoStoic:
114** Soolin, first when told they're going to [[WhereIWasBornAndRazed her former homesworld]], then when they're ComingInHot.
115** Tarrant slides screaming down a buckled floor panel as Scorpio breaks up around him.
116** Avon's devastated expression on seeing Blake again, thinking the latter has betrayed them.
117* ObliviousGuiltSlinging: A possible version; Avon hesitates to save his own life at Tarrant's expense. Is he still feeling guilt over the events of "[[Recap/BlakesSevenS4E11Orbit Orbit]]"?
118* ObscuredSpecialEffects: The gunrunner flyer is portrayed via sound effects, a sweeping searchlight and plasma fire, then an explosion after Blake shoots it down. We never see the flyers, just the actors in a mock-up cockpit DrivingADesk.
119* OneDialogueTwoConversations: A dark, ''[[SlidingScaleOfIdealismVersusCynicism dark]]'' variant, and a literal example of PoorCommunicationKills. Blake assumes he's explaining the situation. Avon assumes he's confessing to a betrayal. It doesn't help that Blake's behaviour towards Tarrant has been equally open to misinterpretation. The conversation goes something like this:
120-->'''Blake:''' Avon; it's me, Blake...
121-->'''Avon:''' Stand still! ''Have'' you betrayed us? Have you betrayed ''me?''
122-->'''Blake:''' Tarrant doesn't understand--
123-->'''Avon:''' Neither do I!
124-->'''Blake:''' I set all this up! ''(What he means is that he's set up an anti-Federation network and wants Avon to join. The paranoid Avon thinks it means that Blake has set ''him'' up.)''
125-->'''Avon:''' [[ThisIsUnforgivable Yes!]]
126-->'''Blake:''' Avon, I was waiting for you...
127* PlotDemandedManualMode: In order to split the party for plot purposes, Tarrant is required to manually pilot Scorpio so the others can teleport off, as Slave doesn't have Tarrant's skill (one of the few times when RobotsAreJustBetter doesn't apply).
128* PoorCommunicationKills: Tarrant falls for Blake's bounty hunter act and tells Avon that Blake has betrayed them. Avon, who really should know Blake better than that, aims his gun at Blake, who, instead of explaining the truth coherently, just comes out with vague statements like "I set all this up!", all of which Avon misinterprets until he finally snaps and pumps Blake full of gunfire.
129* PriceOnTheirHead: Tarrant is reluctant to go find Blake on a planet swarming with bounty hunters, as the Seven still have a high price on their heads from when they were causing trouble for the Federation in the Liberator.
130* ProperlyParanoid: Blake insists on testing every recruit himself, admitting that he has trust issues. Ironically it turns out he's not paranoid enough.
131* {{Pun}}:
132** "He is strongly identified with rebels, you see, and very popular with rabbles."
133** After putting down his gun, Vila says he's harmless and armless.
134* PunctuatedForEmphasis: "Is it true? Have you betrayed us? Have. You. Betrayed. ME?" (Creator/WilliamShatner would be proud)
135* PutDownYourGunAndStepAway: Arlen makes everyone drop their weapons before revealing that she's a Federation agent. Dayna gets shot while trying to pick hers up again.
136* ReactionShot:
137** Soolin when Gauda Prime is first mentioned.
138** InUniverse every time Blake mentions something significant, like his name or Jenna's name, you can see him checking out the person he's talking to for their reaction to it. This is foreshadowing for TheReveal that what he's doing is a SecretTestOfCharacter.
139* RedAlert
140** Having been overridden by Orac, Slave sounds the alarm to get their attention.
141** The alert warbles constantly during the final scene, only turning off when Avon is the last man standing. In retrospect it probably triggered when the Federation soldiers forced their way into the underground base, rather than because Tarrant had escaped.
142* RedHerring: There's mention of a high-ranking Federation official who'll be arriving soon, making you think that Servalan will turn up as usual. She never does.
143* RhetoricalQuestionBlunder:
144-->'''Avon:''' Do you imagine I would take us in blind?
145-->'''Tarrant:''' [[Recap/BlakesSevenS3E13Terminal You've done it before.]]
146* SayMyName:
147-->'''Blake:''' Get up, girl.
148-->'''Arlen:''' Arlen. My name is Arlen.
149-->'''Blake:''' That's the name they're paying for.
150-->'''Arlen:''' That's right. I made them pay for it. So use it, scum!
151* SecretTestOfCharacter: Blake subjects everyone he encounters on Gauda Prime to this in order to see if they're trustworthy or not. Tarrant fails miserably and this results in Avon killing Blake.
152* SecurityCling: While teleporting Dayna, Vila and Soolin hold on to each other to [[ScreenShake avoid getting thrown off the teleport pad]].
153* SelfDeprecation:
154-->'''Deva:''' Hm. You've been given a [[{{posse}} temporary appointment as a law enforcement officer.]]
155-->'''Blake:''' That central computer doesn't care who it makes respectable, does it?
156-->'''Deva:''' It's an inferior model, I'm afraid.
157* SeriesContinuityError: Tarrant doesn't recognise Blake in this episode, yet in "[[Recap/BlakesSevenS3E2Powerplay Powerplay]]", he says he'd recognise Blake anywhere.
158* SchmuckBait: Blake shows Tarrant the bag of valuable crystals the gunrunners were allegedly after. Tarrant throws them back and, indicating the weapon Blake 'accidentally' left next to him, says his SecretTestOfCharacter is a bit obvious.
159* ShootEverythingThatMoves: There's a blockade of gunships around Gauda Prime and any spacecraft trying to run it gets fired on without warning.
160-->'''Vila:''' Who the hell are they?!!
161-->'''Dayna:''' Who the hell cares?!!
162-->'''Vila:''' They could be making a mistake.
163-->'''Soolin:''' [[WorldOfSnark It doesn't seem to affect their aim.]]
164* ShootTheShaggyDog: The sad truth is that at the end of it all, Blake/Avon's little resistance movement achieved virtually nothing. Over the course of the series they may have earned one or two small victories, but between the massive war in-between Seasons 2 and 3, and the resurgent Federation, chances are few (if any) of them will matter in the longer run.
165* SillyRabbitIdealismIsForKids: [[TheCynic Avon]] sneers at the "figurehead" RebelLeader that he's discovered to take Zukan's place.
166-->"He is strongly identified with rebels, you see, and very popular with rabbles. They will follow him, and [[TheRevolutionWillNotBeCivilized he will fight to the last drop of their blood]]. ''[smiles]'' Idealism is a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use."
167* SlowMotion: Used to add a nightmare-like quality to the deaths, implying that it's AllADream (if the series was renewed) or [[ThisCannotBe everyone is in shock after Blake's death]].
168* TheSnarkKnight:
169-->'''Avon:''' But then figureheads aren't too difficult to come by. [[GoodIsDumb Any idiot can be one.]]
170-->'''Dayna:''' On your feet, Vila. This could be your big moment.
171-->'''Avon:''' [[MyFriendsAndZoidberg Any idiot within reason, that is.]]
172** "When I want your impersonation of a pain, I will let you know."
173** Vila gripes that the flyer is parked so far away, because the bounty hunters wanted to avoid alerting them.
174-->'''Avon:''' In your case they could have put it down on the roof without any trouble.
175* SoMuchForStealth: The twig-snapping version when Arlen is creeping up on Blake.
176* SpaceWestern: Being a fan of TheWestern, Creator/ChrisBoucher borrows from the genre with gunfights between {{Bounty Hunter}}s, and {{Determined Homesteader}}s murdered by HiredGuns in a ruthless land grab. There's a shoot-out with SlowMotion deaths like in ''Film/TheWildBunch'' and a BolivianArmyEnding as per ''Film/ButchCassidyAndTheSundanceKid''.
177* SteelEardrums: Averted; after teleporting to the surface, the crew cover their ears as Scorpio goes screaming overhead. Avon plays it straight however.
178* StuffBlowingUp:
179-->'''Slave:''' All explosive devices are functioning correctly, Master. Base complex has been ''totally'' destroyed.
180* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: The ''Scorpio'' crew gets taken down by a female Federation officer with short, dark hair...just not the one they've been battling for most of the series.
181* TacticalWithdrawal: A strategic withdrawal is running away, with dignity.
182* TakingYouWithMe:
183** We are told that Jenna blew her ship up and took half a squadron of Federation gunships with her.
184** After every single living character has seemingly just been killed off, Avon levels his weapon at the Federation troops holding him at gunpoint. He grins, and the screen turns black. The last thing the audience hear is apparently Avon opening fire and then being gunned down himself.
185* TapOnTheHead: Vila is hit in his "[[HardHead least vulnerable spot]]".
186* TastesLikeFriendship: Subverted; Blake invites Arlen to share the meal he's cooking. She even leaves one of her weapons in payment though Blake doesn't expect any. Then Blake betrays her and later she betrays him.
187* TooDumbToLive: Lampshaded when Vila, Dayna and Soolin set up camp in a forest and are attacked by bounty hunters. Avon acknowledges how stupid this is:
188-->"The fire was stupid. Putting Vila on guard duty was suicidal. What's the matter? Staying alive become too complicated for you?"
189* ThisCannotBe: Avon's reaction when told Blake betrayed them.
190* TragicMistake. Several. Orac talking over Slave, Blake not revealing anything to Tarrant, Tarrant escaping before Blake can tell him anything, Blake not killing Arlen, Blake choosing his words poorly when explaining things to Avon, and Avon killing Blake.
191* TrashTheSet:
192** The hanger elevator for Xenon Base is destroyed by demolition charges.
193** The ''Scorpio'' interior gets smashed up in much the same way that the ''Liberator'' bridge did in the previous season finale, as was the large ''Scorpio'' model during the forest crash. Tarrant even slides down a tilted part of the set as the ship breaks up, mimicking a similar scene in "Terminal".
194* TraumaCongaLine:
195-->'''Tarrant:''' What on Earth happened to you?
196-->'''Blake:''' Oh, most of it wasn't on Earth, Tarrant. Not what happened to me.
197* ToTheBatpole: Subverted; ''Scorpio'' launches for the last time, then blows up what's left of their base behind them.
198* TwistedAnkle: Downplayed; Dayna trips while running for cover as Scorpio crashes, and has to be helped to her feet by Soolin.
199* VillainsNeverLie: Averted.
200-->'''Dayna:''' But Servalan told us [Blake] was dead.
201-->'''Avon:''' And you believed her?
202-->'''Dayna:''' Well, she had no reason to lie.
203-->'''Avon:''' She doesn't need one. It comes quite naturally to her, like breathing.
204* WeAllDieSomeday: Turns out that day is today.
205-->'''Vila:''' Sooner or later we're going to drop into one of these holes in the ground and never come out.
206-->'''Avon:''' Sooner or later, everyone does that, Vila.
207* WhatHappenedToTheMouse:
208** Orac is conspicuously absent from the final scenes.
209** Servalan (aka Sleer) doesn't appear in this episode, which gives the rather depressing implication that Avon and his band are ultimately so insignificant that she has better things to do than oversee their final defeat.
210** What happened to Avon has become the subject of several ExpandedUniverse novels and audiobooks, including the ''Lucifer'' series by Creator/PaulDarrow.
211* WhiteShirtOfDeath: Despite his grotty appearance, Blake is wearing the [[LightIsGood requisite white shirt]] under his vest for when he gets shot.
212* WithFriendsLikeThese: Avon uses the others as TheBait, sending out a false DistressCall via Orac, then waiting till a flyer with thermal sensors turns up so he can follow it to any survivors, then kill the crew and steal it.
213* WoundedGazelleGambit:
214** Blake's captive plays up her limp in the hope of jumping Blake. He doesn't fall for it.
215** Avon tells Tarrant to fake Scorpio [[ComingInHot being out of control]]. Tarrant snaps back, "I may not have to fake that!" He's right as they're too damaged to pull up.
216-->'''Vila:''' They're falling for it!
217-->'''Tarrant:''' [as ground rushes up in viewscreen] So are we!
218* YouCalledMeXItMustBeSerious: As the computer's power runs out, Slave calls Tarrant by his name instead of the mock-sycophantic "Master".
219* YouCantGoHomeAgain: Soolin returns to the world [[WhereIWasBornAndRazed where her parents were murdered]] but finds nothing there except her own death.
220-->'''Vila:''' How does it feel to be home?
221-->'''Soolin:''' I wouldn't know.
222* YouRebelScum: Inverted; Arlen refers to Blake as 'scum' until he introduces himself. When Arlen shows her true allegiance, she refers to them as a 'nest of rebels'.
