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Context PlayingWith / DarkestAfrica

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1'''Basic Trope''': An African country is portrayed as an uncivilized CrapsackWorld.
2* '''Straight''': Tropeland is full of jungles, natives, and torn apart by civil war.
3* '''Exaggerated''': Tropeland is a WretchedHive, full of [[NoBloodForPhlebotinum fights over natural resources]], [[RapeAsDrama rape]], war, extreme poverty, disease, and [[AnarchyIsChaos just general lawlessness]].
4* '''Downplayed''':
5** Tropeland may be less civilized than the other regions, but still a pretty decent place for the natives to live.
6** Tropeland has a combination of high and low tech, such as people using tablets and smartphones in their mud huts.
7** Parts of Tropeland are developed and "civilized" but its more remote and rural areas are still fairly primitive and undeveloped.
8* '''Justified''':
9** Tropeland is a Third-World country still governed by tribalism.
10** Tropeland is a failed state, [[AnarchyIsChaos with little or no government or infrastructure]].
11* '''Inverted''': Tropeland is a wonderful, peaceful place full of natural beauty, and has a rich culture.
12* '''Subverted''': The people of Tropeland fight until eventually it becomes a stable place to live.
13* '''Double Subverted''': Until a disagreement erupts, resulting in [[WarIsHell war and everything bad that goes with it again]].
14* '''Parodied''': The sunlight never reaches Tropeland.
15* '''Zig Zagged''': ???
16* '''Averted''':
17** Tropeland is poor but peaceful; it is neither Hell nor Paradise.
18** [[DeathWorld Every other region we see outside of Tropeland is equally a hellscape to live in. If not, even worse.]]
19* '''Enforced''':
20** "We need to portray Africa in a way familiar to Westerners".
21** The writer is discussing a place in Africa that really ''has'' suffered.
22* '''Lampshaded''': "Finish your Spinach Surprise! There are starving children in {{Bulungi}} who would be grateful to have even one bite of it!"
23* '''Invoked''': War erupts in a rural area of Tropeland, and authorities are powerless to stop it because it happens in such a remote area.
24* '''Exploited''': [[AliceAndBob Bob]] goes on a vacation to Tropeland to go on a killing spree. Nobody will care anyway while they're busy with international problems.
25* '''Defied''':
26** Tropeland has a good government, and is very proud of its rich culture and history.
27** Alice and Bob try to make Tropeland a better place to live and make peace.
28** Tropeland has its good and bad, such as showing Bob going from a populated and rather well off town into the more wild, uncivilized area.
29* '''Discussed''': "That whole continent is full of barbarians."
30* '''Conversed''': "This is the fifth show I've seen with such an uncivilized African country!"
31* '''Implied''': During a short scene, Bob is being chased by barbarians. Later, when asked where he was, he responds "You know where. The worst continent ever!"
32* '''Played For Laughs''': The natives are portrayed as backwards idiots.
33* '''Played For Drama''': The suffering Africans are the main characters or otherwise sympathetic.
35Back to DarkestAfrica
37%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
39%%* '''Implied''': ???
40%%* '''Deconstructed''':???
