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Context OhCrap / OrphanBlack

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1Given that the plot of this show is a bunch of clones trying to solve a mystery, they often find themselves in very unexpected situations. '''Reading this page comes with a high risk of spoilers'''.
3!! Season 1
5* ''Natural Selection''
6** Sarah is shocked that Beth looks exactly like her, and even more so when Beth [[DrivenToSuicide jumps in front of a train]].
7** When Sarah realizes that Beth was a cop, she panics and swallows a bunch of soap in hopes of getting sick enough to go home.
8** [[spoiler: Sarah has this reaction when a shower of bullets start hitting the car out of nowhere and Katja is killed.]] It carries over into the start of the next episode.
9* ''Instinct''
10** The woman that calls Sarah, later revealed to be Cosima, has this reaction when Sarah tells her that [[spoiler: Katja is dead.]]
11** Alison freaking out when she sees Sarah at the soccer match combines this with BerserkButton. She doesn't want her friends and family to know she's a "freak".
12* ''Variations Under Nature''
13** When Sarah realizes that the police found [[spoiler: Katja's body]], she realized that her con is not as foolproof as she thought.
14* ''Conditions of Existence''
15** When Sarah finds strange piece of metal in her mouth [[spoiler: and realizes that Paul was Beth's monitor.]]
16** A minor one from Alison and Cosima when they found out that Sarah slept with Paul. However, they brush it off quickly.
17* ''Entangled Bank''
18** [[spoiler: When Delphine finds Cosima's clone related work.]]
19** Sarah gets a ''massive'' one [[spoiler: when she realizes that Helena has her daughter. Doubled when Kira gets hit by a car.]]
20* ''Unconscious Selection''
21** It's subtler than the other examples, but you can see Delphine fracture a little when [[spoiler: Cosima reveals that she knows about her involvement with the neolutionists.]]
22* ''Endless Forms Most Beautiful''
23** [[spoiler: "They patented us."]]
24** Sarah finding a huge blood stain in Beth's house.
25** When Sarah goes Mrs. S's house to find [[spoiler: the whole place trashed and empty, she realizes that someone kidnapped Kira.]]
27!!Season 2
29* ''Nature Under Constraint and Vexed''
30** Alison, when she sees [[spoiler: Art and Angie taking Sarah into custody. She was carrying an unregistered gun to give Sarah.]]
31** Rachel looked genuinely terrified when [[spoiler: Sarah shot the window behind her to prove she meant business.]]
32* ''Governed by Sound Reason and True Religion''
33** Alison picking up a text in [[spoiler:Donny's phone and reading through the exchange, realising for herself she's ''still'' monitored after all.]]
34** Mrs. S. learns that [[spoiler: two of her confidants had turned traitor when the one of them pulls a gun on her.]]
35* ''Mingling Its Own Nature With It''
36** Felix has this reaction when the owner of the house he, Sarah, and Kira broke into, Cal, returns home.
37** Sarah and Cal when [[spoiler: they hear Kira screaming for help.]]
38* ''Governed As It Were By Chance''
39** Sarah really panics when [[spoiler: Daniel tries to kill her with a razor.]] It's turned up to eleven when [[spoiler: Helena, who Sarah though she had killed, kills Daniel and walks up to her in a gore stained wedding dress and holding a knife.]] It was like something out of a horror movie.
40* ''Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est''
41** Sarah and Felix's reactions to Rachel's various attacks, especially when [[spoiler: Felix is framed for murder.]]
42* ''Knowledge of Causes, and Secret Motion of Things''
43** When Alison overhears Vic talking with Angela on the phone.
44** When Cal realizes that someone is spying on him through his webcam.
45** Sarah gets a HUGE one when - while impersonating Alison at the rehab center's Family Day - she is called upon to do a skit with Donnie.
46---> Sarah: ''[under her breath]'' Ohhhhhh...shit. ''[turns on huge, fake smile]''
47* ''Variable and Full of Perturbation''
48** Scott has a subtle but clear one when he learns that [[spoiler: Cosima is the clone subject he's been working on.]]
49** Alison understandably freaks out when she learns that [[spoiler: Donnie used her gun to kill Leekie and [[IdiotBall put it back in her locker]].]]
50* ''Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done''
51** Henrik [[spoiler:wakes up tied to the examination table - and realizes that Helena is about to "impregnate" ''HIM.'']]
52** Sarah and Delphine [[spoiler: when they realize that Rachel had kidnapped Kira; especially for Delphine because she unwittingly played a role in it.]]
53* ''By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried''
54** Sarah [[spoiler: when she's dragged out of bed and StrappedToAnOperatingTable. Instead of harvesting her eggs, the Dyad plans to remove one of her ovaries.]]
56!!Season 3
58* ''The Weight of This Combination''
59** Delphine and Sarah (disguised as Rachel) have this when Ferdinand states he wants to interview Sarah Manning.
60** When Ferdinand tells Sarah about [[spoiler: his killing of clones and his plan to have Alison and her family assassinated]].
61* ''Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis''
62** After Paul gives Cal a warning, he immediately tries to call Sarah but she doesn't pick up.
63* ''Newer Elements of Our Defense''
64** Sarah's reaction when Bonnie sends some more Proletheans into the cornfield to go after Mark.
65** Again when she turns around to find Rudy pointing a gun at her.
66** Gracie when [[spoiler: she starts bleeding between her legs and realizes that she's having a miscarriage]]. Also Bonnie's reaction when Gracie falls over in pain.
67* ''Scarred by Many Past Frustrations''
68** Sarah waking up in the Castor base.
69** When Gracie collapses during the dance party, Felix assumes its because she had too much to drink. Then Mrs. S realizes that she's in real pain and has him call 911.
70** Sarah has a meltdown when [[spoiler: Helena]] abandons her.
71* ''Certain Agony of the Battlefield''
72** Rudy and Coady high-tail it when Paul reveals he has [[spoiler: a grenade]].
73* ''Community of Dreadful Fear and Hate''
74** [[spoiler: Blood coming out of Cosima's uterus while she's in the bath.]]
75** Mrs. S. [[spoiler: refuses to fight a pregnant Helena, despite the latter slugging her several times. Finally, S's reflexes get the better of her and she staggers Helena with a single jab -- then freaks out, grabs and hugs Helena, and begs her forgiveness for selling her out to Project Castor.]]
76** Alison seeing Cosima giving her speech. Felix moments later when Cosima breaks character and says she's a lesbian.
77* ''Insolvent Phantom of Tomorrow''
78** When [[spoiler:Helena emerges from Pouchy's garage covered in blood and carrying his machete]] Donnie doesn't know exactly what happened but he knows they shouldn't stick around.
79* ''History Yet to be Written''
80** Coady when she realizes that [[spoiler:Sarah set her up and she gets captured by Ferdinand]].
81** Ferdinand and Delphine also upon realizing how [[spoiler:deep Neolution infiltrated and unofficially attained control of their respective organisations with revelations by Bulldog and Dr. Nealon.]]
83!!Season 4
85* ''The Collapse of Nature''
86** Olivier after Beth shows up at his club, seeing that she's not supposed to know anything about the conspiracy.
87** This was Beth's initial reaction to shooting Maggie Chen, as well as Art's reaction to discovering his partner had just killed an unarmed civilian.
88* ''Transgressive Border Crossing''
89** After an encounter with the Neolutionists where they ID her by feeling the inside of her cheek, Sarah realizes she had a worm implanted when she was their prisoner. When she goes to the lab to check, she also realizes they had Kira.
90* ''From Instinct to Rational Control''
91** [[spoiler:Ferdinand]] gets this when he realizes he just sat down on a PressurePlate bomb. If he stands up before the bomb is deactivated, he'll be blown to bit.
92* ''Human Raw Material''
93** When Donnie sees Krystal at [=BrightBorn=].
94** Art manages to keep his cool while Duko is subtly threatening him to stay away from the Hendrixes, but when he relays the conversation to Sarah, he's quite noticeably freaked out.
95** Krystal freaks out when she sees Ira, believing him to be one of her attackers from season 3.
96* ''The Scandal of Altruism''
97** Kendall sees ''something'' (likely [[spoiler:Evie Cho or one of her associates]]) in the van and then a man comes down the alley with a knife.
98** When Sarah finds Kendall's cigarette in a pool of blood.
99** Scott has this reaction when his computers are compromised and all their research is destroyed.
100* ''The Antisocialism of Sex''
101** Rachel's reaction when her mother tells her that the original has been destroyed, and her hope for a cure as well.
102* ''The Redesign of Natural Objects''
103** Donnie is utterly terrified when a large, intimidating inmate shows interest in him, especially when he reveals a [[WhamShot Neolution tattoo]].
104** Duko, once Siobhan pulls a shotgun on him.
106!!Season 5
108* ''Manacled Slim Wrists''
