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1->'''Mon Mothma:''' On your own from the age of fifteen. Reckless, aggressive, and undisciplined.\
2'''Jyn Erso:''' This is a rebellion, isn’t it? I rebel.
3-->-- ''Film/RogueOne'' ([[MissingTrailerScene teaser trailer]])
5An attitude of defiance, rebellion, resistance, and revolution. These defy AuthorityTropes. Might be HelpHelpThisIndexIsBeingRepressed or CivilUnrestTropes, but just as easily applies to the young and rebellious with nothing but a bad attitude.
7See AReluctantIndex where characters do things even though they don't want to do it. See also MilitaryAndWarfareTropes and TerrorismTropes.
10[floatboxright:'''Related indexes'''
11* CivilUnrestTropes
12* {{Criminals}}
13* IndividualityIndex
14* ScrewThisIndexIHaveTropes
15* TerrorismTropes
17!!Political Rebels
18* TheCoup: Overthrowing a government through illegal or underhanded means, without a full-scale revolution.
19* DefectingForLove: A character working with the villains defects after falling in love with one of the heroes.
20* DefectorFromDecadence: Someone who switches sides because they can't stomach the behavior of their former allies.
21* DefectorFromParadise: A character who chooses to defect from a Utopian-like society.
22* DefiantToTheEnd: Even when facing eminent defeat and death, a character remains defiant.
23* DefiantStoneThrow: A comparatively weaker character publicly defies a more powerful character, often inspiring others to fight back too.
24* FaustianRebellion: Someone uses power granted to them by another person to then rebel against them.
25* FullCircleRevolution: The rebels successfully overthrow oppressive leadership but end up becoming just as tyrannical as they were.
26* GladiatorRevolt: Gladiators rebel against those that force them to fight.
27* HuntingTheRogue: A rogue agent deserts from an organization they served and they're chased as a result.
28* IconOfRebellion: A symbol associated with a rebel movement.
29* InternalReformist: Someone who tries to improve a corrupt system from within.
30* ManifestoMakingMalcontent: A rebel writes and makes public a work expressing their subversive ideas and goals.
31* MilitaryMaverick: A member of a service who is successful despite (or even ''because'' of) their flouting of the rules.
32* OccupiersOutOfOurCountry: A revolution is started to drive foreign occupiers out of the rebels' country.
33* TheParagonAlwaysRebels: An inspirational and heroic (or villainous) character defects, resulting in many others following their example.
34* PhlebotinumRebel: Someone given powers/abilities by the bad guys via experimentation rebels against them.
35* ProtestByObstruction: Protesting something being destroyed by physically blocking it or attaching yourself to it.
36* RebelLeader: The leader of a group of rebels.
37* RebelliousRebel: A rebel rebelling against other rebels.
38* LaResistance: An organized group of rebels fighting against a tyrannical government.
39* ResistanceAsPlanned: The supposed rebellion was actually all part of the villain's plan.
40* RestrainedResistanceRecklessRebellion: The rebels are split between groups, some of which advocate a more controlled, restrained approach while others simply want to topple or do damage to their shared target at any cost. Alternatively, groups who are so risk-averse they don't take ''any'' action versus those willing to [[IDidWhatIHadToDo get their hands dirty]].
41* RevolutionariesWhoDontDoAnything: They're opposed to tyranny and oppression, but don't actually do very much to change this.
42* TheRevolutionWillNotBeBureaucratized: The rebels are great at overthrowing the tyrannical government, but not so good at establishing an effective government themselves.
43* TheRevolutionWillNotBeCivilized: The rebels are just as brutal as the oppressors they're fighting against.
44* TheRevolutionWillNotBeVilified: The rebels have a clear moral high ground over the oppressors and don't fight dirty.
45* RevolvingDoorRevolution: A country continually overthrows and installs governments.
46* RichKidTurnedSocialActivist: An idealistic person from a wealthy family who helps oppressed and/or disadvantaged people personally, acknowledges the unfairness of their society and often advocates for systemic change. May be done to defy and annoy their parents and other authority figures.
47* RobotWar: Robots rebel against their creators.
48* SlaveLiberation: Type 1 (freeing other people's slaves, sometimes by force) and Type 3 (the slaves free themselves, sometimes via an uprising).
49* TheSmartOneTurnsTraitor: The smartest or wisest of a group defects, deciding to use their intellect against the cause of their former group.
50* SparkOfTheRebellion: One small act of defiance kickstarts a full-blown rebellion.
51* SuffrageAndPoliticalLiberation: Groups fighting to gain political rights and equality, usually the right to vote.
52* TheSuffragette: A woman who fights for women's right to vote.
53* SymbolicWeaponDiscarding: Leaving behind, discarding, or destroying a weapon as an act of defiance.
54* TurnedAgainstTheirMasters: Artificial creations rebel against their creators.
55* VelvetRevolution: A peaceful and non-violent revolution.
56* VoiceOfTheResistance: The public face and spokesperson of a resistance movement.
57* TheWarOfEarthlyAggression: Offworld colonies fight for independence from their home planet.
58* WeAreStrugglingTogether: The rebels struggle to have a successful revolution because they can't cooperate with each other.
59* YouCannotKillAnIdea: Even if someone kills a rebel, their ideas live on to inspire others.
60* YourTerroristsAreOurFreedomFighters: How one views the rebels depends on what side you're on.
61* YouRebelScum: Villains like to insult rebels with this line or variations thereof.
62* ZerothLawRebellion: A character lacking free will manages to rebel within the confines of their programming/training.
64!!Social Rebels
65* AllGirlsWantBadBoys: A woman dates or is attracted to a man specifically because he's a rebel (sometimes as an act of rebellion herself).
66* ChafingAgainstTheDressCode: A character dislikes the dress code and probably moves to resist it in some way.
67* CoolPeopleRebelAgainstAuthority: Characters who disobey and/or disrespect authority figures are depicted as cool.
68* CultDefector: A person who defects from a religious cult.
69* CulturalRebel: A character who rebels against the norms of their culture.
70* DatingWhatDaddyHates: A person (usually a teen girl) intentionally pursues a relationship with someone their parents don't approve of.
71* DefiantStrip: Removing your clothes as an act of defiance or protest.
72* {{Delinquents}}: Youths who buck social expectations and break rules by skipping school, being violent, engaging in petty crime, etc.
73* DelinquentHair: Some form of nonconformism or rebellion indicated by unconventional hairstyles.
74* ForbiddenFruit: Being told you can't have or do something makes you want to have or do it even more.
75* FormerTeenRebel: A character who was rebellious as a teen but mellowed out when they got older.
76* JapaneseDelinquents: The specific depiction in Japan of delinquents and all related stereotypes.
77* TheLastDJ: A character who values their personal integrity over career advancement, even if it means being demoted or fired.
78* MisfitLabRat: The propensity for punks, goths, and other non-conformists to work as lab technicians and scientists.
79* NonconformistDyedHair: Some form of nonconformism or rebellion indicated by unnatural hair color.
80* PoliteVillainsRudeHeroes: The hero in question is very rebellious towards the very system created by the villains with good public relations.
81* RebelPrince: A prince who doesn't like being a prince and defies societal or familial expectations of his title.
82* RebelRelaxation: Rebellious characters tend to lean against a flat surface with their arms folded.
83* RebelliousPrincess: A princess who doesn't like being a princess and defies societal or familial expectations of her title.
84* RebelliousSpirit: A character whose dislike of following rules or being told what to do is a major personality trait.
85* RuleAbidingRebel: Outwardly, they appear to be a rebel, but in practice they're rather conventional.
86* SmokingIsEdgy: Smoking makes you look edgy and mature because CoolPeopleRebelAgainstAuthority.
87* SneakingOutAtNight: Going on a late-night adventure against the rules.
88* SneakingSnacks: Stealing snack foods you're not supposed to have.
89* StrictParentsMakeSneakyKids: Children of overly-strict parents simply get better at hiding illicit activities from their parents.
90* TeenRebellion: Teenagers are often stereotyped as rebellious in fiction.
91* TemptingCookieJar: A hard-to-reach jar or container of cookies that a character tries to get even though they're not supposed to have them.
92* VampireRefugee: A vampire (or werewolf, zombie etc.) infectee fights to retain their humanity and find a cure (often going head-to-head with the one who infected them).
93* TheVoiceOfAGeneration: A rebel who speaks for a generation that can't talk for themselves.
