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6Being a DarkerAndEdgier take on the basic premise of ''Fanfic/AshesOfThePast'', it should come as no surprise that ''Fanfic/PokemonResetBloodlines'' has plenty of elements and moments that [[NightmareFuel scare the reader]].
8[[AC: In order for NightmareFuel tabs to survive, a new writing style is going to be used, nicknamed '''Example Lobotomy'''. Basic rules: Just list facts as they are. Don't just say "character X" or "the X scene" (such Administrivia/{{zero context example}}s will be zapped). Italics to be applied to works' names only and not to give emphasis on what tropers say. "X scared me" is already implied by the mere addition of that example by the troper.]]
10!!Main Story
11* [[DownerBeginning The beginning of the story]]. In multiple ways.
12** Imagine being there when the original timeline got erased. Imagine being erased from existence in the blink of an eye on what seems like a perfectly normal day. That's what happened to Ash, his friends, and everyone else in the universe.
13** Not only did Cyrus manage to erase the world, he managed to make it so the people he killed never existed in the first place. In other words, he ''retroactively erased them from existence''. And all that time, Arceus was powerless to stop him except for sending Ash back in time to thwart Cyrus ''before'' he becomes unstoppable.
14* The Spearow and Fearow flock between Pallet Town and Viridian City is even more terrifying than in the anime. At least there, they had ''some'' impetus to attack. Here? Simply walking near the place they roost is enough to set them off. And they will ''not'' relent or show mercy. They won't stop until whoever "provoked" them is dead. And they're implied to have quite the body count. If Ash weren't a bloodliner, and if Misty hadn't been there, Ash and Pikachu could very well have died like Kaia almost did.
15* Heart Bloodliners are able to [[MindManipulation Mind Control]] Pokémon of the type that corresponds to their bloodline. And the story doesn't hesitate to show how scary that can be.
16** Belladonna demonstrates that a Heart Bloodliner can [[MassHypnosis raise an entire army of mind-controlled Pokémon]]. It's very fortunate that she has restraint, because somebody with that kind of power could very easily rival or even ''surpass'' the death and destruction wrought by Twenty Gyarados Bill.
17** If Misty's Goldeen is any indication, the controlled Pokémon are [[AndIMustScream at least partly aware of what's going on. ]] After Misty's Goldeen made clear what she thought of that ability, is it any wonder Misty vowed to never use it again?
18** Then you have the fact that such mind-controlled Pokémon can be turned against their own trainers. Imagine you let out one of your Pokémon to defend yourself against a hostile Heart Bloodliner, only for them to attack ''you'' instead.
19*** Better yet, imagine you're that Pokémon, being forced to attack your trainer and aware of it.
20* [=MissingNo=] in general. It's a malevolent, demonic EldritchAbomination with a sadistic streak and an interest in psychological torment. When you get right down to it, it's probably the most existentially terrifying thing in the story.
21** There doesn't seem to be any way for mortals to harm it. During its first encounter with Ash, he and his Pokémon hit it with everything they had... and it was able to basically [[NoSell ignore all of their attacks]]. It didn't even interrupt its train of thought.
22** It's made Ash and many of his friends suffer a lot and caused them to lose things, under the pretense of "helping" them. And if they haven't, that probably just means that its plans haven't come into effect yet. The idea that something so powerful wants to hurt you and your loved ones, and there's very little you can do about it, is absolutely chilling.
23*** Though this is somewhat mitigated by the revelation that Norman managed to prevent this from happening to May. The fact that these things aren't guaranteed to happen, and can be avoided, provides at least some hope.
24* The revelation that Iris's parents ''[[OffingTheOffspring abandoned her in the wild to die]]''. Sure, she survived, but her parents ''were trying to commit infanticide''. And the motive? The father was [[FantasticRacism bigoted against Bloodliners]]. That means this was a ''hate crime''.
25* In Chapter 9, Misty accidentally bumps into a Vileplume. Doing so was bad enough in canon, where it resulted in a Stun Spore attack. But here, it's even worse, since it triggers a lethal defense mechanism. Misty gets covered in two types of toxic pollen, one that causes her nervous system to seize up and behave erratically, and another that dissolves tissues. If Ash hadn't managed to ride a Gyarados to a hospital in Cerulean City, she would've [[CruelAndUnusualDeath died horrifically]]. No wonder [[WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes she's afraid of Vileplume]] after that incident.
26* There's a lot to fear about both the Bloodline King himself and his organization. He, the group he founded, and his minions are all pretty scary.
27** You'd think he might be a [[WellIntentionedExtremist ruthless but well-intentioned man]] who wants to improve the lot of Bloodliners ''a la'' ComicBook/{{Magneto}}. Nope. He's a cruel, self-centered bastard who views just about everybody else as either a tool to be used or an obstacle to be eliminated.
28** He has people captured and forced to become {{Breeding Slave}}s. That's right, not only is he out for world domination, he's willing to kidnap people and force them to have children whom he can use for his own twisted purposes. Arceus only knows what the children born under the control of his organization go through...
29** [[MouthOfSauron The Emissary]]. It's bad enough that he works for a megalomaniacal, bigoted [[TheSocialDarwinist social Darwinist]], but that's possibly the ''least'' scary thing about him. Not only does he have no qualms about suffocating people to death in their sleep, he also has access to his organization's intelligence, so hiding secrets from him is nigh-impossible. Perhaps worst of all, he can [[VillainTeleportation teleport]]. And he's ''very'' good at it, able to appear on Hunter J's ship mid-flight. If he can do that, then no location on Earth is safe from him. Just imagine for a moment: you're minding your own business, when all of a sudden, a cloaked figure with a hood over their face appears out of nowhere, with obvious sinister intent. [[ParanoiaFuel Have fun sleeping tonight]].
30*** And in Chapter 26, turns out that he has a brother, whom he calls ''Executioner''. The name should speak for itself, and we can only imagine what he's been doing to Misty's sisters since they were captured.
31** ''Sabrina'' [[EvenEvilHasStandards calls the Bloodline King a monster and wants nothing to do with him]]. Worst of all is what she reveals to the audience. He's apparently Ash's '''father''' in this story, which means he's also the man who sired all of Ash's siblings.
32* Pokémon Hunter J, much like in canon.
33** She captured Ash one morning as he went outside to take a leak, and he never knew what hit him. Just think about that: one minute, everything's fine; the next, you're aboard a hostile aircraft.
34** Then you have her heading off Ash's escape attempt. Just as a reminder, up to this point, Ash had been able to defeat every trainer who'd come against him. Even the Sensational Sisters using a team at a much higher level than his own ended up getting thrashed. J? The gulf between them was so great that Ash had no chance of overcoming her. Even Charmeleon learning Fire Pledge at the most opportune time couldn't close the gap. If it weren't for Goomy, Ash would've been SOL.
35* Iris can be ''very'' scary when she gets angry.
36** While she thought she had a legitimate reason to attack Misty, that didn't make their fight any less tense. It's a good thing Ash arrived when he did, because otherwise, things might have gotten very ugly.
37** Some of her interactions with the Team Rocket trio can also be disturbing when you think about it. While her mistakenly thinking they were planning to eat Ash is rather amusing, some of the things we know about her raise disturbing questions about what she would've done if she'd caught them...
38* Red's Clefairy. The brief moments we hear her thoughts are filled with {{Ironic Nursery Tune}}s, and she clearly has bad intentions in mind when she downs Axew. It only takes one line for Iris to rush onto the field and save him out of sheer terror despite it meaning instant disqualification:
39-->'''Axew:''' [[TheToothHurts You want to do]] ''[[TheToothHurts what]]'' [[TheToothHurts with my tusks?]]
40* From what we know about the Trainer-Ranger Wars, they were [[WarIsHell absolutely horrible]].
41** According to Iris' "grandfather", Nimbasa City was obliterated during the last war. The casualties must have been enormous.
42* On another note, the Draconid conflicts.
43** Back in the past, Hoenn and the Draconids got into some very brutal warring, with multiple atrocities and war crimes committed by both sides. The Draconids razed Mauville city and would've done the same to Rustboro if it hadn't been for the timely arrival of reinforcements. They also had plans for ethnic cleansing, wanting to drive all non-Draconids out of their ancestral territory, and possibly out of Hoenn altogether. Hoenn, meanwhile, drove the Draconids into the mountains, as well as attacking them with Koffing bombings and using Grimer to poison their tunnels.
44** While Hoenn and the Draconids aren't in a state of open war anymore, relations are still very bad. The Draconids are sometimes victimized by Hoenn criminals, and have also been impacted by hate crimes. On the other hand, Draconids will threaten to bomb courthouses in order to free accused Draconid criminals, and will engage in brutal vigilante justice against people they believe to have wronged them.
45* Giovanni is mentioned to have had people ''murdered''. While he's hardly AxCrazy about it, this reminder that he's a ruthless crime lord is chilling to say the least, and helps to underscore the fic's DarkerAndEdgier tone.
46* The extremes Belladonna is willing to go to for vengeance are terrifying. Her burning desire to kill Tokiomi Borealis was bad enough, but the fact that she was willing to kill workers at the Gringy City power plant as acceptable collateral damage is something else.
47** Speaking of, imagine being one of the workers at the plant. It seems like a typical day on the job, when all of a sudden, a horde of Poison-types starts attacking...
48** One unfortunate guard was killed by Belladonna spitting poison in his face. [[NothingIsScarier What its effects on him were are vague and ambiguous]].
49* It's shown in a flashback that while in Azalea Town, Evanna and her adopted father Kyle Narec were attacked by an [[TorchesAndPitchforks angry mob]] because the former [[DisproportionateRetribution stepped on a Slowpoke's tail]] while saving a baby. Even [[UngratefulBastard the baby's mother]] joined in. Then they come back with weapons and Pokémon, chase them down and kill Narec, with Evanna only barely managing to escape. Did we mention Evanna was only ten years old at this time?
50* The Mother of the Seven Brothers/Heratia. At first, we didn't get many details beyond that she was so horrible that not only was she murdered by six of her own sons, but they made a pact to never have children, just because ''they don't want to risk bringing another person like her into the world''. And then, when we eventually do see some of her parenting, it is revealed that a common punishment she would inflict on them is [[TheInsomniac making it so they couldn't fall asleep]]. Not by waking them up whenever they dozed off, but by using her powers to make it so they ''couldn't'' fall asleep.
51* Sabrina in the anime was very creepy. Here, she's [[AdaptationalVillainy even worse]]. Let's count the ways that she's horrifying.
52** When Dan enters the Saffron City Gym in Chapter 24, the entryway is unsettlingly quiet. Then another trainer with tears in his eyes bumps into him while rushing towards the exit in desperation. The poor guy gets lifted in the air by an unseen force and strangled to death. Then Sabrina herself levitates towards Dan, making it very clear that she intends to kill him if he doesn't measure up.
53** She then ups the ante in Chapter 26. Not only do we find out that she, thanks to the aide of her Pokemon, has enough psychic power to read the minds of anyone as far away as Cinnabar Island, but she uses this telepathy to discover Ash's memories of the old timeline. She then begins to use this information to track down people she judges unworthy of living, such as Characters of the Day Dario and Melvin.
54** Chapter 27 makes Sabrina even more terrifying. She reveals in her internal monologue that she's killed Melvin and Seymour. While Dario's death could be argued to have been deserved (if only due to reckless endangerment), their only "crimes" were being less competent than she would've liked, and not even in a [[LethallyStupid dangerous way]]. Even worse is that she clearly doesn't give much weight to their deaths, almost as though she considers murdering them akin to a mildly annoying chore. This glimpse into her mindset is chilling.
55* Chapter 26 has a BadFuture show up via [[EldritchAbomination MissingNo]]. To wit...
56** The deaths of Future Frax, Velvet, Lillie, and Gladion, occurring during a really FUBAR version of the Sun and Moon game plot. The exact details of their deaths aren't known, but given that it apparently was followed by Nihilego ''swarms'', it couldn't have been pleasant.
57** Said Nihilego swarms. If Future Clemont and Hapu are to be believed they possessed a lot of people and many of them were ''worse'' than Lusamine ever was under the things.
58** There was apparently a Bloodliner War, where Ash and the Bloodliner King clashed. The reason? The Bloodliner King apparently captured May and Serena, which from what has been hinted about the man cannot be a good thing.
59** [=MissingNo=] while showing off said war dropped hints that the bad future also featured rampaging Primal Groudon and Kyogre, Mirage Pokemon, Shadow Pokemon, and Ultra Beasts clashing with each other and quite possibly ''everything else''.
60** Apparently it ''was'' the future at some point. It raises the question of how it was averted and what replaced it.
61* While only briefly mentioned, chapter 28 implies that a trainer who doesn't feed their Snorlax enough ''could be eaten by it''.
62* Good news! Primeape is alive! Bad news? Sabrina has him, and she's going to use him as bait for Ash.
63* Chapter 33 gives us quite the dark images:
64** The premise itself. You're walking along with your friend/mate/not-boyfriend, when an Abra comes and kidnaps him out of the blue, and you have no idea where he is, who took him, or what even just happened. The worst part is that this method of kidnapping is all too easily replicable given how common Pokemon who can know Teleport are.
65** After Axew reveals Team Rocket in the trees, Anabel takes a look at Iris and describes the energy coming from her as murderous. Had she not blasted them away, Iris may have killed them, not considering the possibility that she might be wrong about them being responsible for Ash's kidnapping.
66** While hoping around looking for Ash thanks to Anabel's Teleport, Misty meets another of Ash's siblings and inexplicably feels happy just talking to him. Then Psyduck pops out and decks him, breaking Misty free from his influence, the girls running off as Misty overhears him say some disturbing things about Psyduck. The implications are that sibling was a Date-Rapist and was planning on making Misty his next victim.
67*** FridgeHorror then sets in when you realize just whose behavior this is similar to: Their Father/The G Brother. Looks like the apple didn't fall too far from the tree for this one.
68** The girls landing in Belladonna's group's current residence. While it turns out to be beneficial for them in the end, the mere fact they landed in front of who they believe to be four murderous teenagers while in a weakened state can be quite scary.
69* Ash was lucky enough that Sabrina had judged him worthy of living, since she could have easily killed him any time she wanted, and neither he nor his Pokémon would have been able to prevent it. He only lived through the experience because she ''wanted'' him to.
70** Moreover, the fact that she came so close to actually push him past the RageBreakingPoint is really scary. Just imagine what an Ash without restraints over his own powers could have done, especially since they tend to trigger when he feels strong emotions.
71** The whole battle was a terrifying experience in itself. Sabrina could know just about ''everything'' he could come up with, just by reading his mind, and she could easily prepare a countermeasure with the speed of thought. Only the fact that she couldn't predict that Dexter managed to bring rest of Ash's Pokémon at Oak's ranch, and Ash creating a Z-Crystal in the nick of time could throw her off, as well as the timely arrival of Ash's companions and Belladonna's group.
72* Chapter 37 provides several in context to Mewtwo's origin story.
73** Amber's father is ''not'' in his right mind before Mewtwo kills him. He realizes this himself after he notes that his internal debate has two distinct personas, one arguing to make further augmentations to his daughter. In short he's been driven mad, and even he realizes it.
74** Mewtwo destroying the lab, especially after Amber's father paints a picture of him as a threat to the entire world.
75* In a dream/vision Iris has in Pallet Chapter Iris, in a future where they killed Hunter J and saved Iris's family, Iris's father took offense to their relationship and ''[[EyeScream gouged Ash's right eye out]]''.
76* Mewtwo managing to [[spoiler: withstand the most powerful Flamethrower Charizard ever produced, even with Ash's Dominion Bloodline boosting him]].
77* Mewtwo rejecting Ash's offer of friendship in favor of ''capturing Ash in a Pokeball''.
78** Moreover, Pidgeot's early comments about the lost timeframe of their memories hint that, while trapped inside Mewtwo's balls, they essentially turn into ''nothingness''. Neither energy nor matter, they effectively ''[[CessationOfExistence do not exist]]!'' It could also be referring to the idea that Pigeot was in Ash's belt when he was turned to stone and thus she died too, ''and had no idea what happened''.
79** The idea of the Dark Poke Balls being comparable to death is reinforced when it is established that all other Bloodliners were captured in them, as well as the other Pokémon; once they are all released, Pikachu explicitly asks if being in the Dark Poke Balls is what death is like.
80* Once Mewtwo has successfully captured all of the Pokemon ''and'' Bloodliners, Dexter decides to intervene. How so? By hacking into the systems within the Island and rigging it to ''explode''! His rationale is that his programming requires he protect Ash at all costs, and that since the balls the Pokemon and Bloodliners were trapped in can withstand the blast, he can detonate the island and kill Mewtwo, then he can register the balls under Ash's name and have them transported to Professor Oaks lab, where they'll be freed. However, he also claims that all the other trainers are expendable, meaning he's willing to let Gary, Casey, Alex, Neesha, Corey, Fergus, and Paul ''die'' along with Mewtwo. When Paul's Pokedex attempts to intervene, he remotely shuts her down, and preemptively shuts off Gary's Pokedex too. Even when Cepu tries to intervene, he manages to temporarily shutdown Cepu too! Dexter's plan nearly worked, only failing because Mewtwo managed to contain the blast with his Psychic Energy and throw it into the atmosphere. The fact remains however that Ash's Pokedex was perfectly willing to ''murder'' Mewtwo and the others so long as Ash and his friends were safe.
81** For that matter, it re-contextualizes his behavior in Anabel's Pallet Town Chapter. In it, he begins to go on a rant about how he could hack into any possible database, and if he so desired, could easily ''shut down Team Rocket'' or ''restart the Trainer-Ranger wars''! Many comparisons to [[Franchise/TheTerminator Skynet]] were made at the time, and while the scene was PlayedForLaughs there, it now reads like eerie {{foreshadowing}}.
82* Casey is adamant to Ash that stuff like Mega forms vs. Z-Moves is ''not'' safe, and does have something to do with radiation, but ''refuses'' to go into any more detail on the matter, saying that people have ''died'' just for ''knowing too much'' about it.
83* We finally find out why Misty is so afraid Bug-Types in this timeline. On a school trip when she was about five or six, some jerk replaced the bug repellent with a perfume that ''attracted'' Bug-types instead, and she was completely ''covered'' by a group of Caterpie and Weedle. Luckily her teacher saved her right when a Beedrill showed up.
85!!ExpandedUniverse One-Shots
86* Koga's sister, Aya, is strongly implied to have died at childhood because their father was so callous and neglectful he didn't care for her safety and was almost certainly ''eaten'' by wild Pokemon.
87* For all that Pokemon and the Resetverse is a fantasy world, there are some very real fears and dangers. Imagine what Meyer was going through when he learned his son was kidnapped right out of his room.
88* Imagine what Georgia went through, the ''very same day'' police warned Unova of a SerialKiller, she returned home to find said killer have murdered her parents and was going to add her to his list of victims.
89* Clay Interlude has these:
90** Shadow Pokemon got a [[AdaptationalBadass massive upgrade]] over their original depiction in the games set in Orre, and even a Gym Leader like Clay bringing their best had trouble with one.
91** Alder commented to Clay about a few old kidnapping incidents, where infants were kidnapped ''right from the cradle''.
92* Krysta's rage after she gets [[TraumaButton triggered]] in the Lorelei Gaiden. It shows how dangerous a Bloodliner can be.
93* The Cipher Gaiden shows off Exol's Shadow Mawile going berserk. It attacks anything and everything without discrimination, including its own trainer, and inflicts brutal wounds on its victims.
94* Onix's rampage in The Wild Boy From Sinnoh was scary. From Hareta's perspective, one of his friends suddenly became dangerous and attacked him without provocation. Mitsumi was able to determine that the cause was because of a device that was planted on Onix, which means that there is someone out there with the power to turn Pokemon against their friends without the need to be a Heart Bloodliner.
95* Twenty Gyarados Bill's entire story. What began as a simple prank managed to devolve into a nightmarish FromNobodyToNightmare scenario. It manages to make the MagikarpPower trope '''scary''' by pointing out what happens when someone with a long standing grudge realizes that all the weak fish in the water can be trained into murderous leviathans capable to destroying entire cities and fighting evenly with an entire army.
96* The Astrid Oneshot reveals that the Pokemon world had an equivalent of the Black Death: the [[ThePlague Dark Pestilence]]. It [[DepopulationBomb killed]] ''[[DepopulationBomb half]]'' [[DepopulationBomb the population of the Pokemon equivalent of Europe]] with BodyHorror inflicted upon the body of the poor victim (instead of flesh growths, ''bone'' growths occured.) Eerily, the disease was compared in the Author's note to the Ultra-Beasts....
97** Chapter 24 further hints the disease was tied to the Ultra Beasts. Implying that Poke-Europe was ravaged by an '''alien disease from another dimension'''. Given what happened with the Americas when Smallpox was brought over, they were lucky to only lose ''half'' their population.
98* In Oak's Summer Camp Gaiden, it's worrying how much callousness Joshua displays in trying to achieve his wants, from simple cheating to committing acts of sabotage that could hurt, or even ''kill'', innocent people.
99* In the Sanpei Interlude, the way Capriccio attempts to kill Satoshi, literally covering him in poisonous sludge, it was pretty horrifying. Even though he managed to hold on enough for Sanpei to save him, the effects were still there and he needed medical attention afterwards.
100* In the Kiawe Interlude, Capriccio's murderous streak continues, with him attacking a random trainer whom he suspects of being one of his nephews. And unlike Satoshi, the poor guy didn't appear to have anyone around to save him.
101** Oh, and he is planning on capturing the Canalave area Darkrai and giving it to Cipher in exchange for the use of Cipher's resources to hunt down every Ash-alike. Fun...
102* The Gardenia Interlude is full of this. No surprise, considering most of it takes place in the [[HauntedHouse Old Chateau]] and the writer suggested it was a [[BroadStrokes semi sequel]] to [[WebAnimation/PokemonGenerations the Generations episode with the Chateau]].
103** During her first meeting with Gardenia, the female ghost gives one hell of a NightmareFace, with [[RedEyesTakeWarning blood-red eyes]] the size of dinner plates, white hair waving in all directions, [[ScaryTeeth long sharp teeth]] and a snake's tongue.
104** As it turns out, the ghosts lured Cheryl into the Old Chateau [[spoiler:so that they could drain her life force and sustain their existence in the world of the living]]. What's more, she's clearly not the first person this has happened to.
105* Guzzlord is said to be a Pokémon that is constantly eating and has [[ExtremeOmnivore gobbled mountains and swallowed buildings whole]]. In the Looker Interlude, looker and Nanu recall that ten years ago, [[IAmAHumanitarian one of their colleagues was]] ''[[IAmAHumanitarian made into a snack]]'' [[IAmAHumanitarian by it.]]
106* In Luana Gaiden, all mention of Pokemon being fundamentally decent are thrown out the window. In the story, there is a trio of Pokemon who, FreudianExcuse aside, are perfectly capable of mass murder and destruction without a Trainer leading them.
107* Sabrina's StartOfDarkness, as told in her gaiden. Turns out she started her tendencies ''[[EnfanteTerrible as a child]]'', and effectively [[DoomedHometown erased her already unremarkable hometown from the maps]]. And to think it all started when she was getting tired of people always relying on her to do things because they were too lazy, and things just went downhill from there.
108* AssholeVictim that he is, it's rather terrifying how easily Sabrina was able to kidnap Dario and he was unable to put up a meaningful fight against her in Big P Pokemon Race Interlude.
109* Hatred of Bloodliners has reached terrifying levels in Ultima Interlude, with a SerialKiller going around killing them. Worse still, he has ''followers''.
110** Moreover, the Bloodliner Hunter Interlude goes to show how far he's willing to go. No matter if they're small children, or if they have relatively harmless abilities, ''any'' Bloodliner is fair game for him to kill.
111** Even worse? If what he saw wasn't the ghost of his adoptive daughter and he was just imagining things, then it's clear the guy's mental state has gone off the deep, making it all the more dangerous to everyone around him.
112* Laramie Gaiden shows just how terrifying a school of angry Gyarados can be. After a naval battle accidentally injures some, they take their revenge by sinking both warships, and killing most of the escaping crew members. Keep in mind: unlike Bill's Gyarados, these were ''wild''. They weren't specifically trained for mass destruction, nor did they pick up extreme hatred and resentment from a trainer. They were just inflicting retribution against a perceived attack. It's no wonder they were TheDreaded for millennia.
113* In Lara Gaiden, similar to Joshua Martin, the amount of callousness Dario displays is shocking, but unlike Joshua, Dario's own cheating attempts resulted in people actually getting hurt. One such attempt include causing a ''landslide''.
114* It's ''heavily'' implied that, although Zinnia loves her daughter Aster very much, that the latter was [[ChildByRape the product of a Sootopolitan assault on her]], which is especially disturbing with how young Zinnia is.
115* There was something at Poni Island that sent out chills down the spines of the Lono twins, as well as the wild Pokémon that were attacking them at the time. Keep in mind that these were Pokémon of a high level and in the ''hundreds'', so whatever could scare them, it ''definitely'' was bad news.
116* Wicke & Nephew Interlude has the scene with the Palossand attack. It starts with a mysterious sand ripple, one that causes the lifeguards to order the beachgoers to run. Then it begins to rise, swallowing up items and smashing a lifeguard tower. During the resulting fight with Zilant, it nearly sucks him up. This confirms that, in the Reset-verse, Palossand are willing to eat humans as well as Pokémon.
117* Where to even ''begin'' with Mars Gaiden?:
118** It's the first in-the-flesh appearance of Cyrus, for starters.
119** There's also everything Mars went through under her uncle and aunt, including them killing her only friend, and the only regret they show is how it might affect their reputation.
120** After that, Mars finally snaps and sics her new Bronzor to ''crush'' them to death with its Psychic attack.
121** And the kicker is that the priest turns out to be William Stronger, and that it was ''[=MissingNo=]'' who helped set him down the path he's on by the time of Ultima Interlude.
122* The 2017 Halloween oneshots, unsurprisingly:
123** Shadows of the Jungle relays a the story of a failed expedition to Guyana in search of Mew, through some entries in an ApocalypticLog. The entries become more and more terrifying as they advance. It all culminates on Professor Knowles captured by a horde of Bug-types, taken to their leader, a Bug Heart Bloodliner who controls them like their HiveQueen, and placed in a pit to be devoured alive.
124** The Agatha & Sam Gaiden. We get to see firsthand how terrifying Pokémon are in the pre-Oak era, and more specifically the Ghost-types. They not only end up killing Agatha's little brother Tony, but they also turn his soul into a Gastly, unable to return to his human body again. And all for their own amusement, no less.
125* Sabrina shows off her scariness once again in the Black Arachnid Gaiden. She seriously considers killing Ito Jenny just because she let a promise to be the best cop she could be fall to the wayside. While she doesn't go through with it, it's not out of any moral qualms, but because she thinks it would be counterproductive to her goal of getting Neko to improve.
126* The Holiday Special 2017 one-shot had plenty courtesy of the villains:
127** Gengar of the Drowning Woods and his minions gets their hands on new victims, and unlike Agatha and Sam, those Trainers probably wouldn't make it out alive.
128** William Stronger is alive and well after his fall in Ultima Interlude, and the politician Frederick Swietenia is one of his supporters and gives him a list of participants for the upcoming Johto League, and William recognises several of them as Bloodliners.
129** Lusamine spends time with her ''collection'', and does it all very creepily, talking to them lovingly as if they weren't frozen forever while also dancing in the room. For an extra whammy, the holiday special also shows us a holiday moment back when she was ''sane'', creating a evident whip-lash between her past and present self.
130** The kicker of the dark villain snips is the first insight into the mind of the brother who sired Ash and his siblings, and he's a SuperSupremacist who [[EvilCannotComprehendGood cannot comprehend good]] and is an utter sociopath. Ash would have been better off with Giovanni as his father....
131** Even the non-villain snips have their moments, with Betty having a nightmare about how she almost died because of a Chandelure.
132** Mabel is ''very'' strict to her grandkids that, while Mega Evolutions, Z-Moves, etc, can be safely used against the same type, like a Mega form against another Mega form, or a Z-Move against a Z-Move, stuff like a Z-Move against a Mega form is ''not'' allowed, and she refuses to tell them ''why''. Their best guess is that it releases harmful radiation.
133* Gurkinn warned Drake about some of the risks of a failed Mega Evolution. As it turns out, a Team Flare grunt apparently tried to Mega Evolve his Salamence, and when he failed it went berserk and attacked him. And unlike Sho, who had the rest of his Pokémon around to calm down his Manectric, this guy wasn't so lucky, and didn't live to tell the tale...
134** Furthermore, Drake later finds said Salamence, and the results of the failed Mega Evolution still show: it has its ribs showing ''outside''. It's unclear whether this is a direct result of the failed Mega Evolution or due to the Salamance reacting to the events by refusing to eat and thus starving itself, but regardless of which it is both are unsettling.
135* The Pokémon G-Men Gaiden's beginning has Accentus and Dainsleif's killing sprees. Aside from the fact each of them is a monster who loves killing just because, and each one is terrifying individually, just imagine what they'll be capable of by ''teaming up''...
136* A lot from Red Three Island Interlude:
137** Red's Clefairy violently slapping a Slowbro, even after beating it, to the point that Red has to catch it to make sure it can recover.
138** In the same vein as Krysta, Red loses his control when his Clefairy [[RageBreakingPoint pushes him too far]], [[PowerIncontinence and begins spitting fire as he yells in a rage]]. And all hints point to him being the one who accidentally killed his mother by burning down their house.
139** The Hypno in the Berry Forest. It hypnotizes kids and forces them to stay with it after luring them to it. The worst part is, [[ObliviouslyEvil it doesn't even understand that it's acting creepy, or that what it does it's wrong]]!
140** On that same line, Red's Clefairy seemed to think going on murderous rampages was just a game. Thank god that Red snapping at Clefairy ''finally'' made it realise that what it was doing was wrong.
141* Per the Melemele Grand Trial Oneshot: The Ultra Beasts are coming, and based on the BadFuture that was shown to Ash, when they do, it will be one of ''many'' things that led to the end of the world.
142** On top that, SD:100. Formerly the Darkrai of Canalave City, whom Capriccio had successfully captured and Team Cipher had successfully turned into a Shadow Pokemon. Team Cipher has captured a freaking ''legendary''.
143* In Red Four Island Interlude, we are reminded that though this is a fantasy world, there are still very real dangers that can be found in the real world. Red came very close to dying in a spelunking accident, saved only because Siebold just happened to be there.
144* Oak & Hastings Gaiden:
145** While ''that'' Bewear is generally a SugarWiki/{{Funny Moment|s}} whenever it shows up, the flashback scenes make it clear that this is ''not true'' of ''all'' Bewear. Samuel Oak and his cousin Samson came ''very'' close to dying because they pissed another Bewear off.
146** On Faraway Island itself, there were several dangerous Fossil Pokemon that attacked Samuel Oak, Adalbert Hastings, and their group. Unlike the Ghosts of the Drowning Woods though, they didn't attack out of malice, they were attacking due to their ''instincts'' as predators. They're the reason Faraway Island is so feared, and came ''very'' close to killing the protagonists at several points in the story. All of this only added to the SugarWiki/MomentOfAwesome when after getting their hands on the special soil they needed, Oak and Hastings activated their device and ''successfully pacified'' the Fossil Pokemon, making clear just how important their achievement was for the entire world.
147* In Blastoise Island Interlude, Misty is ''very'' nearly killed by Dirk's Tyranitar while she's immobilized by a Rock Tomb attack. Only the timely intervention of her Pokémon saves her.
148* Understandably, there's quite a bit of this in the Mewtwo Interlude.
149** [[WoobieDestroyerOfWorlds While it's impossible not to feel at least a bit of sympathy for Mewtwo's situation]], it doesn't change the fact that he's a Pokémon engineered to be the ultimate weapon. Combine that with the rage and pain he's bottling inside, and the lack of emotional maturity and moral restraint, and you have a living nuke waiting to detonate at any second.
150** Mewtwo turning on Giovanni is quite possibly ''even scarier'' than how it happened in the movie. There, it was a spur-of-the-moment MistreatmentInducedBetrayal, where he lashed out in anger after Giovanni [[VillainBall openly told him he was nothing more than a tool]]. Here, it's a premeditated, calculated move that he'd been planning for some time despite Giovanni doing just about everything he could to ensure he stayed loyal.
151*** Moreover, Giovanni only lives through the experience because [[YouWillBeSpared Mewtwo decides to spare him]], though he makes it clear that once he wipes out humanity as whole, considering unworthy to rule the world, he'll come back to kill him last. Only so Giovanni can see him succeed where he failed.
152* Red Seven Island Interlude has the title character enter the realm of the Unown, who can bend reality according to the wishes of people. They give the phrase BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor a new meaning, because not only the ''what'' is important, but also the ''how''.
153** An example comes from when Red notices the wording his guide used and asks him what ''he'' wished for. It turns out that he wanted to be free of worrying about an uncertain future, not die, and to be free of pain and exhaustion. He ended up trapped in a realm between realms, incorporeal and unable to leave it, which makes Red feel like Sneasel had just used an ice attack on him, and finding the Unown more terrifying than anything that he had seen before.
154** They are also described as more alien in nature than the ''Ultra Beasts''. The descriptions of what they are like makes it clear that isn't much, if at all, an exaggeration.
155** Moreover, it's heavily implied that in the BadFuture, Red wished for Mega Stones, and that eventually led him to ultimately clash against Ash when he tried to bring back someone from the dead (possibly Yellow, possibly his mom). And we can't be certain whether that won't come to pass now, despite the change.
156** And the how Red intended to do so was Geosenge Town, aka the ''Ultimate Weapon''.
