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Context PlayingWith / ArrowCatch

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2'''ArrowCatch''': Someone catches an arrow with their bare hands.
3* '''Straight''': Someone fires an arrow at Bob, and he snatches it out of the air.
4* '''Exaggerated''':
5** The “arrow” is bigger than Bob is.
6** Bob snatches an arrow [[BadassBack without even turning around]] [[KungFuClairvoyance to look at the firer. ]]
7** Bob catches a RainOfArrows.
8* '''Downplayed''':
9** It’s part of a stunt, and the arrow was docked to make it slower.
10** Bob grabs the arrow and is unable to keep it [[EyeScream out of his eye]], but he does prevent it from piercing his brain.
11* '''Justified''':
12** Bob is a LightningBruiser who is both fast and strong enough to pull this off.
13** The arrow was a HomingProjectile; if he dodged it, it would just have come back for [[BoomerangComeback another swing.]]
14** Bob was far enough away that the arrow slowed down enough for him to catch it.
15* '''Inverted''':
16** Bob throws an arrow.
17** Bob is [[KnifeOutline caught by arrows.]]
18* '''Subverted''': Bob tries this… and fails, the arrow slipping out of his hand.
19* '''Double Subverted''': Alice is behind him and catches it for him.
20* '''Parodied''':
21** [[RainOfArrows An army fires at Bob]]. Bob catches every single arrow… and then collapses under the weight. The army claims a moral victory.
22** Bob catches a flaming arrow... and [[FailedAttemptAtDrama then bounces it around in his hands because it's too hot to hold.]]
23* '''Zig Zagged''': ???
24* '''Averted''': No arrows are even attempted to be caught.
25* '''Enforced''': It’s used to balance an MMORPG game, as the monk class had no real defence against arrows before they added this ability.
26* '''Lampshaded''': “You know that’s sharp, right?”
27* '''Invoked''': Bob does it to intimidate his enemies.
28* '''Exploited''':
29** CatchAndReturn.
30** Alice fires a TrickArrow at Bob, [[HoistByHisOwnPetard knowing it will explode in his hands.]]
31* '''Defied''':
32** “Even if I did catch it, I’d have to be fast enough to dodge out the way to do it in the first place… so why would I bother?”
33** Alice fires 3 arrows at once, knowing Bob will run out of arms before she runs out of projectiles.
34* '''Discussed''': “Is it true you can pluck arrows out of the air like rice?”
35* '''Conversed''': ???
36* '''Deconstructed''': Bob catches the arrow… [[ImpaledPalm in his arm.]] It turns out he’s fast enough to catch them, [[RequiredSecondaryPowers but not strong enough to prevent damage]], and he’s told not to try it again, even though the arrow would have gone in his head otherwise. Even with SuperSpeed, Dodging is BoringButPractical.
37* '''Reconstructed''': Bob puts his hand in a gauntlet, and when he’s backed into a corner, he proves his first attempt was not a fluke.
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