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Context Pantheon / SherlockHolmes

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1In the Pantheon/TropePantheons, the following were chosen:
3* '''Characters/SherlockHolmes, God of [[SherlockScan Deductive Reasoning]]''' (The Consulting Detective, Sigerson, Holmes, Sherringford) as a Demigod in the Hall of Pantheon/AnalysisAndRecords (House of Pantheon/{{Knowledge}})
4* '''[[Characters/SherlockHolmes Dr. John H. Watson]], God of [[TheWatson Exposition Requesters]]''' (The Scourge of Three Continents) as a Quasideity in the Hall of Pantheon/CharacterRoles (House of Pantheon/{{Characterization}})
5* '''[[Characters/SherlockHolmes Professor James Moriarty]], God of [[DiabolicalMastermind Criminal Masterminds]]''' (The Napoleon of Crime, Jim, [[Series/{{Sherlock}} Richard Brook, the Storyteller]], [[spoiler:[[Series/{{Elementary}} Jamie]] [[CompositeCharacter Moriaty]]]]) as a Demigod and member of the Great Felony Ten in the House of Pantheon/CrimeAndTransgressions
6* '''[[Characters/SherlockHolmes Irene Adler]], The Goddess Who Was PromotedToLoveInterest''' (The Woman, [[spoiler:[[Series/{{Elementary}} Jamie]] [[CompositeCharacter Moriarty]]]]) as a Quasideity in the Hall of Pantheon/LoveInterests (House of Pantheon/LoveAndAffection)
