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1'''Basic Trope''': You can tell something's wrong because someone is saying something they'd never say.
2* '''Straight''': Alice never compliments Bob, so he can tell she's in danger when she tells him he looks like he's been working out.
3* '''Exaggerated''': Alice has never said anything remotely nice to Bob, so he can tell she's in danger when she's slightly less of a shrew to him.
4* '''Downplayed''': Alice compliments Bob occasionally, but he can tell she's in danger when she goes overboard with it.
5* '''Justified''': Alice is in danger but can't communicate that exactly, so she relies on her SlapSlapKiss relationship with Bob to do the trick.
6* '''Inverted''': SomethingOnlyTheyWouldSay
7* '''Subverted''': Alice isn't in danger, she just decided to be nicer to Bob.
8* '''Double Subverted''': But after thinking it through, Bob realizes that Alice would ''never'' make that decision as she enjoys messing with him too much, so she must be in danger.
9* '''Parodied''': "Alice is totally in danger! I can tell because she called me a royal prick instead of a giant prick!"
10* '''Zig Zagged''': Alice compliments Bob, but it is then revealed she took a level in kindness, THEN it is revealed that was an excuse made by an impostor. THEN it is revealed the impostor is just a messenger sent by Alice, but [[OverlyLongGag THEN...]]
11* '''Averted''': Alice communicates danger in other methods.
12* '''Enforced''': ???
13* '''Lampshaded''': "You NEVER say something that nice! What's wrong?"
14* '''Invoked''': Alice deliberately acts nice to Bob to cryptically warn him that she's in danger.
15* '''Exploited''': ???
16* '''Defied''': "Hey guys...[=HELP=]!"
17* '''Discussed''': ???
18* '''Conversed''': ???
20Back to OutOfCharacterAlert.
23%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
25%%* '''Implied''': ???
26%%* '''Deconstructed''': ???
27%%* '''Reconstructed''': ???
28%%* '''Plotted A Good Waste''': ???
29%%* '''Played For Laughs''': ???
