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Context PlayingWith / FlatJoy

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1'''Basic Trope''': A character expresses joy in a flat voice.
2* '''Straight''': Alice says "yay" in a monotone.
3* '''Exaggerated''': Alice does a happy speech all in a monotone.
4* '''Downplayed''': Alice does only a very slightly enthusiastic "yay!"
5* '''Justified''':
6** Alice is autistic or has another condition that causes her to have a flat affect.
7** Alice is being insincere.
8** Alice is an alien who can ''only'' speak in a monotone.
9** Alice is TheStoic
10** Alice is only slightly happy.
11** Alice is quoting Bob.
12** Alice is acting, and is a bad actress.
13** Alice is a robot trying to be happy.
14** Alice is exhausted from the heat; that's as happy as she can be.
15** Bob just said "[[Film/MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail And there was much rejoicing]]" and Alice is providing the follow-up line.
16* '''Inverted''': Alice expresses sadness in a monotone, or she expresses something mundane in a joyful voice.
17* '''Subverted''':
18** Alice says "Yay.... YAY! WHOOPEE! HOORAY!"
19** Alice says "Yay hruthi sprithol, Dergan." which means (approx.) "That will do, Dergan."
20** Alice says "Yay, interjection: denotes joy."
21* '''Double Subverted''': and then goes back to a monotone "Sorry about that, um, yay?"
22* '''Parodied''': Alice is ThePollyanna, but with a CreepyMonotone.
23* '''Zig Zagged''': Alice is happy and flips between using a monotone and using a very happy voice.
24* '''Averted''': Everyone in the show expresses emotions normally, or nobody in the set ''has'' emotions.
25* '''Enforced''': The writers want to show TheStoic Alice be happy or else she'd seem unsympathetic, but they did not want her to be out of character.
26* '''Lampshaded''': "That didn't sound very enthusiastic."
27* '''Invoked''': Bob does something TheStoic Alice really likes.
28* '''Exploited''': HappinessIsMandatory and someone who dislikes Alice makes her tendency to do this known, to make her look bad.
29* '''Defied''': Alice ''always'' makes sure to express herself sincerely and fully.
30* '''Discussed''': "It's so hard to tell if Alice is happy. She never ''sounds'' happy."
31* '''Conversed''': "Some characters just don't sound happy."
32* '''Implied''': Alice claps her hands slowly or smiles slightly.
33* '''Played for Laughs''': Alice is TheComicallySerious.
35Back to FlatJoy
37%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
39%%* '''Deconstructed''': ???
40%%* '''Reconstructed''': ???
