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2Tropes having to do with [[TheUndead the undead and undeath]].
4JustForFun/NotToBeConfusedWith TheLivingDead, which is about living actors portraying corpses. Not to be confused with BackFromTheDead. Generally unrelated to {{Undead Horse Trope}}s.
6Overlaps with DeathTropes, DeadBodyIndex, and SkeletalTropes.
10!!Assorted creature and character tropes:
13+ '''TheUndead''' (super-trope)
14+ HauntedIndex (ghosts)
15+ MummyTropes (mummies)
16+ SkeletalTropes (skeletons)
17+ TropesOfTheLivingDead (zombies)
18+ VampireTropes (vampires)
20* AttractiveZombie: A zombie that is good-looking in spite of being an undead corpse.
21* {{Calacas}}: Skeletons representing the dead in Mexican culture.
22* ChineseVampire: Vampires from Chinese folklore and mythology.
23* ChummyMummy: A mummy who's friendly.
24* CuteGhostGirl: A ghost who happens to be adorable.
25* TheDeadHaveEyes: Undead beings with still-functioning eyes.
26* DemBones: Reanimated skeletons.
27* {{Dracolich}}: Undead dragons.
28* EerieAnatomyModel: A scary- or spooky-looking anatomy model.
29* FleshGolem: A creature made of dead body parts.
30* FrankensteinsMonster: A monster made from being sewn together from dismembered corpses.
31* FriendlyGhost: A ghost who is nice.
32* FriendlyNeighborhoodVampire: A vampire who is good.
33* FriendlySkeleton: A skeleton who is kind and usually funny.
34* FriendlyZombie: A zombie who means no harm.
35* {{Gashadokuro}}: A giant skeleton {{Youkai}} manifestation of those who died from famine or war.
36* GhastlyGhost: A ghost who's unpleasant in looks, demeanor, or both.
37* GhostlyAnimals: Undead animals without physical bodies.
38* GhostPirate: Undead pirates.
39* TheGrimReaper: The personification of death is often depicted as a cloak-wearing skeleton.
40* HeadlessHorseman: A headless horse rider who haunts roadways and woods.
41* {{Mummy}}: Preserved corpses wrapped in bandages who come back to life.
42* NaziZombies: Undead Nazis.
43* {{Necromancer}}: A sorcerer who has the power to raise the dead.
44* NonHumanUndead: An undead being that was never human to begin with.
45* OurBansheesAreLouder: A Celtic PortentOfDoom in the form of a crying, or wailing, woman.
46* OurGhostsAreDifferent: The varying portrayals of ghosts in fiction.
47* OurGhoulsAreCreepier: The inconsistent portrayals of ghouls in fiction.
48* OurLichesAreDifferent: Undead sorcerers.
49* OurVampiresAreDifferent: Vampires are depicted differently from how they are usually depicted in fiction.
50* OurWightsAreDifferent: The often inconsistent portrayals of wights in fiction.
51* OurZombiesAreDifferent: Zombies are depicted differently from how they are usually depicted in fiction.
52* PlagueZombie: People become zombies from a virus.
53* RaisingTheSteaks: Undead zombified animals.
54* RevenantZombie: A zombie that isn't just a mindless monster and still remembers who they were when they were alive.
55* RoboticUndead: Robots that take inspiration from the undead.
56* SeductiveMummy: An alluring mummy.
57* SillySpook: A ghost who acts goofy instead of scary.
58* SkeletalMusician: Animated skeletons performing music.
59* StingyJack: A folk tale about a pumpkin-headed trickster.
60* UndeadAbomination: An undead EldritchAbomination.
61* UndeadChild: Children that have risen from their graves.
62* UndeadFossils: Undead prehistoric animals.
63* VampireDoctor: Character who works in close contact with those they'd normally consider food.
64* VengefulGhost: An angry spirit out for revenge from beyond the grave.
65* WalkingOssuary: Skeletal undead created by cobbling together parts from multiple skeletons.
67!!Assorted general tropes:
68* ActuallyNotAVampire: A person with vampire-like habits and traits is mistaken for being a real vampire.
69* AnimateDead: Bringing the dead to life under your command.
70* BigBoosHaunt: Generic RPG "haunted house" level.
71* BoyMeetsGhoul: Love that ''starts'' with an undead partner.
72* BurnTheUndead: Fire is effective at destroying undead.
73* CameBackWrong: Can be the reason for undeath.
74* CavalryOfTheDead: Summoning undead soldiers to fight a common enemy.
75* ChillOfUndeath: Undead creatures with abnormally low body temperatures.
76* CreepyCemetery: An unusually scary cemetery with undead creatures abound.
77* DeadAllAlong: A character turns out to have been deceased all along.
78* TheDeadCanDance: Undead characters depicted as good dancers.
79* DeceasedAndDiseased: Undead creatures portrayed as poisonous or filled with disease.
80* TheDisembodied: Can be argued to be a form of undeath.
81* DutyThatTranscendsDeath: A character so devoted to their cause, not even death stops them from fulfilling it.
82* EatingOptional: They often have urges to feed despite not really needing to.
83* FateWorseThanDeath: Undeath in general is often depicted as this.
84* FearlessUndead: Undead creatures with no sense of self-preservation.
85* FireKeepsItDead: Burning corpses keeps them from becoming undead.
86* GhostlyDeathReveal: A character's offscreen death is revealed by their appearance as a ghost later on
87* GhostlyChill: When haunted places get colder, your breath is visible.
88* GhostlyGape: The undead have black empty pits where their eyes and mouths would be.
89* GlowingEyelightsOfUndeath: Undead creatures with glowing eyes.
90* HorrorHunger: An undead character who feels a supernatural and irresistible hunger for living humans.
91* ILoveTheDead: A person likes to have sex with dead bodies.
92* TheJaywalkingDead: Zombies are dumb enough to walk into traffic and get run over.
93* LevelDrain: Something that causes the player to regress levels; common effect of undead enemies in [=RPGs=].
94* MaximumHPReduction: Attacks that reduce the maximum number of HitPoints, not just their current amount; common effect of undead enemies in [=RPGs=]
95* MistakenForUndead: A person is mistaken for being a member of the undead.
96* MortalityGreyArea: A character is considered to be neither alive nor dead, or both at once.
97* MummyWrap: A mummy restrains people using their own bandages.
98* MurderIntoMalevolence: When murder victims become evil ghosts.
99* TheNecrocracy: Undead creatures ruling a kingdom.
100* {{Necromantic}}: When a villain's motive is to revive a dead loved one.
101* OxymoronicBeing: They are the "living dead", after all.
102* PerpetualMotionMonster: Despite often craving [[ThePowerOfBlood blood]], ''braaains'', LifeEnergy or other foods, the undead don't need to eat and can keep going until permanently killed.
103* PossessingADeadBody: A dead body (re)animated by an inhabiting demon or spirit.
104* PrecautionaryCorpseDisposal: A setting or situation where anyone who dies will become a monster, or otherwise dangerous.
105* QuietingTheUnquietDead: Giving the undead a helping hand to pass on.
106* RemovingTheHeadOrDestroyingTheBrain: The go-to method for killing zombies.
107* ResurrectedRomance: Love that ''continues'' with an undead partner.
108* ResurrectedMurderer: A homicidal human doesn't stay dead.
109* ReviveKillsZombie: "White" magic and healing items harming undead creatures.
110* RidiculouslyAliveUndead: An undead creature does something that seems biological, such as eating or burping.
111* RiseFromYourGrave: When a person who is dead and buried turns out to be undead and has to claw their way out of their grave.
112* SlidingScaleOfUndeadRegeneration: Some undead rot, others don't, and some can heal.
113* SuicideBySunlight: Vampires who kill themselves by waiting for dawn or walking straight into sunlight.
114* SupernaturalLight: Unnatural illumination.
115* TurnUndead: Something that causes undead creatures to panic or be destroyed.
116* UndeadBarefooter: Undead characters with no footwear.
117* UndeadCounterpart: Undead variations of {{Mooks}}
118* UndeadLaborers: A pragmatic solution when "have undead" and "need unskilled workers" overlap
119* UndeathAlwaysEnds: Even the undead can die.
120* UndeathIsCheap: A character can be turned back from being undead to alive again.
121* UndeathlyPallor: Undead creatures with pale skin.
122* VampireDance: Vampires who love dancing.
123* VampireHickey: When a vampire leaves their bite mark on a victim after feeding. Used for someone to find when they examine said victim and/or staying with the victim after they turn.
124* VampireProcreationLimit: Something that prevents a vampire population explosion.
125* VampiresAreSexGods: Vampires are pretty hot.
126* WarriorUndead: An undead creature that skillfully uses armour, tactics, fighting techniques and weaponry.
127* WasOnceAMan: Since the undead used to be alive, this means that they used to be human beings.
128* WeakenedByTheLight: Most undead creatures, ranging from vampires to zombies, are weakened by sunlight.
129* WhoWantsToLiveForever: Eternal undeath can be just as sucky as eternal life.
130* WightInAWeddingDress: Undead creatures in wedding dresses.
131* YouCantKillWhatsAlreadyDead: Undead creatures with NighInvulnerability.
132* ZombiePukeAttack: Zombies are so gross they make each other sick.
133* ZombifyTheLiving: From living to undead without passing through dead first.
