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Context Memes / ModelRonpa

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1What would a high-stakes, runway-styled killing game be without its in-jokes and references?
3!! The Memes:
5[[folder:In-Game Moments]]
7* Atsuko, Preston,, and Kagemori get Swords: [[note]]The Prop Closet in the backstage theater hosts stage weapons. Atsuko used 'Sword-kun' to tame a bot nicknamed 'Purple-san' when it attempted to attack them, but it was later destroyed by a more violent bot nicknamed 'Green-san'; Preston's sword had 'rawr, nya xD' etched into it; Kagemori's sword is pathetic and limp; and's sword turned out to be real after he rolled a nat20 investigating it.[[/note]]
8* Baby Raketsu: [[note]]Being among the youngest members of the class and displaying Tsundere qualities, people have commented IC how cute Raketsu is - even going as far as to jokingly call him the baby of the bunch. Note that he's actually [[BigLittleBrother taller than some of the characters who have said this to him]].[[/note]]
9* Beware the Furniture: [[note]]Due to unfortunate RNG, several characters have found themselves trapped underneath pieces of furniture during their investigations. HPME placed aesthetics over quality, it seemed.[[/note]]
10** [[spoiler: appears to get the worst of it, having racked up countless injuries just in the ''Prologue'' alone (which, in game time, would equate to a couple of hours).]]
11* Blue Pool: [[note]]During the event ''A Formally Late Welcome'', the students were alarmed when blue food dye somehow managed to saturate the olympic-sized swimming pool. Several students temporarily turned blue as a result. It's still not confirmed who pulled off the prank.[[/note]]
12* Chaotic Lesbian Koharu: [[note]]Koharu manages to be a large flirt with several girls in the class while still maintaining a miscevious nature (at times).[[/note]]
13* [[spoiler:Cute Team Killstreak:]] [[note]]The murderers of the first three chapters are all members of the Cute Team; even Keiko, who is noted to be the Cute Team representative. [[spoiler:It doesn't help that the last two Cute Team members left are a girl with a knife and an android.]][[/note]]
14* Eiji is the Model Dad: [[note]]Eiji, being one of the oldest among his classmates, has taken on a fatherly role to many. His peers have even pointed this out to him, which he didn't seem to realize.[[/note]]
15** Preston ''Dresses'' Like a Dad: [[note]]Compartiviely, the class has pointed out that Preston's attire makes him appear like a suburban dad. However, he doesn't have the same nuturing qualities that Eiji does (quite the opposite, actually).[[/note]]
16*'s Banana Outfit: [[note]] did a regular fashion show dressed in a banana suit, fishnet stockings, and high heels.[[/note]]
17* Controls HPME's Economy: [[note]] has amassed a ridiculous amount of coins during investigation, which fuels his gatcha addiction.[[/note]]
18**'s Polarizing Luck: [[note]]Usually, goes between amazing and purely unfortunate RNG luck.[[/note]]
19* Huang's Fursonas: [[note]]The students woke up one day to find some halls covered in Furry Artwork and faxed deposits from Huang Xiaozhu's bank account - indicating that he paid for these. Given that his AI has amnesia, he can't reliably argue if these are fakes or not. [[/note]]
20** Mastfurmind: [[note]]Furry talk has inevitably led to the mysterious saboteur behind the Mutual Killing Game to henceforth be referred to as the 'mastfurmind' on account of the fact that they are, indeed, a furry. ItMakesSenseInContext.[[/note]]
21* "I close the door." "...That worked.": [[note]]While investigating a secret room, a group of players were greeted by a dangerous robot armed with a laser gun, asking them for identification. As the group considered what to do to defend themselves, walked up and closed the door in the robot's face. The threat was reset, much to everyone's exasperated amusement OOC.[[/note]]
22* Kagemori is Coming For Your Eyelashes: [[note]] has long eyelashes, and Kagemori threatened to steal them.[[/note]]
23* Koharu Is A Murder Suspect: [[note]]After Trial 1 where students discovered an empty weapons case and a knife in Koharu's room, the SHSL Treasure Hunter has been considered a culprit or voted on at least once in every trial following that.[[/note]]
24* "No, I do not have laser eyes.": [[note]]Kaz is insistent that his android body does not come with laser eyes.[[/note]]
25* "Pour one out for the Cute Team.": [[note]]In Chapter 1's Group Fashion Show, revolving around the theme of Cute, not only did the Cute Team fail to break the top three where every other team in the agency had a representative, two of their teammates (Raketsu and Izumi) also took last and second last place. Many hearts and smiles were broken that day (though unsurprisingly, not Preston's).[[/note]]
26* Preston's Cello: [[note]]He's very defensive over his instrument, prompting jokes that he's in love with it.[[/note]]
27* Red Presses the Button: [[note]]Red has a fascination with pressing buttons, regardless of the possible consequences. In the Chapter One Trial, he even asked to press Modelkuma's large red button (he was denied).[[/note]]
28* The Ciphers and Thumbtacks Saga: [[note]]During the Chapter One murder, mysterious thumbtacks were found on top of a doorframe and pricked a couple of students. These thumbtacks have made several other apperances, usually catching the students by surprise. There were also two encrypted notes discovered in a frozen jar of ice and in the lounge. Over a month of OOC time passed before the ciphers were broken... leaving the players IC and OOC aggrivated when the messages turned out to be pranks from someone calling theirself the "Mastermind". [[/note]]
29** Note 1 (Ice Jar in Freezer): [[note]]"all this trouble, and all you got was this shitty note. so sad."[[/note]]
30** Note 2 (Lounge): [[note]]"hey, morons, congrats on finding something completely meaningless, and congrats on wasting your time decoding it! love, the mastermind."[[/note]]
34[[folder:OOC Shenanigans]]
36* Cows: [[note]]Several of the muns knew one another before MR started and jokingly call each other 'cows' as a random, funny insult. It's now common for certain muns to send this at one another (or the mods) when things go wrong. It's all in good fun! The phrase 'moo' (usually extended) is another form of ribbing among our players.[[/note]]
37** Atsucow: [[note]]A pun of Atsuko's name made by the muns in regards to another inside joke.[[/note]]
38* Funny Names: [[note]]An animatic created by Konoka's Mun of the [[Podcast/MyBrotherMyBrotherAndMe My Brother, My Brother, and Me]] clip, but instead set to Model Ronpa. is Travis and Konoka is Griffin while they discuss Raketsu, Kazunari, and Preston's names, since Raketsu and Preston frequently get ribbed by the class due to their temperments.[[youtube:kP7sfoFPX28]][[/note]]
39* Hitoshi x Cory: [[note]]A joke started in the Hopefuls server that is still maintained with the spectators and players alike. It's the joke pairing of Hitoshi-san from Characters/NyanNekoSugarGirls and Cory from [[Series/CoryInTheHouse Cory in the House]][[/note]]
40* Mina deserves a Raise/Vacation!: [[note]]Something frequently commented about Mina Choi, as she's implied to have dealt with a lot regarding her boss and her work establishment. Mod Gi refuses.[[/note]]
41* Promise to Give Eiji Your Bones: [[note]]After his mun revealed that he has a bone collection, the chat now frequently remarks about how before any character dies - they have to give Eiji Mazawa permission to harvest their bones. [[spoiler: This is only cemented by the fact that, in the Chapter 2 motive, it's revealed that he doesn't understand the fear surrounding death and corpses]][[/note]]
42** and his Bone Drone: [[note]]An animatic created by Konoka's Mun of the [[Podcast/MyBrotherMyBrotherAndMe My Brother, My Brother, and Me]] clip, but instead set to Model Ronpa. Konoka is Justin, is Griffin, Kagemori is Travis, Eiji is the asker, Atsuko is 'the government', and Koharu is "'s Bone Drone" (the joke being that she's the SHSL Treasure Hunter).[[youtube:SpCZxxO72vA]][[/note]]
43* Preston's Many Nicknames: [[note]]In the OOC chat, Preston has been lovingly referred to as "Presto" (following a typo). He was also given the title of "Hubba Bubba Bullshit" after a joke made about his pink hair.[[/note]]
44* Raketsu Is Our Favorite Rat: [[note]]Being compared to a rat by his mun, the players commonly agree that we love this particular rat.[[/note]]
45* Riko's Greatest Asset? Leg: [[note]]On [[ Riko's NPC Card]], her specialty is just 'Legs'.[[/note]]
46* Your Mod Team: 'God Nagito Komaeda': [[note]]Started unintentionally by Mod Gi when players compared her to Nagito Komaeda from [[Franchise/DanganRonpa Danganronpa]], she changed her server name accordingly to 'na''GI''to'. Similar events caused Mod Cam to do the same (''CAM''aeda), while Mod Lu was jokingly called a 'vengeful god' by players after [[spoiler:killing off both Huang and Keiko before Chapter 2.]] When all three mods are online in the OOC server, their names spelled:[[/note]]
47*** [[spoiler:"God"]]
48*** [[spoiler:"na''GI''to"]]
49*** [[spoiler: " ''CAM''aeda"]]
