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1->''Typical American High School\
2Filled with heteronormative teens\
3All kissing and a thousand corduroys\
4Trying to figure out what it all means\
5Typical American High School''
6-->-- ThematicThemeTune for a VerySpecialEpisode of ''WebAnimation/TheAdventuresOfKimJongUn''
8''Tropes related to education in its many forms. Anything from brutal sadistic training to inspiring life-changing education. See also '' SkillsAndTrainingTropes.
10Also known as "I schooled your index."
16[[folder:General/miscellaneous tropes]]
18'''Media index:'''
19+ SchoolStories
21'''Trope indexes:'''
22+ IndexOfPupilsAndProteges
23+ PopularityFoodChain
24+ {{Schoolteachers}}
27+ HighSchoolTropes
28+ TertiaryEducationTropes
31+ UsefulNotes/SchoolSystems
33* AcademiaElitism: Disparaging someone's education relative to another's.
34* AdultsAreUseless: Even if a teacher is around, kids can still break school rules.
35* AlwaysInClassOne: Works about or in a school usually take place in Class X-A or Class X-1.
36* AntiEducationMama: Parents that dislike their kids getting an education.
37* AsleepInClass: A student who usually falls asleep during class.
38* AxesAtSchool: A student brings a weapon to school and may or may not use it against someone.
39* TheChainOfCommand: A part of administration involves knowing what one's duties are and what the limits are to their authority.
40* ChekhovsClassroom: Someone learns something in school and unexpectedly applies that knowledge later in the story.
41* CuteSportsClubManager: A cute, athletic person who runs a sports club.
42* DeanBitterman: The principal of the school has it in for everyone there.
43* DodgeballIsHell: In works of fiction, dodgeball will always be delightful for TheBully and despairing for the nerds and unpopular kids.
44* EducationMama: A parent will get angry at their kid for not taking their studies seriously.
45* EducationThroughPyrotechnics: A lesson in science class often involves StuffBlowingUp.
46* EEqualsMCHammer: Incorrect or nonsensical equations that look like real math.
47* EggSitting: Students are tasked with looking after eggs, bags of flour, or robots to determine whether they'd make responsible parents.
48* EliteSchoolMeansEliteBrain: Smart characters go to famous universities.
49* EveryoneWentToSchoolTogether: The adult cast of a show turn out to have known each other for years and even went to the same school.
50* EvilPrincipal: The principal is a villain.
51* ExperimentedInCollege: A person who currently identifies as straight pursued same-sex relationships when they were in school.
52* FightingBackIsWrong: When the nerd is punished for trying to fight back TheBully.
53* FoodFight: A group of students in the cafeteria start throwing food at each other.
54* FreeTheFrogs: Protesting against frogs being dissected in science class.
55* GlassesCuriosity: Wanting to try on the glasses of others, which is quite common in grade school.
56* GymClassHell: Works of fiction portray gym class as torturous, especially for unpopular kids and nerds.
57* GymClassRopeClimb: An activity in gym class that involves students having to climb up a rope hanging from the ceiling.
58* HandsGoDown: The teacher asks a question: everyone raises their hands. The teacher asks a follow up question: everyone lowers their hands.
59* HigherEducationIsForWomen: When a cast of characters graduate high school, it is more likely that the girls will to college.
60* HomeschooledKids: A character is taught and educated from home.
61* IntraScholasticRivalry: Different groups within a school consider each other rivals.
62* JockDadNerdSon: A nerdy kid has a father who was a jock in school.
63* KeepAway: A group of bullies take away someone's stuff and toss it around to each other to keep them from getting it back.
64* MoochingMaster: A teacher who holds their student in a debt and takes advantage of it for personal gain.
65* MysteriousTeachersLounge: A group of students discuss what wonders could be hiding in the teacher's lounge.
66* NominatedAsAPrank: Student is nominated for Class President or Prom King or Queen as part of a malicious prank.
67* NonGivingUpSchoolGuy: A person who is determined to prevent children from skipping school.
68* NotWearingPantsDream: A character dreams they are in a state of undress. These kinds of dreams often have the character dreaming they are naked or in their underwear while at school.
69* PassingNotesInClass: A student passes a note to their crush while class is in session.
70* ThePermanentRecord: A collection of a student's misdeeds.
71* PersecutedIntellectuals: A person is feared, mistrusted, and persecuted because of their intelligence.
72* PickedLast: A student is humiliated because they are the last one picked during gym class.
73* PopularIsDumb: A character who is popular in school is portrayed as unintelligent.
74* PopularIsEvil: A character who is popular in school is portrayed as mean and ruthless.
75* PromWrecker: A character tries to ruin the school dance.
76* PuttingThePalInPrincipal: The school principal wants the students to see him as their friend.
77* SaveOurStudents: A teacher tries to inspire a group of troubled students to do better in school.
78* SchoolgirlSeries: A SliceOfLife series starring a group of female students.
79* SchoolIsForLosers: A person who believes that going to school is a waste of time.
80* SchoolIsMurder: A character tries to survive school because there are elements that are literally trying to kill them.
81* SchoolRivalry: A rivalry between two or more schools.
82* SchoolyardBullyAllGrownUp: The school bully is now an adult, but still a mean person.
83* StockShoujoBullyingTactics
84* StuffedIntoALocker: A bully stuffs a kid into their locker.
85* StuffedIntoATrashcan: A bully stuffs a kid into a trashcan.
86* Subject101
87* {{Swirlie}}: A bully sticks a kid's head in the toilet.
88* TeenHorror: Horror stories about high school or college students.
89* TextbookHumor: Jokes in textbooks that you'd expect to keep a serious tone.
90* ToastOfTardiness: A student who is late for school sticks a piece of toast in their mouth to eat for breakfast while they run.
91* TrendAesop: A character learns a lesson about trying to fit in with the crowd.
92* UnconventionalElectives101: A course that covers a fringe topic.
93* WackyFratboyHijinx: A movie in which the humor comes from the antics of college fratboys.
94* WakeUpGoToSchoolSaveTheWorld: A KidHero has to juggle heroics and their personal life.
97[[folder:Schools and classes]]
98* AbsurdlyDividedSchool: The school is divided into at least two viciously antagonistic groups.
99* AbsurdlyPowerfulSchoolJurisdiction: School officials attempt to punish a student for their actions outside of school grounds.
100* AcademyOfAdventure: A school that is a WeirdnessMagnet where adventures can occur.
101* AcademyOfEvil: A school dedicated to training future villains.
102* AllGhoulsSchool: A school for monsters.
103* ArtisticLicenseEducation: When fiction depicts a real-life school system inaccurately.
104* AssimilationAcademy: A school that discourages creativity and crushes spirits.
105* BoardingSchool: A school where students live on campus.
106** BoardingSchoolOfHorrors: A boarding school that is horrible to the students.
107* CaliforniaUniversity: A fictional university used by many HighSchool TV shows to extend their lives into the college years.
108* ClassPet: An animal that is kept in a classroom and cared for by the students.
109* ClownSchool: A school where people go to learn comedy.
110* CollegeIsHighSchoolPart2: A college that has all the high school stereotypes.
111* CollegeRadio: A radio station run by college students.
112* ConvenientlySeated: In a classroom, the main character will be sitting where it's convenient for the writer.
113* CoolSchool: A school that has an amazing curriculum.
114* CorrespondenceCourse: A school that offers distant learning.
115* CramSchool: A school where you have to study '''''reeeeeally''''' hard to achieve certain goals.
116* DaycareNightmare: A daycare center with poor management and/or abusive caretakers.
117* DetentionEpisode: An episode of the show where one of the characters gets detention.
118* DustbinSchool: A school where all the problem children go.
119* EducationalShort: A short, educational film is used for classroom instruction.
120* ElaborateUniversityHigh: A big fancy high school.
121* ElevatorSchool: A school has students from ''every'' grade in it.
122* ExtranormalInstitute: A school with an abnormal setting.
123* FoulCafeteriaFood: Public school lunch will make you lose your lunch.
124* GettingSuspendedIsAwesome: Students see out-of-school suspensions as cool because they don't have to go to school.
125* TheGoodOldBritishComp
126* HeroAcademy: A school that trains students specifically on how to be a hero.
127* HighSchool: The classic setting for secondary education, after elementary/middle school and before college/university.
128** HighSchoolAU: An alternate continuity of a work where the characters are high school students.
129** HighSchoolRejects: People you knew in high school are now working low-end jobs.
130** HighSchoolRocks: High school being shown as a fun place to be.
131* InnerCitySchool: A SuckySchool where students do anything but learn.
132* JuniorHigh: Otherwise known as middle school, the place of education between elementary and high school.
133** MiddleSchoolIsMiserable: Middle school is shown to be a cesspool.
134* LockerMail: Mail is delivered to someone's locker.
135* MilitarySchool: A school which aims to instill military-style discipline in students.
136* OldSchoolBuilding: An old, spooky abandoned schoolhouse.
137* OneGenderSchool: A school that either only admits female students, or only admits male students.
138* RoyalSchool: A school that teaches girls how to be princesses.
139* SchoolForScheming: A school that is used as a cover for an elaborate plot-centric scheme.
140* SchoolOfHardKnocks: A school that allows students to fight each other.
141* SchoolOfSeduction: A school that teaches prostitution.
142* SchoolSettingSimulation: A video game level taking place in a school, college, university, or other academic institution.
143* SensitivityTraining: A school that sensitize people to their attitudes and behaviors that may unwittingly cause offense to others.
144* SexMiseducationClass: Sex ed classes are bad, useless, or incompetent.
145* SextraCredit: A student bribes their teacher into improving their grade by having sex with them.
146* ShopClass: A high school course where students are taught industrial arts.
147* SpaceCadetAcademy: The Sci-Fi equivalent of a WizardingSchool.
148* SpySchool: A training program for spies or assassins
149* StrawmanU: A school stereotype that permits assumptions about the type of student the school will attract.
150* SuckySchool: A school that isn't very good at teaching.
151* SummerSchoolSucks: A student has to attend summer school to catch up on missing credits.
152* TwoTeacherSchool: Works set in schools that don't show more than two teachers.
153* WackyCollege: A college with strange faculty and students.
154* WackyHomeroom: A classroom with unique and quirky students.
155* WizardingSchool: A school where people learn magic.
158[[folder:Admissions, attendance and advancement]]
159* AbsenteeClubMember: A character that is a member of a club or organization, but never actually attends its meetings.
160* AnimalGoesToSchool: An animal not normally seen in a school setting is in one.
161* ArtisticLicenseUniversityAdmissions
162* BackToSchool: The story has a character having to attend school again.
163* CompulsorySchoolAge: Characters must attend school at the grade typical of their physical age, regardless of their mental age, knowledge, or maturity.
164* ExpelledFromEveryOtherSchool: A character who can't go to school because they have gotten expelled so many times.
165* FirstDayOfSchoolEpisode: An episode where a character has their first day of school
166* FreshmanFears: Students on their first year at a secondary or tertiary level of education usually have struggles at school.
167* GottaPassTheClass: A student is failing their classes and needs to get their grades up.
168* HeldBackInSchool: A student who is older than their classmates because they had to repeat at least one school year.
169* IncomprehensibleEntranceExam: Getting into ''this'' school requires a test that makes no sense whatsoever.
170* IvyLeagueForEveryone: Fictional characters have a much easier time getting into prestigious schools than real people.
171* LateForSchool: A character is shown running to school because they overslept.
172* LastDayOfSchoolPlot: An episode where a character has their last day of school
173* NewYearSameClass: The classroom of the students and teacher from the previous grade are together in the new grade.
174* ObsessedWithPerfectAttendance: A character goes to extreme lengths to avoid being late or absent.
175* OffToBoardingSchool: A villainous character plans to get rid of their new spouse's children by sending them to boarding school.
176* SchoolGradeHacking: A student hacks the school's database to improve their grades.
177* SchoolOfNoStudying: A story that takes place in a school setting where no one is seen doing school work or worrying about their grades.
178* SeniorYearStruggles: Stress and angst about facing your future as a senior student.
179* ShouldntWeBeInSchoolRightNow: It's pointed out that younger characters are cutting class when the plot clearly has them nowhere near school grounds.
180* SkippingSchool: A student decides not to go to school and goes off to do something else instead.
184* AllCheeringAllTheTime: Cheerleaders speak as though they're cheering all the time, even in ordinary conversation.
185* AlphaBitch: A popular female student whose purpose is to be mean to the other characters.
186** AcademicAlphaBitch: A female student who is skilled at academics and mean to other characters.
187** BackstabbingTheAlphaBitch: The meanest girl is school is betrayed by a member of [[GirlPosse her own gang]].
188** LovableAlphaBitch: A mean female student who is really a [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold nice girl deep down]].
189* ApatheticStudent: A character does ''not'' care about school or grades in the slightest.
190* BarbaricBully: In fiction, bullies are big, dumb, and ObviouslyEvil.
191* BetaBitch: The AlphaBitch's right-hand girl.
192** InnocentBetaBitch: A nicer or innocent BetaBitch.
193* BigJerkOnCampus: A popular male student whose purpose is to be mean to the other characters.
194* BigManOnCampus: The high school version of TheAce, admired by everyone (or nearly everyone).
195* BookDumb: A character who isn't very smart when it comes to schoolwork, but is gifted in social intelligence.
196* BookSmart: A character is shown as being very academically competent.
197* BrilliantButLazy: It's shown that a student with bad grades is actually very smart, they just lack the motivation to do their schoolwork properly.
198* TheBully: A student, or students, who picks on others.
199* BullyHunter: A character who hates bullies and is adept and eager to take them down.
200* BullyMagnet: A character targeted and picked on by several bullies.
201* ChildProdigy: A child who is highly intelligent for their age.
202* {{Chuunibyou}}: A JuniorHigh student who walks around acting like IJustWantToBeSpecial.
203* ClassClown: The one kid in the class who has to be the center of attention.
204* ClassPrincess: The most popular girl in school who is as sweet and nice as she is pretty and admired.
205* ClassRepresentative: The student who leads the class in following all the school activities.
206* CruelCheerleader: Cheerleaders are portrayed as mean or vain.
207* {{Delinquents}}: Students who are usually up to no good.
208* DorkHorseCandidate: Someone utterly unsuited for the student council leadership runs for it and wins.
209* ExtracurricularEnthusiast: A student who's involved in loads of extracurricular activities.
210* ForeignExchangeStudent: An exotic new student introduced as a source of comedy and/or drama.
211* FormerFriendOfAlphaBitch: A character who used to be friends with the school's AlphaBitch.
212* FratBro: A college-aged male who loves [[TheAlcoholic drinking]], [[LifeOfTheParty partying]], and [[AllMenArePerverts sex]].
213* GradeSkipper: A student has skipped a grade or two because of their gifted intelligence.
214* GoGetterGirl: A young woman who strives to be perfect in every respect whether it be school or outside.
215* {{Goth}}: [[IJustWantToBeSpecial Eccentric]], moody oddballs who tend to wear dark clothes.
216* HighSchoolHustler: The Mr. Fixit of high school.
217* HugeSchoolgirl: A girl is unusually huge for her gender, and thus is self-conscious about her size.
218* JapaneseDelinquents
219* JerkJock: An athletic guy who is also a jerk.
220* {{Joshikousei}}: Japanese girls who wear SailorFuku.
221* KendoTeamCaptain
222* LoserTeamMascot: Mascots of school sports teams at the bottom of the PopularityFoodChain.
223* LovableJock: An athletic guy who is also a NiceGuy.
224* NewTransferStudent: A new student who is enrolling from another school.
225* OrdinaryHighSchoolStudent: A high school student who appears normal at the start of the series.
226* TheQuarterback: The effective captain of the school's football team who is usually nicer than his teammates.
227* SecondYearProtagonist: The lead character who is a sophomore in high school.
228* ScholarshipStudent: A character who goes to a prestigious school on a scholarship.
229* SchoolIdol: The most popular student in school.
230* SpoiledSweet: The rich popular girl at school who is genuinely nice to everyone.
231* StarvingStudent: The student from a poor background.
232* StereotypicalNerd: An unattractive (by physical features or styling), socially inept, and socially unpopular stock character with geeky interests.
233* StrangerInAStrangeSchool: An OrdinaryHighSchoolStudent who winds up attending an ExtranormalInstitute.
234* StudentCouncilPresident: The ClubPresident for the AbsurdlyPowerfulStudentCouncil, and the ClassRepresentative for the whole school.
235* TeachersPet: The student who kisses up to the teacher and rats on anyone trying to discreetly break the rules.
236* TeachersUnfavoriteStudent: A teacher really hates one particular student.
237* TinySchoolboy: The smallest and youngest looking guy in class.
238* TokenRichStudent: The one student who belongs to a rich family.
239* TragicDropout: A good student winds up having to drop out of school.
240* UnknownRival: Two students competing for the same goal without one of them even aware of the competition.
241* UnconvincinglyUnpopularCharacter: A student who is smart, funny, fashionable and good looking, but not popular.
244[[folder:Student relationships and cliques]]
245* AllGuysWantCheerleaders: Male students are always interested in cheerleaders.
246* AllGuysWantSororityWomen: Male students are always interested in women who are part of a college sorority.
247* CliqueTour: When a new student arrives, they (and the audience) are quickly introduced to the social groups of the school.
248* EatingLunchAlone: Students who eat lunch alone because they are new and haven't made friends yet or are social outcasts.
249* ExclusiveCliqueClubhouse: Cliques and other groups get their own unique housing.
250* GayGuySeeksPopularJock (frequently used as a HighSchool trope)
251* GirlPosse: The AlphaBitch and her group of friends.
252* HighSchoolSweethearts: A couple have been in love since they were in high school.
253* InstantFanClub: A character who is so awesome around school that they have a group of admirers.
254* MakeWayForThePrincess: A scene where the AlphaBitch walks in a school hallway full of students.
255* NewKidStigma: The new pupil at school is disliked by classmates.
256* SchoolForcedUsTogether: Characters are forced together by the school system.
257* SingleGirlSeeksMostPopularGuy: An unpopular girl wants to date the most popular guy in school.
258* StudentsPlayingMatchmaker: Students try to pair their teachers with other people.
259* TeacherParentRomance: A teacher falls in love with the parent of one of their students.
260* TeacherStudentRomance: A student and their teacher fall in love.
263[[folder:School clubs and other organizations]]
264* AbsurdlyPowerfulStudentCouncil: An organization of students run the school like a government.
265* ClubStub: A new student tries to save a school club with a dangerously declined membership.
266* DramaClub: A club with students who enjoy acting and put on plays.
267* JapaneseSchoolClub
268* SchoolClubsAreSeriousBusiness
269* SchoolNewspaperNewsHound: An absurdly elaborate school paper that makes school's news with true commercial values.
270* StudentsSecretSociety: A secret society founded and run by students.
271** SchoolClubFront: A school club is actually a coverup for some extracurricular activity that is usually supernaturally-oriented.
274[[folder:School events]]
275* ClassReunion: The graduating class of a school meet each other again at the school years later.
276** ReunionRevenge: One of the former students takes the reunion as a chance to get back at the peers who wronged them.
277* ClassTrip: A class leaves school for a day out to an educational landmark or museum.
278* FundraiserCarnival: A school throws a carnival in order to help raise money.
279* GraduateFromTheStory: The main cast of a school centered story are graduating.
280* GraduationForEveryone: The whole cast of a show graduate school whether they were a good student or not.
281* HighSchoolDance: A high school event where students ask each other to be their dates to the dance.
282* MeasuringDay: Students are given an annual physical examination.
283* PictureDay: Students attempt to look nice the whole school day so they will look nice for their school photo.
284* PromIsForStraightKids: LGBTQ students aren't allowed to attend prom, at least not as a same-sex couple.
285* ThePromPlot: High school juniors and seniors attend their prom or an adult is a chaperone or date to a prom.
286* ScienceFair: A school event where students prepare science projects.
287* SchoolFestival: A school-wide event where all the clubs compete in various activities.
288* SchoolPlay: Students put on a play, which is typically [[StylisticSuck quite terrible]].
289* ShowAndTellAntics: Students bring things to school for show and tell.
292[[folder:Schoolwork and grading]]
293* AchievementTestOfDestiny: A test that decides your future.
294* TheBGrade: A student gets upset over receiving a grade that is slightly less than perfect.
295* CompletelyOffTopicReport: A student is asked to write a report, but somehow writes the report on a subject that has nothing to do with the topic that was assigned.
296* DeliberateUnderPerformance: A student deliberately gets average or below-average grades.
297* ADogAteMyHomework: A student doesn't do their homework and claims their pet ate it to avoid getting in trouble for not doing it.
298* EverybodyHatesMathematics: Mathematics is the one subject every student dreads having to do.
299* ExtremelyEasyExam: A comically easy exam that's almost impossible to fail, usually given by an apathetic or incompetent teacher.
300* FMinusMinus: A student manages to do so poorly that they receive a grade that goes way lower than what the education system would allow in real life.
301* GradeSwapCatastrophe: Two students' grades are accidentally switched.
302* HomeworkSlave: Bullying someone else into doing your homework for you.
303* IneptAptitudeTest: A student takes an aptitude test and doesn't get the result they wanted and/or expected.
304* LastMinuteProject: A student fails to put in any work for their school project and turns in something they just made up or plagiarized.
305* NerdsLoveToughSchoolwork: Nerds enjoy doing schoolwork that is difficult.
306* TheParentProducedProject: A student has their parent do their school project for them.
307* RidiculousProcrastinator: A character puts off doing a book report or other major project until mere minutes before it's due.
308* ScantronPicture: Someone fills in the Scantron dots on their test to make a picture.
309* SleepLearning: A character uses BedtimeBrainwashing to help them study for an important event.
310* TrainProblem: A ridiculously hard math problem involving two trains.
313[[folder:Disciplinary techniques]]
314* AfterSchoolCleaningDuty: Students stay after school to clean the classroom.
315* ChuckingChalk: A teacher throws a piece of chalk at their misbehaving students.
316* CorporalPunishment: A teacher inflicts physical pain on a student as a form of punishment.
317* DunceCap: A student is made to sit in the corner while wearing a pointy cap as punishment for misbehaving and/or getting an answer wrong.
318* GoodBehaviorPoints: Students are given or taken away points for showing either favorable or poor behavior.
319* NailsOnABlackboard: Someone runs their nails across a chalkboard.
320* StandingInTheHall: A student is made to stand in the hall as punishment.
321* WritingLines: A student is punished by having to write a sentence promising they'll never do what they did wrong again a large amount of times.
324[[folder:School uniforms and related apparel]]
325* AntiSchoolUniformsPlot: A school tries to implement school uniforms and the students try to protest.
326* CasualSportsJersey: A character (often a JerkJock) wears a sports team uniform outside of a sports environment.
327* CatholicSchoolgirlsRule: A girl wears a Catholic school uniform even when not attending a Catholic school.
328* NoDressCode: A work has students get away with wearing clothes that would get them into trouble in real life.
329* RedArmbandOfLeadership: A student wears a red armband to show they are in charge of a club or group.
330* SailorFuku: A girl who wears a sailor suit.
331* SchoolSportUniform: A uniform worn by students on the school sports teams.
332* SchoolSwimsuit: Swimsuits that are given to students on the school swim team.
333* SchoolUniformsAreTheNewBlack: A student who wears their school uniform even when they aren't attending school.
334* SuddenSchoolUniform: A school suddenly starts forcing its students to wear a school uniform.
335* TransferStudentUniforms: A NewTransferStudent who wears a school uniform from their old school.
336* YellowSashOfPower: A student given the job as hall monitor lets the authority and power go to their head.
340* ADegreeInUseless: A college degree in a subject that is worthless.
341* GeniusesHaveMultiplePhDs: Fictional geniuses get more than one [=PhD=] to prove they're an expert, even though this wouldn't be necessary in real life.
342* IMinoredInTropology: A character reveals that they are educated in a field or subject that is unexpected for them.
343* MRSDegree: A woman who goes to college to find a husband.
344* PhonyDegree: A person has a degree for something they didn't earn.
345* WorthlessForeignDegree: A person from a foreign country gets a mediocre job rather than a job they are qualified for.
348[[folder:Martial arts or military training]]
349* BoxingLesson: A student who is bullied decides to take up boxing.
350* DeadlyGraduation: A character in an evil training program must battle their friend to the death as a final test.
351* HeirToTheDojo: A high school student is heir to a martial arts family.
352* HeroAcademy: A school that trains people to develop the skills and knowledge needed to be able to do heroic deeds.
353** SuperheroSchool: An institute that teaches young superheroes how to use their powers properly.
354* MilitaryAcademy: A school where a military officer learns his or her trade.
355* NinjaSchool: A school where you learn how to be a ninja.
356* PacifistDojo: A martial arts school that teaches its pupils to exercise restraint and only fight defensively.
357* RivalDojos: When 2 or more different fighting schools are enemies with each other.
358* TheSpartanWay: TrainingFromHell meant to create a BadassArmy.
359* ThugDojo: A martial arts school that teaches its pupils to start fights and beat up people at whim.
360* TrainingAccident: A character undergoes special training only for something to [[GoneHorriblyWrong go horribly wrong]].
361* TrainingFromHell: Characters go through ''extremely'' tough training.
362* TrainingThePeacefulVillagers: TheHero trains a local village to fight back against an advancing army.
363* UltimateFinalExam: Students must complete a dangerous final test before graduating.
364* WaxOnWaxOff: A character undergoes special training through menial work.
