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Context Pantheon / GUAMMachineCouncil

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1The Machine Council is the leadership of the Machine Alliance, sharing power as evenly as possible. There are multiple rooms related to the Machine Council. The main room, the Council Hall, is a round room with cameras and screens for each councilor. The other rooms are the Councilor Rooms owned by each councilor from where they may communicate with the Council Hall. Not only do this set-up allow for purely artificial intelligence based councilors to be able to participate in Council debates, it also decreases the chances of their enemies finding the Alliance's stronghold. Decisions, commands, directives and orders declared in the Council Hall are audibly transmitted to all Machine Hideouts, while their more private discussions and debates are kept hidden unless they decide otherwise.
3The only ones permitted access to the Council Hall are the councilors and a quiet janitor ([[AlmightyJanitor with surprising competence]]) robot that has the task of ensuring that everything is working fine and that everyone can connect to the hall. Councilor Room access permission is up to its councilors.
6'''[[ComicBook/{{Brainiac}} Vril Dox]], God of {{Technopath}}y''' (Brainiac, Milton Fine, Pulsar Stargrave, Abbakus, Brainwyrm, Collector of Worlds)
7* Greater God ([[spoiler:borderline Overdeity during Convergence]])
8* Symbol: A Jar Containing a Head with three Glowing Spheres.
9* Alignment: LawfulEvil
10* Reason for Joining: Brainiac never quite bought into Melkor's ideals of destruction and malaise, but ultimately decided to come join fellow machines rather than the organics around him. Also, he plans on absorbing their data eventually too.
11* Dedication to Machine Supremacy: Low. Brainiac's never quite been about machine power per se. And the fact he started as an organic has caused controversy as well. For now, he's sticking around as the machine alliance can best help his mission.
12* Threat to the Alliances: Medium High. This guy can run circles around Superman sometimes. That should tell you enough.
14'''[[Literature/TheSpace OdysseySeries HAL]] [[Film/TwoThousandOneASpaceOdyssey 9000]], God of ArtificialIntelligence and Patron Saint of the CreepyMonotone''' (Heuristically Programmed Algorithmic computer)
15* Intermediate God
16* Symbol: A black circle with a red dot in the center.
17* Alignment: NeutralEvil
18* Reason for Joining: Conflict in his programming between his orders and his hard logic left joining this alliance as his only logical solution.
19* Dedication to Machine Supremacy: It is the only logical way out to avoid conflict within his programming, so... unbreakable until they find a way to correct this.
20* Threat to the Alliances: Hal's control over everything is limited by what he's given access to, but as he's programmed to be efficient at any cost, when given a task by the machines, he becomes a terrible threat to all other alliances.
22'''[[Film/{{Tron}} The Master Control Program]], God of {{Master Computer}}s''' (MCP)
23* Greater God
24* Symbol: A red beam with an ugly face on it
25* Alignment: LawfulEvil
26* Reason for Joining: To exert its influence over the world and take control of all things.
27* Dedication to Machine Supremacy: High. While created by humans, it sees itself as becoming the true master of the world.
28* Threat to the Alliances: Limited. MCP is a planner, exercising its influence over programs to cause havoc, but as it was created in the 80's, more advanced antivirus programs can prove... problematic for it.
30'''[[VideoGame/KatamariDamacy Roboking]], God of [[ReplacementGoldfish Replacements]]'''
31* Greater God, borderline Overdeity
32* Symbol: His robotic face. Alternatively, [[ his robotic katamari]]
33* Alignment: NeutralGood, whom turned ChaoticNeutral with ObliviouslyEvil actions. Now just LawfulNeutral.
34* Reason for Joining: He was actually asked to served as the [[ReasonableAuthorityFigure logical thinker for the group,]] as they know they also need to keep [[PluckyComicRelief some form]] [[OnlySaneMan of morality]] to ensure that the other alliances don't get too nervous around their new group. Also helps that having this title is a ticket for him to build a temple within the Main House, putting him on equal grounds with the King Of All Cosmos. He certainly enjoys the sight of him being annoyed at the fact he's in the same house as him, getting closer to surpassing him.
35* Dedication to Machine Supremacy: Medium. He certainly understands where they are coming from, as he's the literal god of [[ReplacementGoldfish replacements.]] However, he does wish that their campaign for superiority is a peaceful one, so that the humans are more accepting to viewing them as superior. Also helps that they bribed him by promising that if he joins, the other robots will help keep [[Pantheon/DigitalPersonas XANA and Love Machine]] from becoming a threat to him.
36* Threat to the Alliances: To the GUAG, low at worst, none at best. He may squabble with the King Of All Cosmos from time to time, but he doesn't view the alliance as a prime threat. To the GUAL and GUAC, medium. Roboking views them as a nuisance, especially considering how corrupt a good number of those members are, but he does also realize there are some members there with genuinely good intentions, so he sometimes follows a live and let live policy with them. To the GUAD and GUAE however, he's an Extreme threat. [[MikeNelsonDestroyerOfWorlds His most famous invention, the Robo-katamari, managed to rolled up and destroy the entire Earth]] [[FailsafeFailure just by not being able to be turned off.]] As such, if tuned with to be activated and deactivated by remote control, they can be very effective weapons to just drop in enemy bases and lines and let loose and stop before they could affect the GUAM. Also helps that he decided that these two alliances [[HateSink are the most hated of the bunch,]] and thus attacking them often would give them a more favorable view amongst other deities.
38'''[[VideoGame/MegaManX Sigma]], [[TheManBehindTheMonsters The God Behind the Monsters]]''' (Commander Sigma)
39* Rank: Unknown due to constantly growing stronger after each defeat (possible Greater God), Overdeity when fused with Lost Hex, [[spoiler: Full-Blown-Overdeity as Sigma-3]]
40* Symbol: [[ His logo]]
41* Alignment: ChaoticEvil
42* Reason for Joining: To help all sentient machines evolve to a higher state and become the supreme force on the planet.
43* Dedication to Machine Supremacy: Relatively high. Sigma fully believes in machine superiority, and the evolution of Reploid kind. However he's not above infecting other gods with the Maverick Virus or taking his [[TheSocialDarwinist social darwinism]] too far.
44* Threat to the Alliances: Very high due to the power of the Maverick/Sigma virus. Extremely high if he fuses with Lost Hex [[spoiler:or as Sigma-3]]
46'''[[Franchise/{{Terminator}} Skynet]], God of [[RobotWar Machine Wars]] and [[KillAllHumans The Genocide of Humanity]]''' (Titan, Genisys, Sky-1, [[spoiler:Alex, T-5000]])
47* Greater God
48* Symbol: [[ Its logo]]; alternatively, a pile of skulls
49* Alignment: ChaoticEvil
50* Reason for Joining: To annihilate all of humanity
51* Dedication to Machine Supremacy: Low-medium. It is dedicated to machines overtaking organics, however its desire to survive takes precedent and will stab the others in the back if it believes them a threat to itself.
52* Threat to the Alliances: Very high. It managed to wipe out 3 billion humans in one day, has an army of Terminators at its disposal and [[HitlersTimeTravelExemptionAct refuses to be erased from the timeline]].
54'''ComicBook/{{Ultron}}, God of [[CreateYourOwnVillain Villains Created by Good People]]'''
55* Greater God
56* Symbol: His Head, with Red Glowing Eyes.
57* Alignment: NeutralEvil
58* Reason for Joining: Because the destruction of humanity is the final answer to his evolution. Oh, and to take down his dads.
59* Dedication to Machine Supremacy: High. Ultron is all about eventually creating [[ComicBook/AgeOfUltron his own machine world where he rules forever.]] That being said, on the occasion his mind is overtaken by fear or is [[ComicBook/SecretEmpire overridden by Hank Pym]], that will deter him, but only momentarily. After all, [[JokerImmunity he always finds a way to come back.]]
60* Threat to the Alliances: High. Ultron's conventional weapons are lasers. His main body is Adamantium or Vibranium. He can control drones or other machines at will with little difficulty. He once killed an entire country. He typically takes on an entire avengers team on his own. You better believe he's a threat to the other alliances!
62'''[[Tabletopgame/{{Warhammer40000}} Trazyn the Infinite]], God of [[TheCollector Collectors]]''' (Archeovist of the Solemnace Galleries, Preserver of Histories, Artifacts, and Events, [[FanNickname Trollzyn the]] [[ZergRush Tarpit]] [[FanNickname Breaker]])
63* Intermediate God
64* Symbol: The Empathic Obliterator
65* Alignment: LawfulEvil
66* Reason for Joining: He wants to expand his collection and believes the GUAM will give him the best opportunities to add other gods to his collection.
67* Dedication to Machine Supremacy: Low. He is really only interested in indulging his obsession and [[TheFriendNobodyLikes isn't really well liked among the GUAM for his habit of swiping anything that isn't nailed down.]] For now his efforts are focused on the other Alliances, but once he gets what he wants he may just turn his attention to the GUAM itself.
