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Context PlayingWith / FantasyGunControl

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1'''Basic Trope''': A fantasy world where guns don't exist.
3* '''Straight''': The world of Tropeia is in the renaissance era but no guns exist.
4* '''Exaggerated''': Tropeia is in the far future with faster than light travel and space ships but any kind of ranged weapons, even throwing a rock, never existed.
5* '''Downplayed''':
6** While Tropeia never invented guns, they use cannons and grenades.
7** While guns do exist, they're treated as nothing more than a MagicStaff by any other name, and the mages only [[MageMarksman use guns to cast spells]] instead of firing bullets.
8** The world of Tropeia is based mainly on the late medieval period rather than the Renaissance, when guns were present but uncommon in real life, making their absence less noticeable.
9** Firearm technology has only reached the level of crude medieval hand-cannons, despite Tropeia clearly being based on the Late Renaissance or even a later period.
10* '''Justified''':
11** Magic makes guns useless.
12** The crossbows are advanced enough [[AutomaticCrossbow they can fire automatically]] or shoot [[DepletedPhlebotinumShells magical projectiles]], making guns redundant.
13** ''Magic itself'' makes guns redundant. When the Army Mage Corps can hurl fireballs at the rate of twenty per minute or summon an air elemental to work up a storm and wreck enemy ships off the coast, projectile weapons make little sense.
14** The government or higher authority bans research in guns.
15* '''Inverted''': The world of Tropeia is in the stone age but no weapons ''except for guns'' exist.
16* '''Subverted''': Then someone on Tropeia invented a gun and decides put it to a good use.
17** Guns were disregarded as weaker than magic and were considered essentially a JokeWeapon being more expensive and worse in comparison to crossbows let alone magic. [[ZergRush Then they realize that they can be trained far more quickly and quantity has quality of its own.]]
18* '''Double Subverted''': It turns out magic is much more useful than guns and the inventor scraps the idea of having a gun for good.
19* '''Zig Zagged''': There are no handguns, but there are pistols, but there are no rifles, but there are cannons...
20* '''Averted''': Guns appear as they would in real life, in spite of the magic.
21* '''Parodied''': In order to get around the banning of guns, a wizard invents various fancy names for the guns he made, such as "[[HandCannon Silver Magic Wand of Enriched Flying Bronze Objects]]", "[[GatlingGood Conjoined Steel Chain Staves of Everlasting Bronze Rains]]" and "[[GrenadeLauncher Enchanted Box of Fire Dragon Eggs]]".
22* '''Enforced''': The author thinks medieval weapons are cooler than guns, and they also offend the MoralGuardians less without them.
23* '''Lampshaded''': "It would be nice if someone would make a projectile weapon of some sort." "Nah, ItWillNeverCatchOn".
24* '''Invoked''': A magic spell prevents gunpowder from working.
25* '''Exploited''': The [[TechnologicallyAdvancedFoe technologically advanced Gunland]] decides to invade Tropeia and obliterate everyone using guns, knowing that guns don't exist in Tropeia.
26* '''Defied''': Someone invents guns and starts using them.
27* '''Discussed''': ???
28* '''Conversed''': ???
29* '''Deconstructed''': Tropeia is a nation heavily reliant on magic and/or Unobtainum, to the point that they hold guns in disgust, to keep up with the [[TechnologicallyAdvancedFoe technologically advanced Gunland]] and monsters around them. But when TheMagicGoesAway, or the Unobtainum mines ran out, they had lost the only way to defend themselves, and were swiftly destroyed by their technologically advance neighbors.
31Back to [FantasyGunControl]
33%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
34%% * '''Implied''': ???
36%% * '''Reconstructed''': ???
37%% * '''Played For Laughs''': ???
38%% * '''Played For Drama''': ???
